Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Date extended - CFP for the Workshop on Distributed and Intelligent Computing at the Edge (DICE) co-located with DCOSS'20

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] Date extended - CFP for the Workshop on Distributed and Intelligent Computing at the Edge (DICE) co-located with DCOSS'20 Datum: Tue, 14 Apr 2020 00:08:26 -0500 Von: DICE Workshop dice.dcoss.workshops@gmail.com Antwort an: DICE Workshop dice.dcoss.workshops@gmail.com An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP.]
DICE - Distributed and Intelligent Computing at the Edge ( Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles co-located with DCOSS 2020, www.bit.ly/37v9hat )
*Due to the pandemic, DCOSS 2020 Workshops will be held in an online manner, without physical attendance. Still, all accepted papers will be included in the IEEE Proceedings as planned, in the same volume with the main event. Reduced registration fees will apply. *
The wide deployment of tiny IoT devices to provide seamless and ubiquitous connectivity with smart sensing paradigms calls for efficient resource management at the edge. Edge devices of today range from tiny sensor nodes to smartphones and now even flying UAVs. State-of-the-art applications at these edge devices expect near-to-zero latency, high bandwidth, and optimized resource management. Intelligent data processing, management, and response mechanisms are specially needed in the challenged and remote deployments where reaching cloud can consume considerable resources. For current and future IoT applications, there exist vast, exciting, and challenging opportunities for building a conducive edge ecosystem. We are now living in an exciting era where machine learning intersects with almost all major computing platforms. Our specific focus is on how to make edge devices intelligent by leveraging learning techniques. With such techniques, the need is to decouple centralized intelligence and develop truly distributed edge applications that gives power to edge devices of being truly independent to take key decisions on-the-fly.
The First IEEE Workshop on Distributed and Intelligent Computing at the Edge (DICE) seeks exciting, innovative research related to the design, implementation, and evaluation of small-scale as well as large-scale systems that host applications at the network edge. With a broad focus on actual edge computing platforms, DICE solicits contributions that aim to provide key insights learned from developing such systems.
The topics of interest include (but are not limited to): ● Development of intelligent edge computing platforms ● Data collection, analysis, and inference methodologies ● Edge solutions towards 5G integration ● Addressing the networking challenges ● Design and development of battery friendly algorithms ● Intelligent and network-aware edge applications ● Solutions for monitoring and troubleshooting the large-scale edge systems
*For providing high visibility to the authors, DICE will be held in parallel with the main event* *Important Dates* ● Abstract Registration Deadline: *April 30, 2020* ● Paper Submission Deadline: *April 30, 2020* ● Acceptance Notification: *May 20, 2020* ● Camera ready submission deadline: *June 10, 2020* ● Conference Dates: *TBD*
*Chairs* ● Dheryta Jaisinghani, Northeastern University, Boston, MA USA, dheryta@ece.neu.edu ● Abhishek Mukherji, Accenture, San Jose, CA, USA, amukherji@acm.org
*Publicity Chair*● Sougata Sen, Northwestern University, USA
*TPC* ● Corey E. Baker, University of Kentucky, USA ● Karthik Dantu, SUNY Buffalo, USA ● Shih Chun Lin, North Carolina State University, USA ● Akhil Mathur, Nokia Bell Labs / UCL, UK ● Bobak Mortazavi, Texas A&M University, USA ● Vinayak Naik, BITS Pilani, India ● Sougata Sen, Northwestern University, USA ● Angelo Trotta, University of Bologna. Italy ● Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou, University of New Mexico, USA ● Rohit Kumar, University of Southern California, USA.
______________________________________________________________ IEEE Communications Society Tech. Committee on Computer Communications http://committees.comsoc.org/tccc/ TCCC Announce: For announcements concerning computer networking and communications. tccc-announce@comsoc.org https://comsoc-listserv.ieee.org/
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Lars Wolf