[Fwd: IEEE CCNC 2010 Call for Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IEEE CCNC 2010 Call for Papers Datum: Tue, 5 May 2009 10:35:56 -0400 Von: ComSoc Conferences Meetings@comsocconferences.org Antwort an: meetings@comsocconferences.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
CCNC10 http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18215
IEEE CCNC 2010 Call for Papers http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18216
*IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18217* - the 7th annual international conference - will present the latest developments and technical solutions in the areas of home networking, consumer networking, enabling technologies, and novel applications and services.
*• Technical Program http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18218* features presentations in all areas of consumer communications and networking, including
• Wireless Home Communication and Networking • Smart Spaces and Personal Area Networks for CE • Multimedia Communication and Services • Content Distribution and Peer-to-Peer Networks • Security and Content Protection for CE • Pervasive and Ambient Applications
* Technical paper submissions due June 1, 2009. *
*• Tutorials http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18219* complement research reports of the technical sessions by providing participants with broad and comprehensive overviews of emerging fields. Proposal submissions due September 1, 2009.
*• Demonstrations http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18220* provide an exciting forum of researchers, developers, and entrepreneurs to present and discuss new applications and techniques, research demonstrations, recent research/implementation results, upcoming research challenges, practical implementations, commercial developments, and future directions. *Proposal submissions due September 1, 2009.*
*• Special Sessions http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18221* complement the regular technical program with emerging topics of interest in consumer communications and networking. Featured sessions include Beyond GPS, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, IPTV, and P2P Overlay. *Proposal submissions due June 1, 2009. Paper submissions due July 30, 2009. *
*• Short Papers http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18222* are related to any of the conference technical topics that summarize speculative breakthroughs, work-in-progress, industry featured projects, open problems, new application challenges, visionary ideas, and preliminary studies or recent achievements that are not quite for a regular full-length paper. *Paper submissions due September 1, 2009. *
*• Industry Technical Panels http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18223*include, but are not limited to 4G Networking and beyond; Body Area Networking; Mobile Multimodal Sensing and Context; Contextual Media; Automotive Multimedia; Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution and Business Models (including copyright issues); Novel Consumer Applications and Services; Home Networking; (Wireless) Power Line Communications; Next Generation IPTV; Social Media, User-Generated Content and Networks; (Personal) Broadcasting and Streaming; Conversational Multimedia; Tranport Protocols for Real-Time Media; Multiplayer Networked Games; Networking and Transport of High Definition, Scalable and 3D+ Multimedia Streams; Distributed/Network Coding; Green Computing and Networking; Standardization and Regulation Issues. *Paper submissions due September 17, 2009. *
For a list of potential topics and submission requirements, *click here* http://ieee.xert.net/d.cfm?m=90204.623.0.18224.
To unsubscribe from this list, please *click here* http://ieee.xert.net/act_optout.cfm?cid=90204&email_id=%23%24%29SL%0A.
participants (1)
Lars Wolf