Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: HotPlanet 2015 (ACM MobiCom 2015 workshop in Paris)

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP: HotPlanet 2015 (ACM MobiCom 2015 workshop in Paris) Datum: Sun, 19 Apr 2015 09:14:32 +0200 Von: Fehmi Ben Abdesslem fehmi@SICS.SE Antwort an: Fehmi Ben Abdesslem fehmi@SICS.SE An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
Call for Papers HotPlanet 2015 - 6th International Workshop on Hot Topics in Planet-Scale Measurement In Conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2015, September 7, Paris bit.ly/hotplanet2015
The last decade has seen a rapid, planet-scale growth in deployment and usage of smart mobile devices, ambient sensors, smartphone applications and advanced communication technologies. This era has prompted for large-scale, planet-wide data collection, storage, processing and dissemination technologies, advancing our knowledge about human behaviour and interactions at a planetary scale. Evolution of such technologies and methodologies, in addition to the high investments in Internet of things (IoT) deployments, has inherently led to a number of security, privacy and ethical issues as well as new systems, networking, and application challenges.
This 6th HotPlanet workshop will bring together networking, wireless, mobile computing and systems research to understand the challenges ahead and advance the dialogue on topics related to large-scale measurements and big data analytics centred on individuals. It aims to attract publications on data collection and analysis, such as knowledge-discovery methodologies, large-scale data mining, and big social media data and location traces analytics, but also on deployment challenges, such as innovative real-world measurement technologies, end-user applications, large-scale deployment experiences, and innovative large-scale mobile sensing systems. Topics of interest include:
• Big data analytics (social Media, mobility traces, prediction techniques, etc.) • Mobile sensing systems • Big data privacy & security • Large scale measurement methodologies • Novel social & sensing application • Open source and virtualized sensing infrastructure • Cloud computing paradigms for decentralized analysis • Incentive models for encouraging users and businesses to collect and contribute data • Profiling, personalisation, geo-targeting • Programming paradigms for large scale data collection • Data quality issues • Internet of Things • Smart energy-aware systems • Large scale mobile application and market experience • Regulatory, legal and ethical issues in planet-wide data collection
General Chair: Pan Hui (HKUST/T-Labs, Hong Kong) TPC Chairs: Fehmi Ben Abdesslem (SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden) and Weixiong Rao (Tongji University, China)
Technical Program Committee
• Valerio Arnaboldi, CNR, Italy • Farid Benbadis, Thales, France • Ian Brown, University of Oxford, UK • Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK • Mathieu Cunche, University of Lyon/INRIA, France • Alessandro Finamore, Telefonica, Spain • Daniel Gillblad, SICS Swedish ICT, Sweden • Theus Hossmann, Swisscom, Switzerland • Tristan Henderson, University of St. Andrews, UK • Pan Hui, HKUST/T-Labs, Hong Kong • Mohamed Ali Kaafar, INRIA/NICTA, Australia • Nicholas Lane, Bell Labs, UK • Hengchang Liu, UIUC, USA • Nathalie Mitton, INRIA, France • Mirco Musolesi, University College London, UK • Zhonghong Ou, Aalto University, Finland • Weixiong Rao, Tongji University, China • Stefano Secci, UPMC/LIP6, France • Stephan Sigg, University of Goettingen, Germany • Zbigniew Smoreda, Orange Labs, France • Junehwa Song, KAIST, South Korea • Aaron Striegel, University of Notre Dame, USA • Pedro Vaz de Melo, UFGM, Brazil
• Submission deadline: May 18, 2015 • Notification to authors: June 8, 2015 • Camera ready: June 26, 2015 • Workshop: September 7, 2015
More information: bit.ly/hotplanet2015
-- Fehmi Ben Abdesslem, PhD Senior Research Scientist
Data, Networks and Analytics Laboratory Swedish Institute of Computer Science Stockholm
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf