Fwd: MobiCom 2013: Last Call for Demos & Exhibits_Posters & SRC

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: MobiCom 2013: Last Call for Demos & Exhibits_Posters & SRC Datum: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 10:37:20 +0800 Von: Pei Zhang peizhang@CMU.EDU Antwort an: Pei Zhang peizhang@CMU.EDU An: SIGMOBILE-MEMBERS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG
Dear Colleagues, We would like to draw your attention to the rapidly approaching deadline for MobiCom 2013: Demos, Exhibits, Posters, Student Research Competition (SRC).
The deadline is: *July 3rd 2013 11:59PM (EST)*
You can find the detailed call bellow or on the conference website at: http://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2013/demos.html http://www.sigmobile.org/mobicom/2013/posters.html
** Apologies for multiple copies **
*Call for Posters and SRC *
By following its long and fruitful tradition of poster presentation/discussion, ACM MobiCom 2013 solicits submissions for its Posters Program. The program will consist of a Posters Session that will be scheduled during the conference in addition to a three-days Posters interaction space which will be available from October 1 to October 3, to ensure maximum visibility.
Proposals for poster presentations featuring early research work and preliminary results are strongly encouraged and solicited. The MobiCom 2013 Poster Session will provide an excellent opportunity for initial feedback on early research results and for gaining early visibility of ongoing projects.
To ensure maximum visibility and to garner high interest in the Poster Session from all MobiCom attendees, each accepted poster will have the opportunity to deliver a fast elevator pitch. Each poster presenter will get a one-minute to overview and stir interest in her/his poster (3 slides presented in PechaKucha mode - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PechaKucha). In addition, each presenter will have the opportunity to have a webpage, which will be linked to from the MobiCom Posters & SRC program page, to post additional details including possibly a short video presentation.
Posters are solicited in all areas of mobile computing and wireless networking. Particular areas of interest include, but are not limited to: - Architectures, algorithms, and protocols for cognitive wireless networks and their integration in the next generation Internet - Architectures, protocols, and algorithms to cope with mobility, limited bandwidth, limited power and/or intermittent connectivity - Coexistence and synergic exploitation of heterogeneous wireless networks - Design, implementation, and evaluation of mobile systems and applications - Experimental large-scale testbeds for mobile networks - Fundamental understanding of mobile computing and wireless networking - Green and energy-aware mobile systems and networking, e.g., for mobile wireless sensor networks and applications - Integration and interworking of wired-wireless networks - Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) - Modeling, simulation/emulation, and measurement of mobile systems - Next generation (beyond 802.11) wireless technologies and related systems and protocols - Operating system and middleware support for mobile applications, systems, and networking - Performance evaluation of mobile networks, protocols, and systems - Security, privacy, and trustworthiness of mobile systems - Techniques for ad-hoc, delay-tolerant, and spontaneous networking - Vehicular (infrastructured and ad-hoc) networks and vehicular sensor applications
The ACM Student Research Competition (SRC)
ACM MobiCom 2013 will host an ACM Student Research Competition (SRC) along side the Posters Program. Students submitting to the MobiCom 2013 Poster Session can opt to have their posters considered also by the SRC committee, if their posters are accepted. Selected competitors will receive up to $500 USD for their conference travel, depending on need, and will earn a chance to compete in the SRC Grand Finals. The winners will be recognized at the Annual ACM Awards Banquet. Competitors should be prepared to attend the Poster Session and, if selected for further competition, to give a short talk about their research projects. Winners of the MobiCom 2013 SRC will be announced at the conference. The Student Research Competition is open to graduate and undergraduate students whose submissions are accepted by the SRC committee. To be considered, complete a submission to the Poster Session and indicate that you would like to participate in the SRC by adding "[SRC]" in the subject line. Valid ACM student membership and student status as of the submission deadline are required for the lead student. For more information about the SRC competition, contact the SRC Chair Souvik Sen at souvik.senhp.com http://souvik.senhp.com/. The SRC competition is fully sponsored by a generous donation from Microsoft Research.
Submission Instructions The posters should be submitted via email to the Poster Chairs: (Paolo Bellavista: paolo.bellavistaunibo.it http://paolo.bellavistaunibo.it/ ) and (Tamer Nadeem: nadeemcs.odu.edu http://nadeemcs.odu.edu/ ). The submission should be formatted as a paper or extended abstract describing the research to be presented in the poster and should be submitted as a PDF file of at most 3 pages, including all figures and references (formatted into the US letter size of 8.5 x 11 inches with fonts no smaller than 10 point size). The extended abstract must include the authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses. Any submission should include the following: Whether you would like the submission to be considered for the Student Research Competition, by adding "[SRC]" in the subject line If you would like your submission to be considered for the SRC, there is the additional need to indicate that any of the student authors is an undergraduate student. Note that if any of the authors is a graduate student, then the submission will be considered under the graduate category All poster submissions will be reviewed by the Posters committee. If your submission is selected for the Posters Session, you will receive information regarding the size of the poster board, etc., so that you can prepare and produce your poster. Easels and white boards will be provided by the Conference. Once your poster is accepted, we will include the abstract of your poster on the conference website and publish it in the main proceedings and the ACM digital library.
Important Dates Poster submission deadline:July 3, 2013 (11:59 PM EST)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% * * *Call for Demos and Exhibits *
If you have a cool demo of your research advances or technological capabilities, come and showcase it in MobiCom 2013! We encourage research demonstrations and exhibits from both academics and industry.
Demonstrations should be innovative research prototypes that show new research related to the practice of mobile computing or wireless and mobile networking, in the general areas of interest related to the MobiCom conference. Exhibits can be advanced product prototypes or technology breakthroughs that are relevant to the MobiCom audience. Please refer to the main conference introduction and CFP for the general areas.
Please submit a proposal of your demo or exhibit. It should be a summary or extended abstract describing the research to be presented, maximum 3 pages in US letter size (8.5 x 11 inches) with fonts no smaller than 10 point size, in PDF file format. Make sure the proposal will include:
- The names, affiliations, and email addresses of the authors. - Equipment to be used for the demo. - Space needed and setup time required. - Additional facilities needed including power and Internet/wireless access.
New This Year It is highly encouraged that each proposal includes a video clip showcasing the demo. The video clip, no more than 60 seconds, should give a good idea of what the demo is about and how it would look like. If you do include a video clip, it will help the committee better understand and evaluate your proposal. If your demo is accepted, the video will be shown on the conference website and during the conference to draw people to your booth. Videos can be submitted by including a link to the video (e.g., hosted at YouTube).
All submissions will be reviewed by a committee. Once the demo is accepted, we will post the submission (summary and video) on the conference website and publish it in the main proceedings and the ACM digital library.
All demos will be considered for the Best Demo Award. A committee will decide about the winner on-site after evaluating all demo presentations.
Submission Instructions In order to submit your Demo or Exhibit proposal to Mobicom 2013 for review, please proceed through the following steps:
Visit https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mobicom2013 (create an EasyChair account, if you don't already have one) After login, select "New Submission" from the Menu on top. Fill in the Authors and Title (make sure it starts with "Demo:") In the Abstract field, enter a publicly accessible link to the video of your demo. Upload the Demo Summary (in PDF) and press Submit.
Important Dates Submissions deadline: July 3, 2013 (11:59 PM GMT)
Apologies to those of you who have received this message multiple times.
------------------------------ Pei Zhang Associate Research Professor Cylab & ECE & INI & SV Carnegie Mellon University http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~peizhang/
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Association for Computing Machinery Advancing Computing as a Science and Profession (c) 2013 ACM, Inc. All rights reserved
participants (1)
Lars Wolf