[Tccc] CFP: WWASN2010 June 21, Genoa, Italy (in conjunction with ICDCS2010)

Call for Papers for
The Seventh Workshop on Wireless Ad hoc and Sensor Networks WWASN2010 http://www.scs.ryerson.ca/~vmisic/WWASN2010.html ========================================================================= a full day workshop held on June 21, 2010, in conjunction with ICDCS 2010 - The 30th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems - http://icdcs2010.cnit.it/, June 21-25, 2010 in Genoa, Italy =========================================================================
Timetable Manuscript Submission . . . . . . January 8, 2010 Acceptance Notification . . . . . February 15, 2010 Final Manuscript Due at IEEE . . March 15, 2010
========================================================================= This workshop covers the area of ad hoc networking, from physical issues up to application aspects. In particular, it will cover physical, data link, network and transport layers, as well as applications, security, simulation and power management issues in sensor, local area, personal, and mobile ad hoc networks. It is the goal of this workshop to review ad hoc protocols and models and to reflect the latest in the state of the art in ad hoc networks. It seeks to provide up to date information on research and development activities in the rapidly growing area of ad hoc networks. The workshop will also address sensor networks, vehicular access networks, and other emerging ad hoc wireless networks, including (but not limited to) the issues related to:
- Applications and history of ad hoc networks - Physical layer of ad hoc networks - Pervasive and wearable computing - Opportunistic spectrum access in ad hoc networks - IEEE 801.11x, 802.15.x and other types of medium access control - Methods and tools for ad hoc networks simulation - Analytical, mobility and validation models for ad hoc networks - Hybrid networks and wireless internet - Security in ad hoc and sensor networks - Data management issues, query processing, and data delivery in sensor networks - Routing, broadcasting and multicasting in ad hoc networks - Energy-efficient protocols for ad hoc networks - Quality of service in medium access control and routing - Topology construction and maintenance - Information processing in sensor networks and systems
Selected best papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks journal (Old City Publishing, UK).
========================================================================= Submission details
Papers should be submitted via email to workshop co-chairs (wwasn2010@netmode.ntua.gr). Papers should be submitted as PDF files, using the IEEE Computer Society proceedings format (two column, 10 point, single-spaced, US Letter, no margin smaller than one inch). Include an abstract, five to ten keywords, technical area(s) most relevant to your paper, and the corresponding author's e-mail address. Number each page in the manuscript. While there are no page length restrictions on the length of submitted papers, please note that the paper length for accepted papers should not exceed ten (10) pages with up to two (2) additional pages for which extra page charge will apply.
IMPORTANT: For each accepted paper, authors are required to submit at least one full registration for the ICDCS2010 conference. Accepted papers supported by at least one full registration will be published by IEEE Computer Society Press as part of the proceedings of ICDCS'2010 workshops.
========================================================================= General Chairs
David Simplot-Ryl, IRCICA/LIFL, Univ. Lille 1, France http://www.lifl.fr/~simplot/
Ivan Stojmenovic, SITE, University of Ottawa, Canada http://www.site.uottawa.ca/~ivan/
========================================================================= Program Co-Chairs
Symeon Papavassiliou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece http://www.netmode.ntua.gr/papavass/ Vojislav B. Misic, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON, Canada http://www.scs.ryerson.ca/~vmisic/
========================================================================= Program committee
Abdolreza Abhari, Ryerson University, Canada Habib M. Ammari, Hofstra University, USA Lin Cai, University of Victoria, Canada Ling-Jyh Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan Ho Ting Cheng, University of Waterloo, Canada Yu Cheng, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA Yuanzhu Peter Chen, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada François Ingelrest, EPFL, Switzerland Vasileios Karyotis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Ibrahim Korpeoglu, Bilkent University, Turkey Ming Li, Oracle Corp., USA Hai Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, China Nathalie Mitton, INRIA, France Uyen Trang Nguyen, York University, Canada Antonio Puliafito, University of Messina, Italy Petar Popovski, Aalborg University, Denmark Jianping Pan, University of Victoria, Canada Sahra Sedigh, Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA Natalia Stakhanova, University of New Brunswick, Canada Suleyman Uludag, University of Michigan-Flint, USA Natalija Vlajic, York University, Canada Ping Wang, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore Isaac Woungang, Ryerson University, Canada Gang Zhou, College of William and Mary, USA
========================================================================= Contact
Send questions or comments to workshop co-chairs (wwasn2010@netmode.ntua.gr).
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participants (1)
Vojislav Misic