Fwd: [ISCC] ACM WiNTECH 2013 -- Demo due on July 3, 2013

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ISCC] ACM WiNTECH 2013 -- Demo due on July 3, 2013 Datum: Fri, 21 Jun 2013 17:04:27 +0900 Von: Hyoil Kim hyoilkim@gmail.com An: iscc@mama.ing.unibo.it
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*** Demo due on July 3, 2013 ***
ACM WiNTECH 2013: The 8th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental Evaluation and Characterization
In conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2013
Miami, Florida, September 30, 2013
We witnessed an increasing demand for high-speed, reliable and ubiquitous mobile wireless networks in recent years. Following this trend, challenging issues to satisfy the growing number of wireless users can be foreseen. Doubtlessly, thorough experimental analyses are of paramount importance to accurately identify the limitations of current technologies and to motivate innovative ideas to solve them. Moreover, realistic empirical evaluations of such a diverse set of solutions, and their mutual interactions, will play a major role to demonstrate their efficiency in everyday denser networks, thus shaping future advances in wireless technology. Due to these, sharing experiences, methodologies and experimental results are gaining wider recognition in the mobile and wireless research community.
===================== CALL FOR DEMOS =====================
WiNTECH aims at bringing together researchers working in the broad area of experimental wireless networking. This workshop will serve as a forum to share new ideas and experiences gathered across all experimental aspects of wireless networks and systems, and facilitate discussions of key unresolved challenges in this area.
In addition to regular paper presentations, the workshop program will include an interactive session with demos. We welcome demonstrations of novel wireless network testbed capabilities and measurement results. The demos may show work in progress and offers an excellent opportunity for feedback and discussions on early research.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Design and evaluation of wireless testbeds, prototypes and platforms - Experiences/lessons from recent testbed deployments - Hybrid experimentation approaches combining use of multiple evaluation methodologies - Integration of diverse and distributed testbed infrastructures - Testbed management issues and monitoring support - Wireless testbed case studies - Experimental evaluation of applications and protocols, including the impact of cross-layer interactions - Large-scale and heterogeneous wireless network evaluations - Approaches for real-world evaluation of mobile networks - Measurement and evaluation on large-scale smartphone based deployments - Studies on real-world white-space networks - Evaluation environments for sensor and satellite networks - Techniques for improving reproducibility of real-world testing - Implementation approaches to ease transition between different evaluation methodologies - New measurement methodologies and infrastructures - Interference and spectrum usage measurements - Techniques for improving reproducibility of real-world testing - Measurement and characterization (modeling) of real-world aspects of wireless networks such as usage patterns, traffic, mobility and channel characteristics - Validation of existing simulation models, and results across different testbeds/evaluation methodologies
============= IMPORTANT DATES =============
Demo submission deadline: July 3, 2013 Demo notification: July 10, 2013
Workshop date: September 30, 2013
======================== DEMO SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS ========================
Demo submissions will be handled by emailing the description to wintechdemos@gmail.com mailto:wintechdemos@gmail.com by the July 3, 2013 deadline. The description should not be longer than two pages (including figures, tables, and references), using two-column format, 10-point size or greater and in PDF format. A third page should be included listing the demo requirements at the workshop venue.
================= WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS =================
Steering committee
Edward Knightly, Rice University Sung-Ju Lee, Narus, Inc. Mahesh Marina, University of Edinburgh Peter Steenkiste, Carnegie Mellon University
Workshop chairs
Albert Banchs, University Carlos III of Madrid and IMDEA Networks, Spain Sunghyun Choi, Seoul National University, Korea
Publicity chairs
Daji Qiao, Iowa State University, USA Hyoil Kim, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea
Demo chairs
Xavier Perez Costa, NEC Laboratories Europe, Germany Ilenia Tinnirello, University of Palermo, Italy
participants (1)
Lars Wolf