[Tccc] CFP: Cluster Computing, Special Issue: Algorithm and Distributed Computing in Wireless Sensor Networks

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Springer the Journal of Cluster Computing http://www.springer.com/computer/communications/journal/10586
Call for Paper Special Issue: Algorithm and Distributed Computing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Introduction ============
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are attracting significant interests in both academy and industry with recent advances of the enabling technologies, including digital electronics, embedded systems, signal processing, and wireless communications. A WSN consists of a large number of small sensors with sensing, control, data processing, communications, and networking capabilities. WSNs are characterized of dense node deployment, unreliable sensor, frequent topology change, and severe power, computation, and memory constraints. These unique characteristics pose considerable challenges on the design of large-scale WSNs. In addition, sensor networks usually transmit data and operate in hostile unattended environments, the requirements and design of sensor networks are significantly different from other wireless networks like cellular network, ad hoc networks or mesh networks. In such scenarios, distributed algorithms without global information exchange have compelling characteristics, e.g. lower overhead and energy consumption. To achieve the full potential of limited resource, there is always trade-off problem in investigating the sensor networks performance. Such formulated problem normally needs efficient, distributed, scalable, and robust algorithms. The issues include routing, MAC, energy-efficient protocols, topology control in sensor networks. Classical approaches may be employed, e.g. dynamic programming, integer programming, game theory, and simulated annealing. However, the problems in different scenarios require different analytical model as well as algorithms to achieve optimal performance.
This special issue aims to foster the research with any new idea, approach, theory, and technique to resolve the issues in sensor networks from the algorithmic and/or distributed computing perspective. Original and research articles are solicited including new technologies, theoretical studies, practical applications, and experimental prototypes.
Recommended Topics(not limited to) =================================== * Network deployment * Topology control * Energy management * Routing, broadcast, gossip, and multicast * Localization * Self-organization, self-management, and self-protection * Medium access control * Cross-layer optimization * Model and performance analysis * Multimedia QoS over sensor networks * Game theoretic approaches * Data gathering, fusion, and dissemination * Case studies, testbed, and experiment * Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking * Fault tolerance, dependability and reliability * Security, authentication, and trust * Synchronization
Submission ========== Papers submitted to this journal for possible publication must be original and must not be under consideration for publication in any other journals. Submissions of both in-depth research papers and review/application-oriented papers are encouraged. For detailed information on the submission requirements and manuscript preparation, please refer to the journal home page at http:// www.springer.com/computer/communications/journal/10586
The special issue paper submission has two steps.
* All submissions should be done in Springer manuscript central at http://www.editorialmanager.com/clus/. During the submission, please mention the special issue title "Algorithm and Distributed Computing in Wireless Sensor Networks".
* After submitting the paper online, please send the guest co-editors a copy of the paper with the email subject "Algorithm WSN Special Issue - paper submission".
Important Dates ===============
* Manuscript submission deadline: Jan. 1, 2009
* Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2009
* Final Manuscript Due: June 1, 2009
* Publication of special issue: Fall, 2009
Guest Co-Editors ================
Dr. Yan Zhang Simula Research Laboratory, Norway Email: yanzhang[AT]ieee.org
Dr. Irfan Awan University of Bradford, UK Email: I.U.Awan[AT]Bradford.ac.uk
Dr. Yu Wang University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA Email: yu.wang[AT]uncc.edu
Dr. Jong Hyuk Park Kyungnam University, Korea Email: parkjonghyuk1[AT]hotmail.com
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participants (1)
Yu Wang