Fwd: WF-IoT 2021 Call for Papers(CFP) , Tutorials, and Industry Forum Proposals

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: WF-IoT 2021 Call for Papers(CFP) , Tutorials, and Industry Forum Proposals Datum: Tue, 5 Jan 2021 06:30:15 -0600 (CST) Von: IEEE Communications Society ieee-comsoc@deliver.ieee.org Antwort an: no-reply@deliver.ieee.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
IEEE Master email The 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana USA June 20th – 24th, 2021. The 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things - WFIoT2021 https://connect.ieee.org/JP33G90XPH0U80r0aq00000
Hi Lars,
We are seeking technical paper submissions and proposals for tutorials, and Industry Forums for the 7th IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things being held in New Orleans, Louisiana USA June 20th – 24th, 2021. The Forum is the premier event of the Multi-Society IEEE IoT Initiative https://connect.ieee.org/l0P990003Prq0H3a00U0Y0G and is held jointly with the IoT Community https://connect.ieee.org/L903HP00P0Z00Garq030a0U. The Theme for WFIoT2021 is “The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on IoT”. You will find a comprehensive and exciting program, that brings the latest developments from industry and the business world, the most important people from across the breadth of the IoT ecosystem, news of significant innovations and advances from the research and academic community, and shared experiences from practitioners and end-users about the successes and challenges of IoT deployments. The World Forum is all about the nurture and promotion of IoT for the benefit of society and humanity.
*CALL FOR PAPERS* ** Prospective authors are invited to submit high-quality original technical papers for presentation at the conference and publication in the WFIoT2021 2021 Proceedings. Papers should address, but are not limited to, the high-level topics below:
* Applications, Processes, and Services * Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Analytics * Basic and Enabling Technologies * Communication, Connectivity, and Networking * Computing – from Edge to Cloud * Cybersecurity, Security, and Privacy * Infrastructure, Devices, and Components * Information Processing from Multimedia and Heterogeneous Sources * Results from Experiments, Demonstrations, and Trials, and Deployment Experiences * Social and Societal Impacts * Systems Engineering, Integration Methods, and Operation Technologies * Theoretical foundations, design methods, and architectural considerations
Paper Submissions Deadline 15 January 2021
Submit Now https://connect.ieee.org/JP33G90XPH0U80r0aq00000
*CALL FOR TUTORIAL PROPOSALS* ** The IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF‐IoT 2021) seeks tutorials proposal submissions that address but are not limited to the following topics:
* Artificial Intelligence (ML, ANN) and Computational Intelligence in IoT * Data Acquisition, Data Analytics, Big Data, Storage Management for IoT * IoT Applications and Services (Agriculture, Smart City, Blockchain, Healthcare, etc.) * IoT Design, System Interfaces, Integration and Testing Methods * IoT Enabling Technologies, RFID, Sensor, and Actuators * IoT Programming Models, Middleware and System Architectures * IoT Experimental Results and Deployment Scenarios * Multimedia, Societal Impacts and Energy Harvesting for IoT * Security, Privacy and Trust for IoT * Signalling Processing, Connectivity and Computing Platforms for IoT * Vehicular Technology, Connected Vehicles and Intelligent Vehicles for IoT * 5G Communications, Connectivity and Networking for IoT
Tutorial Proposal Submissions Deadline 10 January 2021
Submit Now https://connect.ieee.org/j9cP0P33G000r0qUHa00100
*CALL FOR INDUSTRY FORUM PROPOSAL SUBMISSIONS* ** The Forum is planned as a series of panels, each devoted to a specific aspect of IoT, conducted as an open and collegiate exchange of information with the objectives to:
* Understand the limitations of current IoT knowledge to guide future research topics * Share best practice for commercial IoT development, deployment, and maintenance so early mistakes are not repeated many times over * Highlight the risks that the IoT can expose so that these can be mitigated and avoided * Create networks of excellence across the academic, maker, and commercial communities to jointly push forward the boundaries of IoT science * Reduce the knowledge transfer barriers between the academic, maker, and industrial communities
Industry Forum Proposal Submissions Deadline 15 January 2021
Submit Now https://connect.ieee.org/z09r3a30000PU11PGqd0H00
IEEE is closely monitoring developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The health and safety of our members and conference participants is our first priority. For conference updates, please visit WF-IoT 2021 https://connect.ieee.org/z09r3a30000PU21PGqe0H00website regularly.
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf