Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: SPECTS 2019 - IEEE ComSoc Sponsored - July 22-24, 2019, Berlin, Germany. Deadline Approaching

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: SPECTS 2019 - IEEE ComSoc Sponsored - July 22-24, 2019, Berlin, Germany. Deadline Approaching Datum: Fri, 29 Mar 2019 13:51:33 +0200 Von: George T. Karetsos karetsos@cs.ntua.gr Antwort an: George T. Karetsos karetsos@cs.ntua.gr An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
2019 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems
The goal of this annual conference is to provide a forum for professionals and researchers to discuss and disseminate the most promising contributions on performance evaluation of computer and telecommunication systems. Papers describing results of theoretic and/or practical significance are solicited. Experimental, modeling, analysis, and simulation studies as well as testbed deployment, field trials and experiences gained are all in the scope of the conference. Work presenting novel performance evaluation methods or providing insights on design and runtime tradeoffs are particularly encouraged.
Papers and tutorials are solicited in (but not limited to) the following subjects of interest:
Networking Technologies and Telecommunication Systems Future Internet and next Generation Networking 5G & Beyond Hyperdense networks Massive MIMO mm Wave communications Multiple access, multiplexing, modulation and coding techniques Cooperative communications and networking Cognitive radio and networking Autonomic Networks Software Defined Networking Network Function Virtualization Cloud Radio Access Networks Radio over Fiber Flexible optical networks Optical-Wireless communication and systems Visible light communications Internet of Things and enabling technologies Machine to Machine systems Device to Device communications Cyber Physical Systems Wireless ad-hoc Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Delay Tolerant Networks Opportunistic Networks Vehicular ad-hoc networks / connected vehicles Nanonetworks Satellite and Space communications and networking Network design, optimization, management and performance evaluation Traffic engineering, network reliability, Quality of Service / Experience Computer Systems Parallel and Distributed Computing Service Oriented Architectures and Microservices Cloud and Edge Computing High Performance Computing Distributed and Mobile Middleware Computer Architectures Microprocessors Multi-core processors Memory systems High performance I/O Big Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence Applications and Machine Learning Software Engineering, Performance, Evaluation and Testing Verification and Validation Programming Languages Parallel Algorithms Data Storage Systems Fault tolerance, signal processing, and coding techniques Tools & Methodologies Modeling and Analysis Performance Optimization, Bounds and Models Stochastic Models Queuing Systems and Networks Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Applications Integrated Modeling and Measurement Mathematical Aspects and Integrated Design of Performance Verification and Validation On-Line Performance Adaptation and Tuning Parallel and Distributed Simulation Case studies, Testbed deployments, field trials and experiences Scalability Studies
Special Tracks and Areas of Interest
Security and Performance in Computer and Telecommunication Systems
Chairs: Jean-Pierre Seifert, Altaf Shaik, Robert Buhren Data security is vital to ensure protection against cyber threats that continue to raise and diversify at a rapid speed. But often, while deploying security mechanisms, the performance of the system is affected in adverse ways. A key challenge in the design of computer and telecommunication systems is to identify a neutral ground between security and performance. Whilst the widespread of devices spanning into networks and generating countless amounts of data absolutely require high performance systems. This makes us to rethink our security systems that can guarantee a high level of performance and also an acceptable level of security. In this respect, we invite researchers and security enthusiasts to submit papers that study and analyze various issues but not limited to such as tradeoff between security and performance, new security protocols in secure communication systems.
Edge Computing and Edge-enabled AI for Network Management
Chairs: Paolo Bellavista, Luca Foschini, Carlo Giannelli Edge computing is rapidly emerging as the most relevant architectural approach to manage some hard and open technical challenges associated with wide-scale and quality-sensitive Internet of Things (IoT) applications, which typically exploit the elastic availability of cloud resources on the server side. EAINM specifically focuses on network quality configuration, optimization, configuration, control, and management enabled by edge computing in three-layer deployment environments (device, edge, cloud). In particular, EAINM considers as central all methodological, design, implementation, and deployment experiences that investigate digital twin creation at the cloud layer and distributed enforcement of twin control actions also at the edge, typically with complex machine learning processing at the cloud side and more lightweight digital twin execution and refinement at edge nodes. Contributions about enabling AI techniques for these architectures and practical application prototyping/deployment experiences (e.g., for manufacturing production quality control and optimized management of distributed caching) are strongly welcome.
Aspects and trends of software evaluation
Chairs: George Tsihrintzis, Maria Virvou Software applications are evolving rapidly and are expanding their use to all the areas of human activity by the means of all sorts of hardware, including computers, handheld devices, smart things, digital signage etc. The vast use of software in many contexts imposes the need for the development of new evaluation methodologies, frameworks and processes to address software quality characteristics that include reliability, reusability, effectiveness, correctness, accuracy and also security and privacy that conform to new law regulations. Moreover, the important software quality characteristics of usability, user friendliness and utility have to be ensured for end users of a vast range of disciplines and backgrounds. Thus, measuring and evaluating the quality of software applications has become of critical importance and should attract a lot of research energy. The aim of ASE is to address current aspects and trends of software evaluation.
Modeling and Evaluation of Wireless Body Area Networks
Chair: Yahya Osais Wireless Body Area Not (WBAN) are networks of medical sensors which are attached or implanted into the body of a human being or animal to monitor and control biological processes. Their performance is limited by their constrained resources and side effects such as heat. Before the full potential of WBANs can be realized, many fundamental issues must be studied using performance evaluation tools and measurements. The aim of MEWBAN is to provide the necessary insights to make the needed progress.
Social Network Analysis and Performance Aspects of Socially-Aware Networking
Chairs: Magdalini Eirinaki, Iraklis Varlamis, Malamati Louta The rapid development of wireless communications and the rise of social networks established a new research field that stands between telecommunications and social network theory. Smart and wearable mobile devices act as alternative gateways for participation in social networks and introduced “mobility” as a new aspect of social networking and applications. The aim of SANet is to provide a forum where researchers from the fields of Social Network Analysis and Telecommunication Systems Performance will come together, exchange ideas and generate new collaborations that bring us a step closer to Socially-Aware Networking.
Paper Submission Deadlines
Paper submission: April 8, 2019 Author notification: May 20, 2019 Camera-ready paper submission: June 3, 2019
Please submit your complete papers electronically to https://www.softconf.com/sim/SummerSim19/
Instructions for authors
Current templates (http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html) supplied by IEEE must be used. Submissions should not exceed 8 two-column, 8.5×11" pages (including figures, tables, and references) in 10 point fonts. Please include 5-10 keywords, complete postal and e-mail address, and fax and phone numbers of the corresponding author. If you have difficulties with electronic submission, please contact Technical Program Co-Chairs or the Local Arrangement Chair.
Proposals for tutorials (max 2 hours) should be sent to the Tutorial Chair. Tutorial abstracts along with keynote speeches' abstracts will be included in the proceedings of the conference.
Best Paper Awards
All accepted papers will be evaluated for a best paper award based on originality and technical contribution by an external commission.
Call for Tutorial Proposals
SPECTS 2019 is soliciting proposals for tutorials (max 2 hours) to be held in conjunction with the conference. Tutorials should address established as well as new emerging research topics and practical applications in the area of performance evaluation of computer and telecommunication systems. Tutorials should present a comprehensive overview of the state of the art and outline open research and technical challenges.
A tutorial proposal should contain the following information:
Tutorial title Names, titles, affiliations and contact details of the presenters Preferred duration Extended abstract Short description of the intended audience and prerequisite knowledge of the attendees (if any) Short bio of the presenters The extended abstracts of the tutorials will be included in the conference proceedings. Tutorial proposals should be submitted for review in a single PDF file — not exceeding five pages — mailed to the tutorial chair.
Important Dates for Tutorials Proposal submission:April 8, 2019 Acceptance notification:May 20, 2019 Tutorial Chair Maria Calzarossa, University of Pavia, Italy, mcc@unipv.it Please address any tutorial related questions to the Tutorial Chair
SPECTS Steering Committee
Franco Davoli, Univ. of Genoa, Italy Pascal Lorenz, Univ. of Haute Alsace, France Mohammad S Obaidat, Fordham Univ., USA (Chair) Jose L. Sevillano, Univ. of Seville, Spain Helena Szczerbicka, Leibniz Univ. of Hannover, Germany Laurence Yang, St. Francis Xavier Univ., Canada
Technical Program Committee
Efthimios Alepis, Univ. of Piraeus, Greece Ala'a Al-Habashna, Carleton Univ., Canada Muhammad Usman Awais, National Univ. of Computer & Emerging Sciences, Pakistan Paolo Bellavista, Univ. of Bologna, Italy Igor Bisio, Univ. of Genoa, Italy Robert Buhren, Technical Univ. of Berlin, Germany Christian Callegari, Univ. of Pisa, Italy Vicente Casares-Giner, Univ. Politécnica de Valencia, Spain Joaquín Entrialgo Castaño, Univ. of Oviedo, Spain Minas Dasygenis, Univ. of Western Macedonia, Greece Franco Davoli, Univ. of Genoa, Italy Tomaso De Cola, DLR, Germany Magdalini Eirinaki, San José State Univ. USA Peppino Fazio, Univ. of Calabria, Italy Luca Foschini, Univ. of Bologna, Italy Daniel Garcia, Univ. Of Oviedo, Spain Carlo Giannelli, Univ. of Ferrara, Italy Mary Grammatikou, National Technical Univ. of Athens, Greece Fabrizio Granelli, Univ. of Trento, Italy Carlos Guerrero, Univ. de les Illes Balears, Spain Vincenzo Inzillo, Univ. of Calabria, Italy Helen Karatza, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece George Karetsos, University of Thessaly, Greece Baha Uddin Kazi, Carleton Univ., Canada Peter Kemper, College of William and Mary, USA Zbigniew Kotulski, Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland Udo Krieger, Univ. of Bamberg, Germany Sanja Lazarova-Molnar, Univ. of Southern Denmark, Denmark Jian Li, Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, USA Alejandro Linares-Barranco, Univ. of Seville, Spain Pascal Lorenz, Univ. of Haute Alsace, France Malamati Louta, Univ. of Western Macedonia, Greece Imadeldin Mahgoub, Florida Atlantic Univ., USA Tahir Maqsood, COMSATS Univ. Islamabad, Pakistan Mario Marchese, Univ. of Genoa, Italy Alvaro Marco, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain Luisa Massari, Univ. of Pavia, Italy Nuno Moniz, Univ. of Porto, Portugal Pierre Olivier, Virginia Tech, USA Ibrahim Onyuksel, Northern Illinois Univ., USA Yahya Osais, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia Elena Pagani, Univ. di Milano, Italy Prantosh Kumar Paul, Raiganj Univ., India Gianluca Reali, Univ. of Perugia, Italy Evangelos Sakkopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus, Greece Jean-Pierre Seifert, Technical Univ. of Berlin, Germany Altaf Shaik, Technical Univ. of Berlin, Germany Georgios L. Stavrinides, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki, Greece Daniele Tessera, Catholic Univ. of Sacred Heart, Italy George Tsihrintzis, Univ. of Piraeus, Greece John Vardakas, Iquadrat Informatica, Spain Iraklis Varlamis, Univ. of Athens, Greece Manuel Villen-Altamirano, Univ. of Malaga, Spain Maria Virvou, Univ. of Piraeus, Greece Gabriel Wainer, Carleton Univ., Canada Bernd Wolfinger, Univ. of Hamburg, Germany Adam Wolisz, Technical Univ. of Berlin, Germany
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf