Fwd: [Deadline Extended - Free Registration] ACM BuildSys 2020 - Nov. 16-19 - Fully Virtual

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Deadline Extended - Free Registration] ACM BuildSys 2020 - Nov. 16-19 - Fully Virtual Datum: Tue, 28 Jul 2020 16:08:45 -0400 Von: Mostafa Mirshekari mmirshek@stanford.edu Antwort an: mmirshek@stanford.edu, weitaoxu@cityu.edu.hk, xiaoxuan.lu@cs.ox.ac.uk An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Dear Lars,
We wanted to bring your attention to some important information about the ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built Environments, Cities, and Transportation (ACM BuildSys 2020).
- The deadline for full paper submssion is extended by one week. Further, the organizing committee has decided to *remove the requirement to submit an abstract before full paper submission*. The updated deadline for the paper submission is *August 7**^th ** AoE*. Please submit your papers using the following link:
Submission website: https://buildsys20.hotcrp.com/
BuildSys 2020 Call for Papers: http://buildsys.acm.org/2020/cfp/
- The registration for all the activities in the conference and its related events is *free of charge*.
- The conference will be held Nov. 16-19 and is *fully virtual*.
- BuildSys now also *welcomes papers that address how buildings can respond to the COVID pandemic*. Researchers and practitioners working to develop networked sensing, computing, and control functions to enhance indoor environmental conditions to combat the spread and transmission of the virus and improve occupant safety and health, are particularly welcome. We also welcome notes papers to present early results and vision papers, especially on the implications of the pandemic in the design of smart indoor environmental monitoring systems in the built environment.
--------------------- Regards, Mostafa Mirshekari, Weitao (Colin) Xu, and Chris XiaoXuan Lu https://christopherlu.github.io/ BuildSys 2020 Publicity Chairs
participants (1)
Lars Wolf