[Fwd: [Tccc] DIAL M-POMC 2005: Workshop on Foundation of Mobile Computing CFP]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] DIAL M-POMC 2005: Workshop on Foundation of Mobile Computing CFP Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2005 13:57:02 -0400 From: Deepak Ganesan dganesan@cs.umass.edu To: Deepak Ganesan dganesan@cs.umass.edu
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The Third ACM/SIGMOBILE International Workshop on Foundation of Mobile Computing
September 2, 2005 - Cologne, Germany (co-located with ACM MobiCom 2005)
Paper submission due: May 30, 2005 Notification of acceptance: July 5, 2005 Camera-ready version due: July 20, 2005
DIAL M-POMC is devoted to algorithms and modeling in the context of mobile and wireless computing and communications. It is intended to be a lively meeting, covering many of the algorithmic aspects of this field ranging from operations research to radio engineering problems. In particular, it aims at fostering the cooperation among practitioners and theoreticians of the field.
This workshop is a merging of two workshops: DIAL M (Discrete Algorithms and Methods for Mobile Computing and Communications), which was held annually from 1997 to 2004 as a workshop in conjunction with ACM/SIGMOBILE MobiCom; and POMC (Principles of Mobile Computing), which was held in 2001 in conjunction with the ACM/SIGACT and SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC), and in 2002 in conjunction with the ACM International Symposium on Distributed Computing (DISC).
DIAL M-POMC 2005 will be composed of invited and peer-reviewed contributed talks.
SCOPE: Mobile computing and communications devices will have an enormous impact on our lifestyle over the next several decades. The mobility of distributed computing components raises a number of interesting, and difficult, algorithmic issues. This workshop is devoted to algorithms and methods in the context of mobile and wireless computing and communications. The workshop is intended to foster cooperation among researchers in mobile computing and researchers in discrete and distributed algorithms.
PAPERS: All submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by technical program committee members. Accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited. Contributions are solicited in all areas related to mobile and wireless computing and communications where discrete algorithms and methods are utilized. Specific topics include, but are not limited to:
- Channel assignment and management - Cryptography and security - Handover (handoff) - Routing, multicast and broadcast - Scheduling - Synchronization - Selfish behavior and cooperation - Energy saving methods and protocols - Ad hoc and sensor networking - Localization and location tracking - Error correcting codes - Protocol optimization - Dynamic networks - Cooperation enforcement - Dynamic graph algorithms - Modeling
SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: All paper submissions will be handled electronically (see the conference web page for details). Authors should prepare an electronic version of their full paper. Papers must not exceed 11 pages (US Letter size, 8.5 x 11 inches) including text, figures and references. The font size must be at least 11 points.
Program Co-Chairs Suman Banerjee Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison suman@cs.wisc.edu
Samrat Ganguly NEC Labs samrat@nec-labs.com
Publicity Chair Deepak Ganesan Univ. of Massachusetts dganesan@cs.umass.edu
Steering Committee Ian Akyildiz (Georgia Tech) Maurizio Bonuccelli (U. of Pisa) Afonso Ferreira (INRIA) Errol Lloyd (U. of Delaware) Nancy Lynch (MIT) Andre Schiper (EPFL) Arunabha Sen (ASU) Nitin Vaidya (UIUC)
Program Committee (partial list)
Stefano Basagni(Northeastern University) basagni@ece.neu.edu Stephan Eidenbenz (Los Alamos National Labs) eidenben@lanl.gov Andras Farago (UT Dallas) farago@utdallas.edu Kamal Jain (Microsoft Research) kamalj@microsoft.com Li (Erran) Li (Bell Labs) erranlli@dnrc.bell-labs.com Archan Misra (IBM TJ Watson Research Center) archan@us.ibm.com Vishal Misra (Columbia University) misra@cs.columbia.edu S. Muthukrishnan (Rutgers) muthu@cs.rutgers.edu Dina Papagiannaki (Intel Research, Cambridge) dina.papagiannaki@intel.com Cynthia Phillips (Sandia National Labs) caphill@sandia.gov Chiara Petrioli (University of Roma) petrioli@di.uniroma1.it Lili Qiu (University of Texas Austin) lili@cs.utexas.edu Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern University) rraj@ccs.neu.edu Raghupathy Sivakumar (Georgia Institute of Technology) siva@ece.gatech.edu Aravind Srinivasan (University of Maryland) srin@cs.umd.edu Martha Steenstrup (Stow Research) steenie@rcn.com Subhash Suri (University of California Santa Barbara) suri@cs.ucsb.edu
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Lars Wolf