Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: TrustCol 2012 [Selected papers invited for COSE and IEEE TDSC]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: TrustCol 2012 [Selected papers invited for COSE and IEEE TDSC] Datum: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 13:48:31 -0600 Von: Dongwan Shin doshin@nmt.edu An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
/*********************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS
The 7th IEEE International Workshop on Trusted Collaboration (TrustCol 2012) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. October 14, 2012
http://scl.cs.nmt.edu/trustcol12/ ***********************************************************************/
NEW FOR TRUSTCOL2012 -------------------- A best paper award will be given to the best paper of the workshop. In addition, authors of selected papers up to 5, including the author(s) of the best paper, will be invited to submit their extended versions of papers to either a special issue of Computers and Security (COSE) or IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC).
SCOPE ----- The ongoing, rapid development in information technology has enabled significant opportunities for streamlining decision-making processes and maximizing productivity through distributed collaboration that facilitates unprecedented levels of sharing of computational and storage resources. Emerging collaborative environments need to provide efficient support for seamless integration of heterogeneous technologies such as mobile devices, web services, grid/cloud computing, online social networks, various operating environments, and diverse COTS products. Such heterogeneity introduces, however, significant security and privacy challenges for distributed collaboration. Balancing the competing goals of collaboration and security is difficult because interaction in collaborative systems is targeted towards making people, information, and resources available to all who need it whereas information security seeks to ensure the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of these elements while providing them only to those with proper trustworthiness. The key goal of this workshop is to foster active interactions among diverse researchers and practitioners, and generate added momentum towards research in finding viable solutions to the security and privacy challenges faced by the current and future collaborative systems and infrastructures.
We solicit unpublished research papers that address theoretical issues and practical implementations/experiences related to security and privacy solutions for collaborative systems. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Secure dynamic coalition environments - Privacy control in collaborative environments - Secure workflows for collaborative computing - Policy-based management of collaborative workspace - Secure middleware for large scale collaborative infrastructures - Security and privacy issues in mobile collaborative applications - Identity management for large scale collaborative infrastructures - Semantic web technologies for secure collaborative infrastructure - Trust models, trust negotiation/management for collaborative systems - Access control models and mechanisms for collaboration environments - Protection models and mechanisms for peer-to-peer collaborative environments - Delegation, accountability, and information flow control in collaborative applications - Intrusion detection, recovery and survivability of collaborative systems/infrastructures - Security of web services and grid technologies for supporting multidomain collaborative applications - Security and privacy challenges in cloud-based collaborative applications - Insider threats in collaborative systems
IMPORTANT DATES --------------- Paper Submission Deadline: July 27, 2012 Acceptance Notification: August 24, 2012 Camera Ready Deadline: September 7, 2012 Workshop: October 14, 2012
SUBMISSION GUIDELINE -------------------- Research papers for TrustCol 2012 should be up to 8 pages in IEEE 2-column format. Please follow the instructions provided in the author's kit at http://scl.cs.nmt.edu/trustcol12. Submission of papers is through the EasyChair conference system at http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=trustcol2012.
PUBLICATION ----------- This workshop is sponsored by IEEE and IEEE CS. Accepted papers will be published in a proceedings, which will be available during the workshop.
ORGANIZING COMMITTEE -------------------- General Co-Chairs: - Gail-Joon Ahn, Arizona State University, USA - James Joshi, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Program Co-Chairs: - Lujo Bauer, Carnegie Mellon University, USA - Dongwan Shin, New Mexico Tech, USA
PROGRAM COMMITTEE ----------------- - Tanvir Ahmed, Oracle, USA - Anirban Basu, Tokai University, Japan - Elisa Bertino, Purdue University, USA - Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University, USA - Nicolas Christin, Carnegie Mellon University, USA - William Claycomb, Carnegie Mellon University, USA - Song Fu, University of North Texas, USA - Nader M Nassar, IBM, CIO center of innovation, USA - Surya Nepal, Networking Technologies Laboratory, Australia - Federica Paci, University of Trento, Italy - Jaehong Park, University of Texas at San Antonio - Joon S. Park, Syracuse University, USA - Kent Seamons, Brigham Young University, USA - Mohamed Shehab, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA - Zhengping Wu, University of Bridgeport, USA
_______________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications (TCCC) - for discussions on computer networking and communication. Tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu https://lists.cs.columbia.edu/cucslists/listinfo/tccc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf