Fwd: 15th edition of the IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP WMNC), 11-12, November, 2024, Venice, Italy, Deadline: 1st August 2024
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: 15th edition of the IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP WMNC), 11-12, November, 2024, Venice, Italy, Deadline: 1st August 2024 Datum: Tue, 2 Jul 2024 12:03:07 +0300 Von: Maria Diamanti mdiamanti@netmode.ntua.gr An: tciin@comsoc.org
15th edition of the IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP WMNC) 11-12, November, 2024, Venice, Italy https://www.unive.it/web/en/6439/home ==========================================================================
The organizing committee is delighted to announce that the 15th edition of the IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (IFIP WMNC) will be held by Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy, on 11th-12th November 2024. IFIP WMNC 2024 will represent a discussion forum for researchers, professionals, and students interested in novel developments in mobile and wireless networks, services, and applications and mobile computing. IFIP WMNC combines PWC (Personal Wireless Communications conference), MWCN (Mobile and Wireless Communication Networks conference), and WSAN (Wireless Sensors and Actor Networks conference) into one event. It is Technically Sponsored by IFIP.
*Important dates*
Paper submission due (extended): 1st August 2024 Notification of acceptance: 10th September 2024 Camera-ready papers due: 20th September 2024 Conference dates: 11th-12th November 2024
*Call for papers*
WMNC 2024 Technical Program Committee invites authors to submit manuscripts with original research results that have not been previously published, or that are not currently under review by another conference or journal. The following contributions are welcome:
-research papers reporting on new trends and developments; -application papers reporting on academia developments of technologies, products, services, systems and solutions; -performance evaluation and experimentation papers; -industry practice papers.
All submissions should be written in English. Technical papers can be of two types, full papers (up to 8 pages) and short papers (up to 5 pages), in Two-Column IEEE Conference Format, including text, figures and references. Demo/poster papers of length of 3 pages are also solicited.
Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore and IFIP Digital Library. Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version for a fast-track review in a Special Issue of well known journals (details will be published soon).
Papers should be submitted through EDAS at: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=32412
For more details please check: https://www.unive.it/web/en/6439/home
WMNC 2024 includes three main tracks and three special tracks **
- Track 1: Wireless and Mobile Communications and Networks, Internet Wireless Access
- Track 2: Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks, Ad hoc and Opportunistic Networks, Vehicular Networks, Internet of Things
- Track 3: Applications and Services over Wireless and Mobile Networks
- Special Track on Future Networks
- Special Session Track on Network Intelligence (AI for Networks).
- Special Session Track on Security for Networks
Particularly, these tracks focus on (but not limited to) the following topics:
** Track 1: Wireless and Mobile Communications and Networks, Internet Wireless Access **
- Wireless and mobile communications and networks - 5G and beyond networks - Wireless technologies design and evaluation - Handoff management - Location management - Resource management - Network and service management and control - Energy management and efficiency of protocols and devices - Cognitive radio networking - Device-to-device communications - Routing and scheduling in mobile and wireless networks - Transport layer issues in mobile and wireless networks - Network security solutions and protocols - Subscriber privacy - Authentication, Authorization, Accounting - Traffic and network modeling - Analysis and simulation in wireless/mobile networks - Virtualized and cloud-based wireless environment - Software-defined wireless networking - Unmanned Aircraft Systems/Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Drones/Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (UAS/UAV/RPAS) wireless and mobile networks communications and applications; - Counter-Unmanned Aircraft Systems (C-UAS)/Counter-Drones wireless and mobile solutions.
** Track 2: Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks, Ad hoc and Opportunistic Networks, Vehicular Networks, Internet of Things **
- Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks - Ad hoc and Opportunistic Networks - Low-Power Wide Area Networks - Vehicular Networks Cyber-Physical - Machine to Machine communications (M2M) - Communication Technologies for the IoT - Delay tolerant networking - Cross layer design and optimization - In-network processing and aggregation of information - Energy efficient protocols and power management - Localization and tracking - Middleware for WSN and M2M - Self-organization and reconfiguration - Security for WSN and M2M - Multimedia communications in WSN - Vehicular networks - Robots as actor networks - Nano networks - Fog Networking - Knowledge, information, sensor, and data fusion: applications, approaches and algorithms;
** Track 3: Applications and Services over Wireless and Mobile Networks **
- Wireless multimedia networking - Mobile cloud computing and applications - Multicasting and broadcasting issues - Multimedia session signaling in wireless/mobile environments - Digital radio and TV broadcasting - Protocols and platforms for convergence - QoS and QoE in wireless/mobile networks - Mobile and wireless applications: health, environmental protection, etc. - ITS (Intelligent transportation systems) - Infotainment - Pervasive systems - RFID - Location based services - Mobile services - Content management and distribution - Context-aware services - Information centric networking - Social networking
** Special Track on Future Networks **
- Tactile Internet - Novel network architectures and protocols - Flexible and programmable RAN - Massive MIMO Communications - Multi-connectivity/RAT - Device-to-Device communications and networking - X-haul transport network - Millimeter wave communications - Network Slicing - Edge cloud and fog computing - Future networks for decentralized ML and ML-enhanced future networking - Internet Applications Naming and Identifiers - Design principles and best practices for application development in 5G and beyond - Future network simulations and testbeds - Federation of networks and services in 5G and beyond
** Special Session Track on Network Intelligence (AI for Networks) **
- Machine Learning (ML) for optimizing protocol design and routing - ML/AI for network management - Data analytics for network - Distributed machine learning - ML for real time and low latency network applications - AI-based tools for networking - ML for UAV network resource management - ML for UAV network joint trajectory design and task assignment - ML for flying base station-user assignment - Deep Learning for UAV network protocol design - ML for anomaly prediction and detection - ML for network performance evaluation - AI for security and privacy
** Special Session Track on Security for Networks **
- Security protocols, - Authentication/Authorisation - Non-Repudiation - Access Control - Denial of Service - Anonymity - Intrusion Detection and Prevention - Key Management - Viruses and other malicious codes - Data Integrity - Attacks on wireless networks - Security mechanisms/Services - Multicast Security - Security Specification - Performance/Security trade-off analysis - Design/Analysis of Security Protocols
*Committees* *General and programme chair:*
Ass. Prof. Peppino Fazio from Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy)
*Technical Programme Chairs (TPC):*
Ass. Prof. Eirini Eleni Tsiropoulou from University of New Mexico (USA) Prof. Carlos Tavares Calafate from Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain) Dr. Danilo Amendola, Joint Research Centre (JRC), European Commission (Belgium)
*Track chair:*
Dr. Maria Mannone, ICAR, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
*Publicity chair:*
Dr. Maria Diamanti, National Technical University of Athens (Greece)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf