CFP: 2008 International Workshop on Wireless Communications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (WITS-08), December 13th ~ 15th, 2008, Hainan Island, China.

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2008 International Workshop on Wireless Communications for Intelligent Transportation Systems (WITS-08), December 13th ~ 15th, 2008, Hainan Island, China.
In conjunction with the 2nd International Conference on Future Generation Communication and Networking (FGCN 2008),
SCOPE & Topics =============== A number of wireless communications technologies have been developed in recent years to meet the increasing needs of high-speed cordless connections in civil and military applications. The advances include WiFi (IEEE 802.11), WiMAX (IEEE 802.16), Wireless PAN (IEEE 802.15), sensor networks, Bluetooth, mesh/ad hoc networks, RFID, mobile IP, mobile management, smart antenna, Radio-over-fiber, OFDM/OFDMA, MIMO, cooperative communications, cognitive radio, and so on. These emerging technologies will significantly impact the design and operation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), which aims to effectively provide higher vehicles safety, traffic management, and communications among vehicles and transport infrastructure. Currently, governmental institutes and societies in North America, Europe, Japan, and China, etc., are actively developing advanced wireless technologies for road, rail and maritime transport systems. For instance, the Dedicated Short Range Communications (DSRC) band has been allocated in the USA at 5.9 GHz for vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications. The IEEE 802.11p working group is developing enhancements of 802.11 standards to support ITS, vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), vehicular telematics, and infotainment applications.
This workshop covers the area of wireless communications technologies for ITS applications. It will bring together researchers to present new results and describe work in progress to reflect the latest advances in the state of the art in design, modeling, simulation, and applications of this area. The topics of the workshop cover, but not limited to, the following: * Smart antenna in ITS * Millimeter-wave Radar in ITS * RFID in ITS * Radio channel modeling for ITS * IEEE 802.11p for ITS * Dedicated Short Range Communications in ITS * Wireless communications for Maritime ITS * Sensor networks and technologies for ITS * Ad hoc/mesh networks for ITS * Mobile management in ITS * Vehicular networks * Heterogeneous networks for ITS * Digital maps and location technologies
Submission: =========================== The submission should be done according to the guidelines on
Important Dates: ================ Submission Deadline: July 1, 2008 Notification of Acceptance: August 15, 2008 Camera Ready Due: September 1, 2008 Workshop Date: December 13-15, 2008
Workshop Committee: ================== General Chair Yan Zhang, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
General Co-Chair Thanos Vasilakos, University of Western Macedonia, Greece
TPC Chair Ming-Tuo Zhou, NICT (Japan), Singapore
TPC Co-Chair Hassnaa Moustafa, France Telecom R&D (Orange Labs), France
participants (1)
Ming-Tuo Zhou