-------- Original Message -------- Subject: IEEE HPSR2004 - DEADLINE APPROACHING (fwd) Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 14:27:16 +0000 (GMT) From: Luca Valcarenghi valcarenghi@sssup.it To: itc@comsoc.org CC: Andrea Fumagalli andreaf@utdallas.edu
Please, accept our apologies if multiple copies are received.
Andrea Fumagalli Publicity Chair IEEE HPSR2004
*********************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS
IEEE HPSR2004: Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing April 18-21, 2004, Phoenix, Arizona http://hpsr2004.asu.edu (or see pdf attached)
IMPORTANT DATES: Full paper submissions due on ****** OCTOBER 15, 2003 ****** Notifications of acceptance distributed by January 15, 2004. Camera-ready papers and registrations due on February 15, 2004. ***********************************************************************
participants (1)
Lars Wolf