[Tccc] [FT-ASN 10] Future Trends on Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks

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The ACS/IEEE Workshop Future Trends on Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (FT-ASN)
In Conjunction with the 8th ACS/IEEE International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications AICCSA 2010 Hammamet, Tunisia, May 16-19, 2010
Ad Hoc & Sensor Networks have solicited tremendous attentions from both academic community and industry fields for many years. They are becoming an integral part of the current computing landscape and certainly of future computing development and networking platforms. Along with the rapid development of hardware and embedded systems, ad hoc and sensor networks are being further developed towards a large number of mobile and multimedia applications such as video surveillance, traffic enforcement and control systems, advanced healthcare delivery, structural health monitoring, and industrial process control.
The support of mobility, multimedia, security and scalability raise many challenging issues such as cross layer optimization, intelligent content aware transmission, scarce resource intelligent allocation, mobile self organization, autonomic management and operation and secured communications and localization. Significant research efforts are still needed from both academia community and industrial fields, yet further experimental enlightening is sought from current deployments and test beds.
The workshop aims to be a forum for researchers working on the design, modelling, analysis and performance evaluation of Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks. The objective of the workshop is to bring together state-of-the-art research contributions, and position papers that address key aspects of scalable, mobile, multimedia ad hoc and sensor networks. Original papers describing completed and unpublished work not currently under review are solicited. While we are especially interested in research submissions focusing primarily on scalabilility, mobility, security and autonomic management, other aspects of ad hoc and sensor networks are also solicited.
TOPICS OF INTEREST ? Scalability and mobility issues in cross-layer design, and optimization for effective communications ? Scalable and flexible network architectures, deployments, and heterogeneous applications ? Applications and deployment experiences ? Design tools and methodologies for sensor networks ? Performance and security tradeoffs ? Security under resource constraints (e.g., energy, bandwidth, memory, and computation constraints) ? Secure multimedia streaming and transmission, QoS and admission control ? Secure location services ? Secure clock distribution ? Secure routing ? Secure MAC protocols ? Key management and Trust establishment, negotiation, and management ? Resource assignment and sharing ? Protocols for supporting real-time and reliable multimedia streaming ? Energy-efficient multimedia gathering, transmission, traffic management, and sensor data management ? Topology control and synchronization protocols ? Autonomic management and operation
IMPORTANT DATES ? Abstract deadline: Friday, January 8th, 2010 ? Full papers due: Friday, January 15th, 2010 ? Author notification: Friday, February 5th, 2010 ? Camera ready due: Friday, February 12th, 2010 ? Workshop-Conference: May 16-19, 2010
Workshop General Chairs ? Abdelfettah Belghith - University of Manouba, Tunisia ? Mario Gerla - University of California at Los Angeles, USA
Steering Committee ? Abdelfettah Belghith - HANA Research Group, University of Manouba, Tunisia ? Habib Youssef - Prince, University of Sousse, Tunisia ? Mohamed Abid - CES, University of Sfax, Tunisia ? Riadh Robbana - LIP2, University of Carthage, Tunisia
Publicity Chairs ? Anis Koubaa - Al Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University, KSA / CISTER Research Unit, Portugal ? Amine Dhraief - HANA Research Group, University of Manouba, Tunisia ? Rafaa Tahar - HANA Research Group, University of Manouba, Tunisia
Technical Program Committee ? Abdelfettah Belghith - University of Manouba, Tunisia ? Abdelhakim Hafid - University of Montreal, Canada ? Abderrahim BenSlimane - University of Avignon, France ? Adel Ben Mnaouer - University of Trinidad and Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago ? Andreas J. Kassler - Karlstad University, Sweden ? Anis Koubaa - Al Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University, KSA / CISTER Research Unit, Portugal ? Aref Meddeb - University of Sousse, Tunisia ? Bernard Cousin - IRISA, University of Rennes 1, France ? Debashis Saha - IIM, Calcutta, India ? Farid Nait Abdessalem - University of Lille, France ? Foh Chuan Heng - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ? Guy Pujolle - Pierre and Marie Curie University, France ? Habib Youssef - University of Sousse, Tunisia ? Hamdi Yahyaoui - Kuwait University, Kuwait ? Hossam Hassanein - Queens University, Canada ? Jian-Nong Cao - Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong ? Khaled Ben Letaief - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong ? Khalil Drira - University of Toulouse, France ? Kin Choong Yow - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore ? Lotfi Kamoun - University of Sfax, Tunisia ? Mario Gerla - University of California at Los Angeles, USA ? Mieso Denko - University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada ? Mohamed Abid - University of Sfax, Tunisia ? Mohamed Mosbah - University of Bordeaux 1, France ? Mohamed Younis - University of Maryland, USA ? Mohsen Guizani - Kuwait University, Kuwait ? Mounir Hamdi - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong ? Mourad Loulou - University of Sfax, Tunisia ? Nafaa Jabeur - Dhofar University, Oman ? Noureddine Boudrigua ? Sup?Com, Tunisia ? Raouf Boutaba - University of Waterloo, Canada ? Riadh Robbana - University of Carthage, Tunisia ? Samuel Pierre - Polytechnique Montreal, Canada ? Shafique Ahmad Chaudry - Al Imam Mohamed Bin Saud Islamic University, KSA ? Slim Abdellatif - LAAS-CNRS, University of Toulouse, France ? Tarik Taleb - Tohoku University, Japan ? Zakaria Maamar - Zayed University, UAE
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