[Fwd: Pervasive 2007: Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Pervasive 2007: Call for Papers and Workshop Proposals Datum: Mon, 02 Oct 2006 15:56:13 -0400 Von: Varshavsky Alex walex@cs.toronto.edu An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Call for Papers & Workshop Proposals Pervasive 2007 The Fifth International Conference on Pervasive Computing Toronto, Ontario, Canada May 13-15, 2007 http://pervasive07.org/
Pervasive 2007, the Fifth International Conference on Pervasive Computing, will be held May 13-16, 2007 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The annual conference provides a premier forum in which to present research results in all areas related to the design, implementation, application and evaluation of pervasive computing as it integrates into our lives. Building on the success of previous conferences in this series held in Zurich (August 2002), in Linz/Vienna (April 2004), in Munich (May 2005) and in Dublin (May 2006), Pervasive 2007 will include a highly selective single-track program for technical papers, accompanied by posters, videos, demonstrations, workshops, a doctoral colloquium, invited tutorials, and an invited plenary speaker.
Call for Pervasive 2007 Technical Papers ----------------------------------------
For Pervasive 2007, we are soliciting high quality technical papers that describe original, unpublished research on pervasive computing. Submissions should report concrete, significant, and transferable results that help advance the state of the art in pervasive computing, including but not limited to the following topics:
* New technologies and devices for pervasive computing * New applications of pervasive computing technologies * New interfaces and modes of interactions between people and pervasive computing devices, applications or environments * New tools, infrastructures, architectures and techniques for designing, implementing & deploying pervasive computing applications * Evaluations and evaluation methods, for assessing the impact of pervasive computing devices, applications or environments * Privacy, security, trust & social issues and implications of pervasive computing
All papers will be peer-reviewed by members of the Pervasive 2007 program committee and by additional expert reviewers from relevant research communities. Pervasive 2007 requires that submissions have not been published previously and that papers submitted are not under simultaneous review for any other conference, journal or other publication.
Paper submissions for Pervasive 2007 must be in Adobe PDF format and should conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS style. We solicit papers of up to 15 pages. All paper submissions will be treated as full papers but it is important that their length is appropriate for their content. Accepted papers will be allowed to submit revised versions up to 18 pages in their camera ready copy.
Paper submissions must be anonymized to facilitate blind review. Authors are encouraged to take care throughout the entire document to minimize references that may reveal the identity of the authors or their institutions. Relevant references to an author's previous research should not be suppressed but instead referenced in a neutral way.
All paper submissions will be handled electronically by the EDAS system (http://edas.info). Note that submission is a two-stage process - authors need to register their paper first and then submit the final manuscript. Submissions must be in Adobe PDF format and conform to the guidelines specified here. Authors without EDAS user names will be required to register with the system.
Important Technical Paper Dates: - October 13, 2006: Deadline for Technical Paper submissions - December 15, 2006 : Notification of acceptance/rejection
Program Co-Chairs - Anthony LaMarca (Intel Research, Seattle, USA) - Marc Langheinrich (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Email: program-chairs@pervasive07.org
Program Committee: - Gregory Abowd (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) - Louise Barkhuus (University of Glasgow, UK) - Michael Beigl (Braunschweig University, Germany) - A.J. Brush (Microsoft Research, USA) - Nigel Davies (Lancaster University, UK) - Maria Ebling (IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA) - Alois Ferscha (Johannes Kepler Universita"t Linz, Austria) - Christian Floerkemeier (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) - Adrian Friday (Lancaster University, UK) - Hans Gellersen (Lancaster University, UK) - Mike Hazas (Lancaster University, UK) - Ken Hinckley (Microsoft Research, USA) - Hideki Koike (University of Electro-Communications, Japan) - John Krumm (Microsoft Research, USA) - Pedro Marron (University of Stuttgart, Germany) - Kenji Mase (Nagoya University, Japan) - Yasuto Nakanishi (Keio University, Japan) - Donald J. Patterson (University of California at Irvine, USA) - Jun Rekimoto (Sony CSL, Japan) - Tom Rodden (University of Nottingham, UK) - Bernt Schiele (TU Darmstadt, Germany) - Chris Schmandt (MIT Media Lab, USA) - Albrecht Schmidt (University of Munich, Germany) - James Scott (Intel Research Cambridge, UK) - Desney Tan (Microsoft Research, USA) - Andrea Vitaletti (University of Rome (La Sapienza), Italy) - Harald Vogt (SAP Research, Germany) - Roy Want (Intel Research, USA) - Jake Wobbrock (University of Washington, USA)
Call for Pervasive 2007 Conference Workshops --------------------------------------------
The Pervasive 2007 Workshop Co-Chairs and Organizing Committee invite proposals for the workshop program of the 5th International Conference on Pervasive Computing. Workshops provide a forum for people to discuss areas of special interest within pervasive computing with like-minded researchers and practitioners. Workshops afford the participants the opportunity to examine an area with a selected focus in an open environment for the free exchange of views. The day-long workshops will be held prior to the main conference on Sunday May 13, 2007.
Proposal Submission Process: Please email your proposal to workshops-chairs@pervasive07.org .
Pre-Proposal Submission Inquiries: Contact either of the workshop co-chair's Anind Dey or Gillian Hayes if you would like to discuss a workshop proposal (email: workshops-chairs@pervasive07.org)
We solicit workshops in all areas related to Pervasive Computing. In particular we would like to encourage workshops focused on new and emerging research directions, novel and highly innovative themes, real-world topics including industrial and medical issues, system or interaction topics and interdisciplinary themes. The workshop proposal should be a maximum of 3 pages.
Each workshop will have a dedicated space near the posters of late breaking results to present the outcomes, discussion, and/or recommendations from the workshop. The conference management team will also provide facilities for printing large format posters for those workshop organizers who are interested in presenting information that way. Workshop organizers and attendees will be encouraged to staff this dedicated area during certain breaks to engage in discussions with other Pervasive 2007 delegates not in attendance at individual workshops.
Workshop proposals should include:
* Name of workshop and proposed URL of site to host CFP, program etc. * Theme of the workshop and topics of interest and how these relate to the overall conference * Names, affiliations, and research interest of the organizers * Who do you expect to attend the workshop? * How do you plan to attract submissions and/or participants? * Number of participants that is expected (a range is appropriate)? * What is the expected outcome of the workshop? * What, if any, accommodations and supplies do you require other than a projector, pens and notepads for each participant, an easel with large paper and markers, and a room and chairs large enough for your participants? * How do you plan to organize the workshop (participant selection, detailed timeline, type of contributions)? * How do you plan to run the workshop? What types of activities will you have? * What would you expect to be your contribution to the rest of the Pervasive 2007 audience not in attendance at the workshop? And how do you plan to provide this?
Workshop Organization: We encourage having an international team of organizers for a workshop who are from different institutions. We will aim for a balanced workshop program trying to avoid overlapping themes. Organizers are expected to be active themselves in the field in which they propose a workshop. Organizers are required to attend those workshops they are organizing. Any change to the workshop organization team must be submitted in writing at least two weeks prior to the position paper deadline for individual workshops (January 12, 2007). No changes to the workshop organization team can be made after this date to ensure that potential participants submitting position papers to workshops are aware of the final organization team. Please feel free to discuss ideas for a workshop proposal by email with the workshop chairs prior to submission.
Pervasive 2007 Workshops are a complementary forum to the main conference, encouraging the presentation and discussion of work in progress and facilitating a dialogue on emerging topics in small groups. Workshop sessions will provide inspiring and influencing discussion on a variety of pervasive computing topics.
Workshop registration will be at a reduced price for Pervasive 2007 participants.
Important Workshop Dates: - October 27, 2006: Workshop Proposals Deadline - November 17, 2006 : Notification of acceptance/rejection - November 24, 2006 : Workshop calls online (by the organizers) - January 26, 2007: Workshop position paper deadline - March 2, 2007: Notification of acceptance/rejection of position papers
Workshops Co-Chairs: - Anind Dey (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) - Gillian Hayes (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA)
Email: workshops-chairs@pervasive07.org
On behalf of the Pervasive 2007 conference, we look forward to your contribution. For more information, please visit http://pervasive07.org
Alex Varshavsky walex@cs.toronto.edu Matthias Kranz matthias@hcilab.org Pervasive 2007 Publicity Chairs
participants (1)
Lars Wolf