Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] ACM MobiHoc - Call for Posters

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] ACM MobiHoc - Call for Posters Datum: Tue, 12 Apr 2016 11:13:43 +0200 Von: Hannes Frey frey@UNI-KOBLENZ.DE Antwort an: Hannes Frey frey@UNI-KOBLENZ.DE An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
ACM MobiHoc 2016 - Call for Posters
The ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing 2016 solicits submissions for a poster session dedicated to sharing late-breaking results or work-in-progress on any topic related to mobile ad hoc networking. Posters provide a chance for in-depth research discussions with other conference attendees and are therefore especially well suited for obtaining feedback on ongoing research or controversial ideas. Please see the call for papers for more guidance on topics of interest at this conference.
Best Poster
All presented posters will be considered for the Best Poster Award. The winner will be selected at the conference by an award committee.
Submissions and Selection
Prospective poster presenters should submit a poster abstract with a maximum length of 2 pages, including all figures and references. Poster abstracts must be formatted with the ACM style sheet (please choose "Option 2" if LaTex is used). The abstract title should begin with "Poster: ". Submissions will be reviewed by a poster selection committee. The review is single-blind, that is, author names should be listed on the submission.
Accepted poster abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings and listed on the conference web site. Each accepted poster must be presented in person at the conference and at least one author/presenter has to register at the student rate or higher. Easels will be provided at the conference for 3x4 feet posters. Please submit your poster abstract on EDAS.
Important Dates
Poster Submission: April 29, 2016 Notification: May 15, 2016 Camera Ready: June 1, 2016
participants (1)
Lars Wolf