[Fwd: ITC 18 - Call for Papers: Deadline extended]

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DEADLINE EXTENSION: Because of multiple requests and difficulties to use infrastructures in the christmas holiday period we have extended the
to January 19, 2003. Due to this now very tight schedule we have to close the web server for submissions on 24:00 h that Sunday, sharply.
? ? ? +-----------------------------------------------+ ? ? ? | ? ?18th International TELETRAFFIC CONGRESS ? ?| ? ? ? | ? Haus am K?llnischen Park, Berlin, Germany ? | ? ? ? | ? ? ? ?31 August - 5 September 2003 ? ? ? ? ? | ? ? ? | ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | ? ? ? | "Providing QoS in Heterogeneous Environments" | ? ? ? | ? ? ? ? ? ?http://www.ITC18.org ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | ? ? ? +-----------------------------------------------+
ORGANIZATIONS AND HISTORY International Advisory Committee http://www.i-teletraffic.org/ ITG - Information Technology Society in the VDE http://www.vde.com/vde/html/e/fach/itg/itg.htm
The ITC, founded in 1955, provides, through regular, now bi-annual congresses, the main international forum for teletraffic research and engineering. The purpose of the ITC is to stimulate the development and application of teletraffic theory for planning, engineering, managing and administrating telecommunication networks. The analysis and control of traffic phenomena in such networks require measurements, forecasts, as well as network management algorithms. The ITC gathers teletraffic experts from research organizations, universities, manufacturers, network operators and international technical organizations yielding a well-balanced contribution from theory and application. ITCs are organized so that researchers, engineers, and administrators from telcos and data network operators can interact and benefit from discussions and exchange of ideas. The ITC also benefits from the social environment which allows for the creation of new personal contacts between delegates.
CONFERENCE CITY After 33 years, the ITC community meets again in Germany - in Berlin, the old and new capital, a four million people meeting place of the East and the West in the center of Europe. Berlin is a city in transition, one that is not always easy to understand, and which is often quite difficult to describe. However, no other city of Germany reflects the historical events of the last few years to the extent Berlin does. More information: http://www.berlin.de/english
CONFERENCE VENUE Close to the river Spree in the center of Berlin, the "Haus am K?llnischen Park"is located just a few minutes walking distance from famous places such as Alexanderplatz, Humboldt University, Gendarmenmarkt, Reichstag or Brandenburger Tor.
"PROVIDING QOS IN HETEROGENEOUS EINVIRONMENTS" The ITC 18 will be held in a transient phase where IP packet-switched architectures migrate from being data networks only to also substituting traditional circuit-switched networks. Papers are welcome tackling the following topics:
- Next generation networks
- Broadband transport networks
- Access networks
- Wireless networks and wireless LANs
- Heterogeneous networks and ubiquitous communication
- Web technologies
- Voice over IP
- Ad hoc and peer to peer networking
- Communication protocols
- Traffic engineering
- Quality of service provisioning
- Service pricing
- Overload control
- Traffic management
- QoS in multi-provider networks
- Service-aware admission control
- Traffic conditioning
- Routing
- Mobility management and signalling
- Network planning and optimization
- Network management
- Reliability and Survivability
- Traffic characterization and modelling
- Performance evaluation
- Queueing theory
- Scheduling
- Simulation methodology
- Traffic and performance measurements
IMPORTANT DATES Full paper due : extended to 19 January 2003 Notification of acceptance mailed: 16 April 2003 Camera ready paper due : 1 June 2003
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Papers should not exceed 15 double-spaced pages (about 5000 words, font 12pt), have an abstract of 100-200 words, and be original material not previously published. The title page should contain the authors' names, affiliation and contact details. The corresponding author must be indicated. Only electronic submission via the ITC18 homepage will be arranged. Further information can be obtained on the ITC18 homepage via http://www.ITC18.org.
CONFERENCE ORGANIZATION AND CONTACT ADDRESS ITC 18 VDE Conference Services Stresemannallee 15 D-60596 Frankfurt/Main, Germany Phone: +49 69 6308-202 Fax : +49 69 9631-5213 email: vde-conferences@vde.com
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Chair ? ? ? ? ? ?: Joachim Claus, Deutsche Telekom AG, Bonn Secretariat ? ? ?: Volker Schanz, ITG/VDE, Frankfurt Conference Office: Rupert Rompel, VDE, Frankfurt
TECHNICAL PROGRAMME COMMITTEE Chairs: Joachim Charzinski, Siemens, Munich Ralf Lehnert, Dresden University of Technology Phuoc Tran-Gia, University of W?rzburg Carmelita G?rg, University of Bremen (Tutorials Chair)
INTERNATIONAL TPC??????? ? ? ? ? NATIONAL TPC Marco Ajmone Marsan, Italy ? ? ? Dieter Baum, University of Trier ?ke Arvidsson, Sweden ? ? ? ? ? ?Matthias Baumann, Dresden University Khalid Begain, United Kingdom ? ?of Technology Chris Blondia, Belgium ? ? ? ? ? Gunter Bolch, University of Onno Boxma, The Netherlands ? ? ?Erlangen-Nuremberg Herwig Bruneel, Belgium? ? ? ? ? Andreas Brandt, Humboldt University Olga Casals, Spain ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?Joachim Charzinski, Siemens AG Prosper Chemouil, France? ? ? ? ?J?rg Ebersp?cher, Munich University of Laurie Cuthbert, United Kingdom ?Technology Hermann de Meer, United Kingdom? Anja Feldmann, Saarland University Edmundo de Souza e Silva, Brazil Wolfgang Fischer, Cisco GmbH Zbigniew Dziong, USA ? ? ? ? ? ??Carmelita G?rg, University of Bremen Khaled Elsayed, Egypt ? ? ? ? ? ?Franz Hartleb, T-Systems GmbH Peder Emstad, Norway ? ? ? ? ? ? Christoph Herrmann, Philips Research David Everitt, Australia ? ? ? ? Ulrich Killat, Technical University of Serge Fdida, France ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Hamburg-Harburg Georges Fiche, France ? ? ? ?? ? Udo Krieger, T-Systems GmbH Markus Fiedler, Sweden? ? ? ? ? ?Paul J. K?hn, University of Stuttgart Luigi Fratta, Italy ???? ? ? ? ? Ralf Lehnert, Dresden University of H. Richard Gail, USA ? ? ? ? ? ? Technology Richard Harris, Australia? ? ? ? Georg R??ler, Tenovis GmbH&Co. KG Frank H?bner-Szabo de Bucs, USA ?Stefan Schneeberger, Siemens AG Boudewijn Haverkort, The Netherlands ?Hans-Peter Schwefel, Siemens AG Villy Baek Iversen, Denmark ? ? ?Michael S?llner, Lucent Technologies Konosuke Kawashima, Japan ? ? ? ?GmbH Peter Key, United Kingdom ? ? ? ?Michael Tangemann, Alcatel AG Daniel Kofman, USA ? ? ? ? ?? ? ?Sandra Tartarelli, NEC GmbH Yonathan Levy, USA ? ? ? ?? ? ? ?Phuoc Tran-Gia, University of W?rzburg Xiong Jiang Liang, China ?? ? ? ?Kurt Tutschku, University of W?rzburg Karl Lindberger, Sweden? ? ? ? ? Bernhard Walke, Aachen University of Michel Mandjes, The Netherlands ?Technology Ian Marshall, United Kingdom ? ? Ulrich Wellens, Vodafone GmbH Debasis Mitra, USA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Albert Weller, T-Mobile GmbH Sandor Moln?r, Hungary ?? ? ? ? ?Adam Wolisz, Berlin University of Jorge Moreira de Souza, Brazil ? Technology Arne A. Nilsson, USA ? ? ? ? ? ??Martina Zitterbart, University of Ilkka Norros, Finland ? ? ? ? ? ?Karlsruhe Baron Peterssen, South Africa Michal Pioro, Poland Jim Roberts, France Matthew Roughan, USA Hiroshi Saito, Japan Shohei Sato, Japan Danny Tsang, Hong Kong Hans van den Berg, The Netherlands Rob van der Mei, The Netherlands Manuel Villen-Altamirano, Spain Jorma Virtamo, Finland Y.T. Wang, USA Pat Wirth, USA Jim Yan, Canada Hideaki Yoshino, Japan Moshe Zukerman, Australia
participants (1)
Lars Wolf