[Fwd: [InternetTC] Call for papers - TridentCom 2010, 18-20 May 2010, Berlin, Germany]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] Call for papers - TridentCom 2010, 18-20 May 2010, Berlin, Germany Datum: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 19:45:45 -0300 (BRT) Von: Carlos Becker Westphall westphal@inf.ufsc.br An: itc@comsoc.org Referenzen: 4A3965FA.5030702@xlim.fr Pine.GSO.4.60.0907181123210.27728@venus Pine.GSO.4.60.0907301237290.17353@venus
Apologies for cross-postings ----------------------------
TridentCom 2010 The 6th International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities
18-20 May 2010 Berlin, Germany
Dear Madam/Sir,
Testbeds and research infrastructures have become ever more important for the development of information and communication technologies. Thus, we invite you to submit a paper or demonstration proposal for Tridentcom 2010.
TridentCom 2010 will provide a forum to explore existing and planned testbed concepts, infrastructures, and tools to address the research and business challenges of ICT convergence.
+++ Scope +++
ICT networks and services are evolving at a rapid pace. The networked society is calling for service environments that will deliver new value-adding services to the customer, while maintaining the reliability of services and networks. This drives the need for flexible testing and experimentation environments responding to multiple requirements. The corresponding testbeds range from small, dedicated and well-controlled environments up to large-scale environments for future networks.
Major research and development programmes around the globe have started to develop and deploy large-scale experimental facilities, including GENI in the U.S., FIRE in Europe as well as AKARI, CNGI, and others in Asia. Due to the increasing complexity, attention is increasingly being devoted to cross-layer testbeds, which can support experiments spanning the network, service delivery and application layers. These testbeds and experimental facilities will play a pivotal role for the for the Future Internet. Thus, Tridentcom 2010 will devote significant attention to them.
Prospective authors from academia, industry and government are invited to submit high-quality papers in two categories, Full Papers and Testbed Practices Papers. In adition, we invite demonstration proposals on all aspects of testbed and research infrastructure operation and management.
+++ Paper topics +++
Topics for papers and demonstration proposals include, but are not limited to:
* Testbeds and Experimental Facilities for the Future Internet * Federation of testbeds on a layer and cross layer basis * Large scale testbed federations * Governance in testbeds and testbed federations * Future Internet and Clean Slate Protocol Stack testbeds * Virtualized Network and Network Federation testbeds * GRID, P2P and Overlay testbeds * Autonomic Communications and Self-managing Network Testbeds * Future Wireless Network Testbeds * Future Optical Network Testbeds * Ubiquitous Network and Seamless Services Testbeds * End System and Sensor Testbeds * Smart Home and Converged Communication and Media Services Testbeds * SOA/Web 2.0 Services Testbeds * Next Generation Services Testbeds * Service Creation and Provisioning Testbeds * Next Generation Networks, IMS, and Quad Play Testbeds * Configurable Hardware/Software Platforms for Testbeds * Testbed Tools for Interoperability, Benchmarking and Traffic Measurements * Innovative Measurements Methodologies and Tools for Networks and Services * Industrial informatics * Wireless industrial communications * Networked industrial automation
+++ Important deadlines +++
Paper submission: 30 October 2009 Demo and workshop proposals: 27 November 2009 Notification of paper acceptance: 15 January 2010 Submission of final paper: 15 February 2010
Further information about the conference and the submission process is available on the Tridentcom website at http://www.tridentcom.org/
Or contact us at tridentcom2010@eurescom.eu
Kind regards,
General Chair Thomas Magedanz, TU Berlin / Fraunhofer Fokus, Germany
Programme Committee Co-Chairs Anastasius Gavras, Eurescom, Germany Nguyen Huu Thanh, Hanoi University of Technology, Vietnam Jeff Chase, Duke University, USA
participants (1)
Lars Wolf