[Fwd: Deadline Extended for IMMERSCOM 2007]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Deadline Extended for IMMERSCOM 2007 Datum: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 06:02:01 -0500 Von: info@icstconferences.org Antwort an: info@icstconferences.org An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
The paper submission deadline has been extended to January 10, 2007 for IMMERSCOM 2007.
The First International Conference on Immersive Telecommunications http://www.immerscom.org
May 3 - 5, 2007, Verona, Italy
IMMERSCOM is the first international conference that focuses on bridging the traditional gap between immersive technologies and networking for the capturing, processing, analyzing, transmitting and enabling the remote fruition of objects, environments, and bio-entities.
The strategic objectives of IMMERSCOM are: + Introduction of networking as the instrument for the remote fruition of immersive multimedia content. + Assessing the sensing, processing, transmission and fruition technologies currently available for immersive telecommunication applications. + Promoting interdisciplinary flow of technical information among industry systems designers and researchers with feedback from the end users.
Proposals are solicited for Workshops to be held as part of the IMMERSCOM conference. Workshops can be half-day or full-day and will be held on May 2, 2007.
The deadline for workshop proposals is October 30, 2006.
Please contact the Workshops Chair Andrea Fusiello at andrea.fusiello@univr.it
Topics include but are not limited to:
Networking for Immersive Applications: Multimedia networking for rich 3D Visualization Mixed/Augmented reality delivery Networked management for immersive applications QoS for immersive applications Perceptual factors in 3D transmission Networking for tele-presence Real-time network protocols for immersive applications Joint source and channel coding for rich 3D visualization and interactive applications Network support for mobile end systems in immersive applications
Technologies for Immersion: Video/Image rendering 3D modeling Pervasive sensing Data fusion 3D displays technology Mobility issues for immersion Tele-reality Body tracking Gesture recognition Macro- and micro-kinematics modeling
Prototypes: Medical and biomedical applications Computer animations / games Education and training Virtual museums and tourism Virtual manufacturing and e-commerce
Interfaces for Immersive Interaction: 3D Scanning technologies and devices 3D Reconstruction/Visualization techniques Stereoscopic and auto-stereoscopic interfaces Mixed and Augmented reality interfaces Immersive interactive environments Affective User Interfaces Human factors for immersive interaction Issues in handheld devices Wearable devices and haptics Interfaces for tele-presence Multi-modal interfaces Perceptual interfaces
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers of not more than six (6) pages including results, figures and references.
Paper will be Accepted only by electronic submission through the conference web site http://www.immerscom.org
Full papers due: Wednesday January 10, 2007 Notification of acceptance: Tuesday March 13, 2007 Camera-ready Manuscripts due: Wednesday March 28, 2007
General Co-Chairs Ghassan AlRegib Georgia Institute of Technology, USA Giovanni Iacovoni CREATE-NET, Trento, Italy
Steering Committee Chair Imrich Chlamtac CREATE-NET, Trento, Italy
Technical Co-Chairs Adrian David Cheok National University of Singapore, Singapore Vittorio Murino University of Verona, Italy Cha Zhang Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
Sponsorship Chair Ed Price Interactive Media Technology Center (IMTC), USA
Workshops Chair Andrea Fusiello University of Verona, Italy
Panel Chair Maribeth Gandy Interactive Media Technology Center (IMTC), USA
Local Arrangements Chair Umberto Castellani University of Verona, Italy
Publications Chair Mourad Bouzit Rutgers University, USA
Publicity chair Newton Lee NUS Hollywood Lab, USA
Webmaster Md Faisal National University of Singapore, Singapore
Finance Chair Karen Decker
ICST Conference Coordinator Zita Rozsa ICST
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf