[Fwd: [ACM/SIGMOBILE MobiOpp 2007]: Announcement and Call for Papers]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ACM/SIGMOBILE MobiOpp 2007]: Announcement and Call for Papers Datum: Wed, 14 Feb 2007 13:38:08 +0100 Von: Andrea Passarella a.passarella@IIT.CNR.IT Antwort an: Andrea Passarella a.passarella@IIT.CNR.IT An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
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First International Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking MobiOpp 2007
sponsored by ACM/SIGMOBILE in conjunction with ACM MobiSys 2007
jointly organized by IIT-CNR, Italy UCLA, USA
June 11, 2007 Puerto Rico, USA
Opportunistic Networks are one of the most exciting evolutions of the legacy Mobile Ad hoc Networking (MANET) paradigm, in which the assumption of complete paths between data senders and receivers is released. Opportunistic Networks enable users' communication in disconnected environments, in which island of connected devices appear, disappear, and reconfigure dynamically. The network is thus extremely dynamic, and is formed by the evolving contacts among mobile devices, and among connected clouds of devices. In this view, legacy-Internet connectivity is just a particular connectivity opportunity. Opportunistic Networks thus encompass the features and methods of delay or disruption tolerant networks (DTN). They are very suitable to support the pervasive networking scenario, in which a huge number of devices carried by users and embedded in the environment communicate wirelessly without requiring any pre-existing infrastructure. By enabling end-to- end communication without requiring complete paths, Opportunistic Networks are much closer to real pervasive networking scenarios, with respect to the legacy MANET paradigm.
Original contributions are solicited, related to systems and protocols design, development and analysis, in all areas related to Opportunistic Networking. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Architectures for opportunistic networks * (Killer) applications for opportunistic networks * Middleware services in opportunistic networks * Dissemination and replication techniques for opportunistic networks * Resource management techniques for opportunistic networks * Transport and reliability issues in opportunistic networks * Routing issues in opportunistic networks * Wireless link design and optimisation for opportunistic networks * Opportunistic Networking in Wireless Sensor Networks * Security issues in opportunistic networks * Trust and cooperation in opportunistic networks * Mobility models for opportunistic networks * Tools and techniques for designing, analyzing and building opp. networks * Opportunistic networks testbeds and measurements * Opportunistic networks performance modeling
PAPER SUBMISSION AND PUBLICATION Papers must not be already under submission for any other publication. Paper submissions for regular papers must be limited to 8 pages including text, figures, references, and appendices; single- or double-column are fine for submissions. The font size used in the text of your submission must not be smaller than 10 points. Papers significantly exceeding the maximum length of 8 pages will be automatically rejected. Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper. PLEASE CHECK OUT THE WORKSHOP WEBSITE (http://cnd.iit.cnr.it/mobiopp07) FOR THE COMPLETE INSTRUCTIONS.
Extended versions of workshop selected papers will be considered for possible fast track publication on the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal (Elsevier).
IMPORTANT DATES Paper Submission March 7, 2007 (11:59pm PST) Notification April 15, 2007 Camera-ready due April 25, 2007 Workshop date June 11, 2007
General Co-Chairs Marco Conti IIT-CNR, Italy marco.conti@iit.cnr.it
Mario Gerla UCLA, USA gerla@cs.ucla.edu
Program Co-Chairs Andrea Passarella IIT-CNR, Italy a.passarella@iit.cnr.it
Giovanni Pau UCLA, USA gpau@cs.ucla.edu
STEERING COMMITTEE Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge, UK Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA Mani Srivastava, UCLA, USA
PUBLICITY CHAIR Chiara Boldrini, IIT-CNR, Italy
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Giuseppe Anastasi, University of Pisa, Italy Levente Buttyan, BUTE, Hungary Tracy Camp, Colorado School of Mines, USA Jiannong Cao, The HK Polytechnic University, Hong Kong Augustin Chaintreau, Thomson, France Ling-Jyh Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Serge Fdida, University Pierre et Marie Curie, France Silvia Giordano, SUPSI, Switzerland Per Gunningberg, Uppsala University, Sweden Srinivasan Keshav, University of Waterloo, CA Jean-Yves Le Boudec, EPFL, CH Vincent Lenders, Princeton University, USA Brian Levine, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA Christoph Lindemann, University of Leipzig, Germany Margaret Martonosi, Princeton University, USA Cecilia Mascolo, University College London, UK Kenichi Mase, Niigata University, Japan Martin May, ETH, Switzerland Refik Molva, Eurecom, France Lionel Ni, The HK University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Joerg Ott, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Kaustubh Phanse, Uppsala University, Sweden Konstantinos Psounis, University of Southern California, USA Chunming Qiao, State University of New York at Buffalo, USA Christian Rohner, Uppsala University, Sweden Ant Rowstron, Microsoft Research, UK Kave' Salamatian, EPFL, Switzerland Mani B. Srivastava, UCLA, USA Violet Syrotiuk, Arizona State University, USA Eiko Yoneki, University of Cambridge, UK Ellen W. Zegura, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
participants (1)
Lars Wolf