[Fwd: [Tccc] Mobimedia 2007: Deadline extended to May 18]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] Mobimedia 2007: Deadline extended to May 18 Datum: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 12:51:13 +0300 (EEST) Von: ntan@teimes.gr An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
[We apologize in advance if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.]
Due to many requests, the submission deadline is extended to May 18, 2007. Please note that this is a hard deadline and No more extension will be given.
C A L L F O R P A P E R S ============================= 3rd International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference (M O B I M E D I A 2 0 0 7)
Supported by ACM, EURASIP Nafpaktos, Greece, August 27 - 29, 2007 http://www.mobimedia.org
SCOPE The successful development of multimedia services and applications in mobile environments requires adopting an interdisciplinary approach where both multimedia and networking issues are addressed jointly. Multimedia semantic characteristics, Human Interpretation of audiovisual information, extraction and usage of semantic information, coding standards and its interaction with networking, mobility and security protocols are research issues that need to be carefully examined when proposing new solutions. Many are the applications that will be enabled by the new standards for mobile networking, such as triple services for mobile networks, digital television, video streaming, interactive gaming, navigation services, context aware services, and immersive communications in virtual environments. The efficient delivery of multimedia applications and services over emerging diverse and heterogeneous wireless networks is a challenging research objective. The research effort for the 3G/4G vision of interworking among heterogeneous technologies to achieve multimedia session continuity, retain multimedia QoS characteristics etc., amplifies the need to evaluate the conditions and restrictions under which delivery of such services can be accomplished. Within this scope, MobiMedia is intended to provide a unique international forum for researchers from industry and academia, working in multimedia coding, and mobile networking fields to study new applications, solutions, and standards. Original unpublished contributions are solicited that can improve the knowledge and practice in the integrated design of efficient technologies and the relevant provision of advanced mobile multimedia applications.
The topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Multimedia semantic characteristics in wireless, mobile and ubiquitous environments * Multimedia QoS in wireless networks * Extraction and usage of semantic information * Performance evaluation of multimedia services * Multimedia Retrieval in wireless and mobile environments * Mechanisms supporting triple-play services in emerging wireless networks * Scalable Coding of multimedia in wireless and mobile networks * Cross-Layer techniques for multimedia communications over wireless networks * Joint source-channel coding * Multimedia services over ad-hoc and wireless sensor networks * Rate Control and Adaptation for wireless multimedia * P2P multimedia streaming in wireless and mobile networks * Transport protocols for multimedia in emerging wireless networks * Mobile Content Delivery Networks
General Co-Chairs Tasos Dagiuklas Dept. of Telecommunication Syst. & Networks TEI of Mesolonghi, Nafpaktos, Greece Email: ntan@teimes.gr
Nicolas Sklavos Dept. of Telecommunication Syst. & Networks TEI of Mesolonghi, Nafpaktos, Greece Email: NSklavos@ieee.org
Technical Co-Chairs Magda El-Zarki Dept. of Information and Computer Science University of California at Davis Irvine, CA, USA Email: elzarki@uci.edu
Rahim Tafazolli Center for Communication System Research University of Surrey Guildford, Surrey, UK Email: R.Tafazolli@surrey.ac.uk
Important dates: - Submission of extended summaries: May 18, 2007 - Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2007 - Submission of camera-ready papers: July 2, 2007
Students award and grants:
Five student prizes will be awarded to the best papers authored by full time students as first author.
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf