Fwd: Wireless Health 2011 - Final Call for Papers & First Call for Demos

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Wireless Health 2011 - Final Call for Papers & First Call for Demos Datum: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 11:47:18 -0400 Von: John Lach jlach@VIRGINIA.EDU Antwort an: John Lach jlach@VIRGINIA.EDU An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
(Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement.)
WIRELESS HEALTH 2011 Final Call for Papers & First Call for Demos October 10-13, 2011 San Diego, California Hosted by the Wireless-Life Sciences Alliance In cooperation with ACM SIGMOBILE, AIMBE, BMES, and the UCSD Institute of Engineering in Medicine www.wirelesshealth2011.org
The Wireless Health annual conference series convenes the vanguard international research communities in Wireless Health technology and medical research with the rapidly expanding Wireless Health product and service industry, government leadership and policy makers. This conference provides the highest profile academic and industrial research forum for the new field of Wireless Health. The mission of the Wireless Health conference is to include and promote an international community that will accelerate the development and adoption of this new vision for healthcare. Central to this objective is to create a nurturing research forum that communicates the latest developments in the field, creates an opportunity for cross fertilization, and provides an archival venue for the progress being achieved.
This second in the series of the Wireless Health conference seeks to build upon the success of Wireless Health 2010, which included more than 400 attendees from academia, industry, government, and press. Wireless Health 2010 included an outstanding set of peer-reviewed papers, interactive workshops, industrial and academic application demonstrations, topical panel discussions, and world renowned invited speakers.
Abstracts Due: April 15, 2011 Papers Due: April 22, 2011 Acceptance Notification: July 1, 2011
The organizing committee invites submission of papers for peer review that have the potential for substantive impact on the field of Wireless Health, including papers with highly innovative engineering solutions for Wireless Health and papers with a focus on applications of Wireless Health in clinical settings. Papers should be of interest to both technology and medical domain experts. Papers should clearly articulate the knowledge contributions in both of these fields, requiring treatment of both technology and medical issues. However, it is recommended that papers be organized such that the overall structure (introduction, methodology, results, contributions, etc.) be comprehensible by the diverse Wireless Health audience and that technical details be confined to specific sections so that all readers are able to appreciate the overall contributions of the paper.
This year, the Wireless Health features a new paper type called Vanguard. Vanguard papers are expected to present less developed, but highly innovative ideas. Vanguard papers are shorter in length with less extensive results, yet they should present high impact Wireless Health ideas targeting fundamental issues in engineering and medical sciences.
Paper topics include but are not limited to:
Wireless Health Theory, Systems, and Technology -Information systems including architectures, integrating sensing, signal processing, sensor data fusion, and related technologies -Innovative event/resource aware technologies, including compressive sensing -Novel communication systems, including in-vivo, on-body, near-body networks -System design innovations and optimizations in system performance, energy, operating lifetime, reliability, sensing integrity, privacy, and security -Wearable system architectures and hardware systems -Enterprise system and database technology in medical informatics -Wireless Health individual and community guidance technology and systems -Wireless Health end-to-end quality of service -Energy scavenging technologies
Wireless Health Clinical Applications -Medical science driven applications based on personal monitoring and guidance in the areas of health promotion, disease detection and management, geriatric and rehabilitative care, pharmaceutical management, etc. -Assistive technologies for geriatric subjects, the disabled, and for rehabilitation -Wireless Health applications for consumer applications and athletics -Protecting the health of first responders and service personnel
The Conference Proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Submitted papers should be no longer than 10 pages in the ACM conference format posted on the conference website. Vanguard papers are limited to 2 pages. Papers must contain original material that has neither been previously published nor is currently under review by another conference or journal. Following the conference, authors will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to the ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems for a special issue on Wireless Health. Best Paper and Best Student Paper awards will be presented at the conference.
Demo Extended Abstracts Due: June 1, 2011 Acceptance Notification: July 1, 2011
Technical demonstrations will highlight the many innovative solutions in Wireless Health that represent both advances in fundamental components and complete systems serving individuals and communities.
Technical demonstrations will include two types:
Wireless Health Research Demonstrations: These demonstrations will primarily include academic, government, and industrial research advances and prototype systems enabling future Wireless Health products and systems.
Wireless Health Products and System Demonstrations: These demonstrations will primarily include new commercial products and systems developed by the Wireless Health industry and government agencies.
Demo submissions will be evaluated based on a 2 page extended abstract in the ACM conference format posted on the conference website. In addition to the abstract, a video file showing the demonstration may also be included, but is not required for selection. The abstract and video files can be zipped into one package, or videos can also be made available at a public URL for download with the URL address cited in the abstract. Accepted abstracts will be included in the Conference Proceedings published in the ACM Digital Library. A Best Demo award will be presented at the conference.
General Chairs Irwin Jacobs, Patrick Soon-Shiong, Eric Topol, Chris Toumazou
Steering Committee Shu Chien, Hari Garudadri, Roozbeh Jafari, William Kaiser, John Lach, Robert McCray, Mehran Mehregany, Majid Sarrafzadeh
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf