Fwd: [MM-INTEREST] International Workshop on Context-Aware and Cognitive Intelligence in Vehicular Systems -- Call for Paper

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [MM-INTEREST] International Workshop on Context-Aware and Cognitive Intelligence in Vehicular Systems -- Call for Paper Datum: Thu, 21 Apr 2011 10:11:04 +1000 Von: Jeff Li Jeff.Li@NICTA.COM.AU Antwort an: Jeff Li Jeff.Li@NICTA.COM.AU An: MM-INTEREST@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
International Workshop on Context-Aware and Cognitive Intelligence in Vehicular Systems (CAVES-2011)
(affiliated with ITST-2011)
http://caves2011.forge.nicta.com.au http://caves2011.forge.nicta.com.au/
Saint-Petersburg, Russia
August 23-25, 2011
Context-aware and cognitive techniques are the major components behind “intelligent” vehicles and transport systems. The workshop will be held in conjunction with the main tracks of ITST-2011 conference. CAVES-2011 welcomes submissions from researchers, engineers, policy makers and other practitioners, on new ideas and recent advances in intelligent vehicles and transport systems.
This workshop plans to provide an insight on the most recent innovations and research platforms that understand human and environmental behavior and cognitively make use of the contexts for effective decision-making in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
Papers are invited in any one of the following or other related topics.
• Survey on intelligent transport systems
• Cognitive and Context aware computing for ITS
• Sensor information fusion
• Driver behavior, emotion and concentration recognition
• Collaborative communication, control and positioning
• Optimization methods and learning algorithms for ITS
• ITS framework architectures for different geographical regions.
• Mobility management in vehicular ad-hoc networks
• Seamless connectivity in heterogeneous vehicular networks
• Simultaneous localization and mapping
• Green and sustainable vehicle / transport systems
• Telematics and Infotainment
• Driver profile / behavioral model (physiological driver-vehicle interface)
• Intelligence in road traffic
• Integrated road safety management
• Practical vehicular and transport system design issues
• Traffic information dissemination and aggregation
• Cooperative safety support for public transport vehicles
• Middleware Architecture for ITS
• Context-aware parameter estimation and optimization for ITS
• Case studies
• Simulator tools and performance analysis
Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore (pending) and indexed in relevant databases. Papers in English must be submitted via EDAS in pdf format at http://edas.info//N10311 http://edas.info/N10311. The total length of a paper should not exceed 6 pages formatted according to the IEEE Template at http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html.
The authors are encouraged to submit full papers describing original, previously unpublished research results, not currently under review by another conference or journal. For further information please contact arunkumart@vit.ac.in mailto:arunkumart@vit.ac.in or arunkumar.thangavelu@gmail.com mailto:arunkumar.thangavelu@gmail.com.
Yunxin (Jeff) Li (Ph.D.)
Principal Researcher
NICTA, 13 Garden Street
Eveleigh, NSW 2015
Tel: +61 2 8306 0741
Fax: +61 2 9376 2027
E-mail: Jeff.Li@nicta.com.au
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf