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(for details see attachment) --------------------------------------------------------------------
A R C S 2006
19th International Conference on
A r c h i t e c t u r e o f C o m p u t i n g S y s t e m s System Aspects in Organic Computing
Frankfurt / Main, Germany, March 13 - 16, 2006 http://arcs06.cs.uni-frankfurt.de/
Organized by GI and ITG. Supported by EUREL, CEPIS, IFIP, ACM, IEEE. Sponsored by University of Frankfurt/Main, SIEMENS, BOSCH.
ARCS 2006 will be held at Frankfurt University, Campus Westend, from March 14 to 15, 2006. Additional tutorials and workshops will complement the conference on March 13 and March 16, respectively. ARCS 2006 will cover a broad range of research topics related to basic technology, architecture, and application of computing systems. Organic Computing (Autonomic Computing, Proactive Computing) may help to manage the increasing complexity of computing systems. ARCS 2006 is intended for researchers, R&D engineers, and practitioners. The key topics of this conference are:
- Emergent Behavior of Computing Systems
- Network Computing
- Pervasive, Ubiquitous, Nomadic, Mobile, and Wireless Computing
- Operating Systems
- Dependable Computing
- Computer Architecture
- Power-Awareness
The proceedings of ARCS 2006 will be published in the Springer LNCS series. The best paper and the best presentation will be awarded a prize. Authors of accepted papers will have the opportunity to complement their oral presentation by an additional poster (not mandatory) Selected papers will be published in special issues of the Journal of Systems Architecture (JSA) and the Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal (PUC).
Prospective authors are invited to submit a paper (limited to 15 pages in PDF format). Detailed guidelines concerning the LNCS style and the submission process are available at http://arcs06.cs.uni-frankfurt.de/.
Proposals for tutorials and workshops within the technical scope of the conference are solicited. Guidelines concerning the submissions of proposals can also be found at http://arcs06.cs.uni-frankfurt.de/.
Participants from East-European countries may apply for a waiver of the conference fee (see website for more information). A limited number of grants will be available.
Paper Submission: September 18, 2005 Tutorial and Workshop Proposals: October 2, 2005 Notification of Acceptance: November 28, 2005 Camera-Ready Submission: December 19, 2005
General Chair
Klaus Waldschmidt University of Frankfurt, Germany waldsch@ti.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de
Program Chair
Werner Grass University of Passau, Germany grass@fmi.uni-passau.de
Workshop and Tutorial Chair
Wolfgang Karl University of Karlsruhe, Germany karl@ira.uka.de
participants (1)
Martin Gutbrod