Fwd: [InternetTC] ITSVT 2024 (Co-Sponsored by IEEE): The 7th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation and Vehicles Technologies , Malmö, Sweden. September 2-5, 2024

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] ITSVT 2024 (Co-Sponsored by IEEE): The 7th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation and Vehicles Technologies , Malmö, Sweden. September 2-5, 2024 Datum: Fri, 14 Jun 2024 19:03:46 +0300 Von: Stanley Ewenike stanleyewenike25@GMAIL.COM An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]
The 7th International Workshop on Intelligent Transportation and Vehicles Technologies (ITSVT 2024)
Co-located with
The 11th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS 2024)
https://emergingtechnet.org/IOTSMS2024/Workshops/ITSVT2024/index.php https://emergingtechnet.org/IOTSMS2024/Workshops/ITSVT2024/index.php
Malmö, Sweden. September 2-5, 2024
Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE Sweden Section
_ITSVT 2024 CFP_
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) play a significant role in smart cities, management in the age softwarization and artificial intelligence, with the future being Autonomous Vehicles (CAV). Such transportation systems integrated with today’s advanced vehicular and wireless network technologies would have a crucial role in improving the quality and delivery performance of diversified vehicular services. There exist many unprecedented challenges that arise from Intelligent Transportation Systems and Vehicles Technologies (ITSVT). These include configuring vehicular cloud services to user requirements, connected vehicle security issues related to connectivity, big data analytics for intelligent transportation, vehicular cloud computing, and service composition, and power management for smart electric vehicles. There is also a need for customized communication technology for the integrated solutions of connected vehicles and smart city sub-systems. The aim of the Third International Workshop on ITSVT is to bring together engineers, researchers, and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in the field of intelligent transportation and vehicle technology. Participants are invited to present and discuss recent developments and challenges in ITSVT systems. This workshop focuses on innovative applications, tools and frameworks in all technology areas related to connected vehicles in the context of smart cities and other application domains. Papers describing original novel work and advanced prototypes, systems and tools are encouraged. The workshop would provide a platform for evaluating new frontiers in research, development, integration, standards, advance service provisioning, and user communities addressing smart and hyper-connected environments of networking technologies. ITSVT would be unique with its focus on intelligent transportation and connected vehicles technologies. Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all major areas, which include, but not limited to:
* Autonomous Vehicles and Automated Driving * Big Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation * Intelligent Infrastructure and Guidance Systems * Cooperative Driving and Traffic Management * Connected Services and Mobility management * Autonomous and Connected Aerial Networks * Green Vehicular Communication and Services * CAV-based Data and Energy Transport Services * QoE/QoS in Connected Vehicles * In-Vehicle Networks and Communications * CAV Enabled Smart Cities Applications * Mobility and the Internet of Vehicles * Social Internet of Vehicles * Power Management of Smart Electric Vehicles * Blockchain Systems for CAV * Management and Artificial Intelligence for CAV * Cyber-threat free CAV environment: Detection, Protection, and Reaction * 5G technologies for CAV * Communications and networking for automated and semi-automated vehicles * Congestion and awareness control in CAV * Simulation and performance evaluation techniques for CAV networks * Applications and services to enhance driver experience, performance, and behavior * Advanced driver assistance systems * Networking with Other Road Users * Security and Privacy of Connected Vehicle Communication * Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Smart Cities * Business Model canvas for Connected Vehicles * Marketing Innovation for Connected Vehicles * Incremental Innovation for Connected Vehicles
_Submissions Guidelines and Proceedings_
Manuscripts should be prepared in 10-point font using the IEEE 8.5" x 11" two-column format (IEEE Templates https://protect-au.mimecast.com/s/0FRWCr810kCvBLJEfz4LG3?domain=ieee.org). All papers should be in PDF format, and submitted electronically at Paper Submission Link. A full paper must not exceed the stated length (including all figures, tables and references). Submitted papers must present original unpublished research that is not currently under review for any other conference or journal. Papers not following these guidelines may be rejected without review. Also submissions received after the due date, exceeding length limit, or not appropriately structured may also not be considered. Authors may contact the Program Chair for further information or clarification.
All submissions are peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. Accepted papers will appear in the IoTSMS Proceeding and to be submitted to IEEE Xplore for inclusion. The proceedings are also submitted for indexing to EI (Compendex), Scopus and other indexing services like DBLP.
Submitted papers must include original work, and must not be under consideration for another conference or journal. Submission of regular papers must not exceed 8 pages and must follow the IEEE paper format. Please include up to 7 keywords, complete postal and e-mail address, and fax and phone numbers of the corresponding author. Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the conference. Submitted papers that are deemed of good quality but that could not be accepted as regular papers will be accepted as short papers.
_Important Dates:_
Submission Due: June 30th, 2024
Notification: July 30th, 2024
Camera-ready submission: August 10th, 2024
Please send any inquiry to : Fahed Alkhabbas at: fahed.alkhabbas@mau.se mailto:fahed.alkhabbas@mau.se
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf