Fwd: mHealthSys (co-held at ACM SenSys) 2012 CFP

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: mHealthSys (co-held at ACM SenSys) 2012 CFP Datum: Mon, 25 Jun 2012 17:01:21 -0400 Von: Raghu k Ganti rganti@US.IBM.COM Antwort an: Raghu k Ganti rganti@US.IBM.COM An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of the CFP]
Second International Workshop on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services for Healthcare
at ACM SenSys 2012 November 6, 2012 Seattle, USA http://chad.illinois.edu/mHealthSys2012/index.html
Call for Papers (mHealthSys 2012) --------------------------------
The second International Workshop on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services for Healthcare solicits innovative and original research papers related to mobile systems as applied to healthcare and wellness. We explicitly encourage submissions related to real deployments and experiences with practical systems. We would also like to encourage paper submissions with accompanying demos (a short description in the paper will suffice). We are interested in, but not limited to, the following research topics on healthcare:
* Wearable sensors * Mobile sensing devices * Mobile imaging and diagnostics tools * Limitations of sensing (e.g. sampling rate, types of sensing related to healthcare and wellness monitoring) * Energy issues * Security and privacy issues * Communication challenges (in healthcare based mobile systems) * Data quality monitoring and robustness (in the mobile environments) * Realtime sensor data processing on mobile devices * Sensor data analytics * Healthcare and wellness applications on mobile devices * User (patient/medical professional) needs and its impact on system design * Real-life deployments/practical experiences
Call for Demos and Posters (mHealthSys 2012) -------------------------------------------
We are also soliciting posters and demos that showcase innovative and novel mobile sensor systems for healthcare. The scope of work is described above. Demo and poster submissions should be up to 2 pages (including Tables, Figures, and References). Submissions should describe innovative ideas and systems related to mobile systems, applications, and services for healthcare. Detailed description of the demo and poster is expected.
Important Dates ---------------
Paper Submission Deadline: August 08, 2012, 11:59 pm EST Notification of Paper Acceptance: September 09, 2012 Demo and Poster Submission Deadline: September 23, 2012, 11:59 pm EST Notification of Demo and Poster Acceptance: September 30, 2012
Accepted papers and demos/posters will be included in the ACM electronics proceedings.
mHealthSys 2012 Organizing Committee ------------------------------------ General Chair: Raghu Ganti (IBM T J Watson Research Center) TPC co-Chairs: John Burruss (Baylor College of Medicine) and Ashutosh Sabharwal (Rice University)
Steering Committee ------------------ John Burruss (Baylor College of Medicine) Raghu Ganti (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center) Santosh Kumar (UMemphis) Ashutosh Sabharwal (Rice University) Mani Srivastava (UCLA) Kenneth Watkin (UIUC) Liangzhao Zeng (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
Technical Program Committee --------------------------- Tarek Abdelzaher (UIUC) John Burruss (Baylor College of Medicine) Octav Chipara (University of Iowa) Prabal Dutta (University of Michigan) James Eadie (Sante Ventures) Emre Ertin (OSU) Raghu Ganti (IBM T J Watson Research Center) Mario Gerla (UCLA) Stephen Intille (Northeastern University) Santosh Kumar (University of Memphis) John Lach (University of Virginia) Karin Nielsen (UCLA) Wendy Nilsen (OBSSR NIH) Aydogan Ozcan (UCLA) Ashutosh Sabharwal (Rice University) Soundararajan Srinivasan (Robert Bosch Resarch) Hari Sundaram (ASU) Lakshman Tamil (UT Dallas) Ashok Veeraraghavan (Rice University) Kenneth Watkin (UIUC) Liangzhao Zeng (IBM T J Watson Research Center) ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf