[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP - International Workshop on Context for Web Services (CWS'05)]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Tccc] CFP - International Workshop on Context for Web Services (CWS'05) Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2005 11:42:43 +0400 From: Zakaria Maamar Zakaria.Maamar@zu.ac.ae To: chirine.ghedira@iuta.univ-lyon1.fr
Call for Papers
International Workshop on Context for Web Services (CWS'05) Held in conjunction with CONTEXT, the 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context (http://context-05.org)
July 5, 2005. Paris, France
Keynote Speaker: =============== - David Martin, SRI International's Artificial Intelligence Center, CA, USA, http://www.ai.sri.com/people/martin
Sponsors: ========= - International Sponsors: AgentLink, ObjectWeb - Local Sponsors: LIRIS Laboratory, Istase.
Proceedings: ============ Papers of the Workshop will be published in ELSEVIER's Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (Elsevier's ENTCS). Scope: ===== Web services are nowadays emerging as a major technology for deploying automated interactions between distributed and heterogeneous applications. Various standards support this deployment including WSDL, UDDI, and SOAP. These standards respectively support the definition of Web services, their advertisement to the community of potential users, and finally their binding for invocation purposes. In general, composing Web services rather than accessing a single service is essential and provides better benefits to users. Composition primarily addresses the situation of a user's request that cannot be satisfied by any available service, whereas a composite service obtained by combining available services might be used.
Several questions raise during Web services composition and execution including which businesses have the capacity to provision Web services, when and where the provisioning of Web services occurs, and how Web services from independent parties coordinate their activities during execution so that conflicts are avoided. To address some of these questions, it is recommended considering the context in which the composition and execution of Web services occur. Context is generally perceived as the information that characterizes the interaction between humans, applications, and the surrounding environment. From a Web services perspective, it is expected that context should define a set of common data about the current status of a Web service and its capability of collaborating with other peers, possibly enacted by distinct providers. For example before a Web service agrees to participate in a composite service its status in terms of current participation is assessed. Moreover, before a back-up strategy is deployed an assessment of the exception that a Web service has raised is needed.
Relevant topics: =============== - Ontologies and context for Web services - Context-based semantic matching for Web services composition - Context-based Web services deployment - Software agent-based approaches for context-based Web services interaction - Context-aware Web services - Security of context during Web services interactions - Software agents and context for Web services personalization
Papers and Evaluations: ======================
Authors are invited to submit electronically original papers through CONTEXT'05 Web site (http://www.context-05.org). Papers length should be between 12 and 15 pages and must be in ELSEVIER's ENTCS submission format (http://www.math.tulane.edu/~entcs). All papers will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, clarity, and technical quality. Papers of the workshop will be published as post-proceedings in ELSEVIER's Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science (ELSEVIER's ENTCS, http://www.elsevier.com/locate/entcs). A first hard copy will be provided at the workshop. A special issue in an international journal is expected and will be dedicated to selected papers from the workshop. At least one author of each paper should attend the workshop to present the paper. For more information, please contact the workshop chairs at chirine.ghedira@liris.cnrs.fr, djamal.benslimane@liris.cnrs.fr, zakaria.maamar@zu.ac.ae.
DEADLINES: ==========
- Submissions due: March 25th, 2005 - Acceptance notification: April 15th, 2005 - Camera-ready papers received: April 30th, 2005 - Program on line: May 5th, 2005 - Workshop: July 5th, 2005
Workshop Organizers: =================== - C. Ghedira, Lyon 1 University, France - D. Benslimane, Lyon 1 University, France - Z. Maamar, Zayed University, U.A.E
Scientific Committee: ==================== - K. Baina, ENSIAS, Morocco - B. Benatallah, UNSW, Australia - M. Berger, Siemens, Germany - W. Binder, EPFL, Switzerland - L. Cavedon, Stanford University, USA - R.M. Dijkman, University of Twente, Netherlands - M. Dumas, QUT, Australia - J. Fayolle, Saint-Etienne University, France - M. S. Hacid, Lyon 1 University, France - R. Khalaf, IBM research, USA - M. Khedr, Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Egypt - F. Letellier, ObjectWeb Consortium, INRIA, France - Q. Mahmoud, Guelph University, Canada - B. Medjahed, Michigan University, USA - G. Kouadri M., Fribourg University, Switzerland - S. Kouadri M., Fribourg University, Switzerland - N. C. Narendra, IBM Software Labs, India - M. Nunez, Madrid University, Spain - Q. Z. Sheng, UNSW, Australia - P. Thiran, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands
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Lars Wolf