[Fwd: [Tccc] TEN DAYS to go: CfP: (WinMee/WiTMeMo'07) 3rd Int'nal Workshop on WirelessNetwork Measurement]]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] TEN DAYS to go: CfP: (WinMee/WiTMeMo'07) 3rd Int'nal Workshop on WirelessNetwork Measurement] Datum: Tue, 5 Dec 2006 14:13:28 +0200 (EET) Von: Maria G. Papadopouli mgp@ics.forth.gr An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
Call for Papers
3rd Int'nal Workshop on Wireless Network Measurement (WinMee) jointly organised with the
3rd Int'nal Workshop on Wireless Traffic Measurements & Modeling (WiTMeMo) http://www.winmee.org
April 20, 2007 Limasson, Cyprus
in conjunction with the
Int'nal Symposium on Modeling & Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc & Wireless Networks (WiOpt'07)
Wireless networks are more complex and vulnerable than their wired counterpart. Furthermore, the interaction of different layers and technologies create challenging situations that cannot be foreseen during the design and testing stages of technology development. It is therefore critical to perform comprehensive empirical studies in a wide range of production environments to uncover deficiencies and identify possible optimizations and extensions. The availability of high-quality measurement and modeling studies would make it possible to develop wireless networks that are more robust, easier to manage and scale, and able to utilize scarce resources more efficiently.
The objective of the workshop is to attract the most recent developments in the area of wireless network measurement and bring together active researchers in an environment that encourages discussion and exchange of ideas.
The submitted papers will be up to 4-pages long in the IEEE double-column format. The final version of the accepted papers will be up to 6 pages long. Submitted papers should have measurement as their main subject or they should use measurements to validate their modeling/analysis results.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):
* Characterization and modeling of wireless demand and network topology
* Benchmarks for wireless networking algorithms, protocols and applications
* Operational experience concerning the performance of wireless networks
*Prediction and inference of user access, demand and mobility
* Challenges with wireless measurements
* Experimental (in)validation of assumptions in wireless environments
* Metrics for wireless network performance evaluation
* Wireless network troubleshooting techniques and recommendations
* Experience with building/designing/expanding wireless networks
* Description of tools for building and/or managing wireless testbeds
* Techniques for improving experiment repeatability
* Techniques for validating results obtained from wireless testbeds
* Measurement-based guidelines for capacity planning
Submission deadline: December 8, 2006 EXTENSION to December 14, 2006
Notification deadline: January 31, 2007
Camera-ready due: March 1, 2007
Workshop date: April 20, 2007
Submitted papers must not exceed 4 pages in length. Papers should be formatted in two columns with a 10-point font size. Paper submission will be through EDAS. More details will be posted in November.
Workshop Co-Chairs
Maria G. Papadopouli, University of Crete, FORTH, UNC Constantine
Dovrolis, Georgia Institute of Technology
Jack Brassil, HP-Labs
Mark Claypool, Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Jordi Domingo-Pascual, Universitat Polit?cnica de Catalunya
Constantine Dovrolis, Georgia Institute of Technology
Philipp Hofmann, DoCoMo Euro-Labs
Matti Latva-aho, University of Oulu
Henrik Lundgren, Thomson Paris Research Lab
Gerald Maguire, KTH
Xiaoqiao Meng, UCLA
Maria Papadopouli, University of Crete, FORTH, UNC
George Polyzos, Athens Univ. of Economics & Business
Pablo Rodriguez, Microsoft UK
Lili Qiu, University of Texas-Austin
Theodoros Salonidis, Intel Research
Vassilis Siris, University of Crete, FORTH
Peter Steenkiste, CMU
Mark Yarvis, Intel Corporation
John Zahorjan, University of Washington
Hui Zang, Sprint ATL
participants (1)
Lars Wolf