[Fwd: [Tccc] TERENA Networking Conference TNC 2007 - Call for Papers]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] TERENA Networking Conference TNC 2007 - Call for Papers Datum: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:26:35 +0200 Von: Thomas C Schmidt schmidt@informatik.haw-hamburg.de An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
TERENA Networking Conference 2007 21 - 24 May Lyngby, Denmark
Visible Services - Transparent Networks
The TERENA Networking Conference 2007 is organised by the Trans-European Research and Education Networking Association and hosted by UNI-C, the Danish IT centre for education and research.
The conference will be held at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby, a vibrant university town just north of Copenhagen. Transportation will be provided between Lyngby and the city of Copenhagen where most of the hotels and social events are located.
TERENA Networking Conferences are well-established events focusing on new directions, trends and technology. The conference brings together leading figures from research, management, industry and governance to present and discuss the technical and strategic aspects of the provision of networks and services to the research and education community.
In the modern world the availability of fresh water, gas and electricity in our homes is taken for granted to such an extent that we rarely have to think about the underlying infrastructure. As the exchange of information and networked service becomes more pervasive and integrated into every aspect of our lives, it is important that this infrastructure acquires the same degree of transparency.
The underlying network infrastructure needs to become more transparent, so that we can focus all of our attention on providing applications that deliver high quality services that are easy and intuitive to use. In this way it should be possible to raise the visibility of services above that of the supporting technology.
It is my pleasure to invite you to bring your experiences, ideas and results to TNC 2007 and share them with colleagues from the international research and education networking community.
Thomas C. Schmidt Programme Committee Chair
Extended abstracts (rather than full papers) are invited on all subjects relevant to the spirit and objectives of the conference: to present, discuss and learn about the latest developments in networking technology for the research and education community and their use by the community. The topics below are an indication of the planned scope of the conference, but are not meant to be restrictive.
* Connecting Users - voice over IP, videoconferencing, streaming and immersive environments * Protecting Users - user privacy, legislative issues and policies, delegations and spam fighting * Enabling Users - bandwidth-on-demand, mobility and roaming, identity management, federations and location-based services * Novel Uses - e-science, e-arts/humanities, environmental monitoring, advanced and mobile Web technologies and content networks
* Quality Infrastructure - quality of service, measurement and monitoring, high-speed/optical networks and service management * Protecting the Infrastructure - redundancy, intrusion detection and prevention and security design * Beyond the Infrastructure - autonomous networks, peer-to-peer, mobile ad hoc networks, overlays, storage and sensor networks * Getting to the Infrastructure - access networks, bridging the gap on campus and advanced mobile technologies
Extended abstracts of 600 - 1200 words (rather than full papers) can be submitted via the drop box at: http://tnc2007.terena.nl/submit/
The deadline for submission is *30 November 2006* and authors should follow the submission and formatting instructions for extended abstracts.
Selected papers from the conference will be published in a special edition of 'Campus-Wide Information Systems' (Emerald Publishing) in the autumn of 2007. Authors of extended extracts that are selected to be presented at the conference and all invited speakers will be encouraged to submit a full paper.
Please visit http://tnc2007.terena.nl/cfp/
participants (1)
Lars Wolf