Fwd: NetSys 2019: Call for Hot Topics
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: NetSys 2019: Call for Hot Topics Datum: Wed, 12 Dec 2018 18:52:00 +0100 Von: Tobias Hossfeld tobias.hossfeld@UNI-WUERZBURG.DE Antwort an: Mailing List der GI FG 3.3.1 "Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme" KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE An: KUVS-L@LISTSERV.UNI-HEIDELBERG.DE
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----------------------------------------------------------------------- Call for Hot Topics
International Conference on Networked Systems 2019 March 18 till March 21, 2019 – Garching b. München, Germany http://www.netsys2019.org/calls/hot-topics/ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
NetSys 2019 will feature a hot topic session, to embrace new ideas and proposals that move the networked systems community forward. The purpose of the hot topics session is to present very recent and highly significant results in networked systems and communication networks. The proposed hot topics should be highly innovative, thought provoking and stimulating in terms of content. Ideas can target new research topics, directions and methods that the NetSys community should address. This explicitly includes also recently published papers at top journals (such as TON or CCR) or top conferences (such as SIGCOMM, IMC, MobiCom, CoNEXT, INFOCOM) which are of high interest for the NetSys community.
*** Submission Procedure *** Hot topic proposals should be sent in PDF format to hottopics@netsys2019.org with subject “NetSys 2019 - Hot Topic Proposal”. The submission format has two options:
For new ideas, the proposal should provide an extended abstract of one page that outlines the major results, the innovative idea, why it matters to the NetSys community. For papers already published or accepted at top-tier venues, submitting the full paper or the front page (at least including title, authors, abstract, and publication venue) of the published paper is sufficient. A template for the hot topics is available.
Idea proposals will be selected based on novelty, innovativeness and likely audience impact. The presentations will be 15-20 minutes per talk (at the discretion of the NetSys organizers). Accepted abstracts will be published on the NetSys 2019 homepage, but not included in IEEE Xplore.
*** Important Dates *** Idea submission deadline: Thursday, December 20, 2018 Notification of acceptance: Tuesday, January 15, 2019
*** Contact *** Email: hottopics@netsys2019.org
We look forwards to receiving your hot topics! -----------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Lars Wolf