CfP: ACM UBICOMP / CASEMANS 2012 + Hindawi ASE Special Issue on Self-* Parallel and Distributed Systems

Dear Colleagues, please accept our apologies if you saw this announcement already. This is to kindlydraw your attention to the following two calls for papers: - ACM UBICOMP 2012 Workshop CASEMANS 2012 (DEADLINE JUNE 1!)- Hindawi Advances in Software Engineering - Special Issue on Self-* Parallel and Distributed Systems (DEADLINE JUNE 8!) Please note how the workshop proceedings will be published by the ACM and will be indexed accordingly, and that the electronic version of the proceedings will be made available online at the ACM Digital Library.
Kind regards,Waltenegus, Juha, and Vincenzo.
ACM UBICOMP/CASEMANS 2012 - Call for papers Cloud computing, autonomic computing, pervasive computing, and mobile computing tend to be converging to maximize the combinedbenefits of these paradigms. A large number of applications can takeadvantage of this, including healthcare, traffic control, andsocial network applications. However, these applications are complexby nature and introduce several challenges of their own, for example,reliable sensing, accurate context recognition, scalability, security,dealing with previously unforeseen side-effects of adaptations, and so on. These challenges can be meaningfully addressed whenresearchers of diverse background come together to provide differentviews of the same problems and to help each other understandthe complex relationships between contending ideas. The Casemans 2012 workshop aims to open a platform for researchersof ubiquitous computing, autonomic computing, and similar fieldsto address these issues. This year, we are building on the success of casemans 2011 by introducing full and short paper sessions. Full papers will demonstrate solid research results (4-6 ACM pages) while short papers (typically 2 ACM Pages) demonstrate visionary, critical and even controversial ideas and work-in-progressthat can encourage discussion and further research. Scope The scope of the workshop can be described by the following terms:- Context-awareness in cloud computing- Context-awareness in energy-efficient computing- Context-awareness in smart spaces- context-awareness in wireless sensor networks- Context-awareness in social networking- Context-awareness in robotics- Context-awareness in multimedia content distribution- Context-based multimodal interaction Information for Authors The workshop proceedings will be published by the ACM and will be indexed accordingly. The electronic version of the proceedingswill be made available online at the ACM Digital Library. Manuscriptsshould be prepared according to the ACM Proceedings format. Pleasevisit the ACM template website ( All paper submissions will be handled electronically by Easychair( that submission is a two-stage process --- authors need to registertheir paper first and then submit the final manuscript. Submissionsmust be in PDF format and conform to the ACM guidelines.
Important Dates Paper submission -- June 1Notification -- June 30Camera ready -- July 6 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advances in Software Engineering - Special Issue onSelf-* Parallel and Distributed Systems Call for papers (PDF:,HTML: Autonomic computing has been identified as a promising solution to cope with the overwhelming complexity in modern and next-generation computer systems. In particular, the self-* properties (self-configuration, self-optimization, self-healing and self-protection) outline the fundamental features of an autonomic computing system. Parallel and distributed systems, a computing domain with great applicability in a variety of industrial and domestic contexts, rely on self-* software to manage a large number of heterogeneous computation, communication, and storage resources. The challenges of energy efficiency, dependability and security are of particular interest. This special issue addresses the software aspects of the whole design and operational process and system architecture of self-* parallel and distributed systems. We welcome studies on all forms of software, including application software and system software. The relevant scope of parallel and distributed systems widely covers, but is not limited to, embedded systems, large-scale networks, cyber-physical systems (CPS), cloud-computing etc. The systems under focus should integrate software with clear and novel self-* features to be qualified for acceptance. Potential topics include, but are not limited to: - Model-driven engineering of self-* distributed systems- Robust design of self-* parallel and distributed systems- Software design and implementation for energy-awareness- Energy-awareness in self-organizing systems such as in cluster-based systems and cloud computing- Real-time aspects, especially in conjunction with other conflicting design goals- Evolvability aspects- Resilience of autonomic distributed and parallel systems- Self-healing and protection for dependable and secure systems- Software for interoperable heterogeneous networked systems - Specification and modeling languages for self-* properties- Formal validation and verification- Software testing- Parallel and distributed debugging- Application and industrial case studies- Retrospective, Review and Future Perspectives
Before submission authors should carefully read over the journal's Author Guidelines, which are located at Prospective authors should submit an electronic copy of their complete manuscript through the journal Manuscript Tracking System at according to the following timetable: Manuscript Due: June 8, 2012First round of reviews: August 31, 2012Publication date: October 26, 2012 Lead Guest Editor Juha Plosila, Department of Information Technology, University of Turku, 20014 Turku, Finland; Guest Editors Waltenegus Dargie, Chair of Computer Networks, Institute for System Architecture, Faculty of Computer Science, Technical University of Dresden, 01062 Dresden, Germany; Vincenzo De Florio, Performance Analysis of Telecommunication Systems group, University of Antwerp, Middelheimlaan 1, 2020 Antwerp, Belgium;
participants (1)
Vincenzo De Florio