-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [ISCC] FW: CFP IEEE CCNC-2014 Datum: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 19:24:44 +0000 Von: Paolo Bellavista paolo.bellavista@unibo.it An: iscc@mama.ing.unibo.it iscc@mama.ing.unibo.it
From: rvprasad@gmail.com [rvprasad@gmail.com] on behalf of R. Venkatesha Prasad [rvprasad@ieee.org] Sent: Monday, August 19, 2013 5:27 AM To: Paolo Bellavista Subject: Fwd: CFP IEEE CCNC-2014
Pl. post this on ISCC list. Thanks. IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference
(Held in conjunction with the 2014 International CES January 7-10, 2014) PRELIMINARY CALL FOR RESEARCH PROGRAM PAPERS January 10-13, 2014 Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Important Dates:
Technical Papers Due: August 30th, 2013
Acceptance Notification: October 4th, 2013
Final Camera Ready Artwork: November 1st, 2013
The IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society, is a major annual international conference organized with the objective of bringing together researchers, developers, and practitioners from academia and industry working in all areas of consumer communications and networking.
IEEE CCNC 2014 will have separate research sessions and industry sessions. The research sessions will present the latest developments and technical solutions in the areas of home networking, consumer networking, mobile networking, social networking, enabling technologies (such as middleware), and novel applications and services. The industry sessions will be the forum for high quality presentations on innovative commercial software, systems, and services for all facets of information and communication technology, such as innovative multimedia systems, performance/behavior observed in the real world, cloud computing, crowd sourcing, social media, information integration and analytics. We also encourage submissions on design, usability, and performance of innovative applications and systems. The industry program discourages submissions that do not relate to commercial software/hardware or industrial-strength software/hardware/system intended for wide use. Papers in both session s will be peer-reviewed for the inclusion in the event.
10 Tracks
Wireless Communication
* Wireless Home Networks * Wireless LANs, WiMax, Cellular Networks * Vehicular Networks * Cross-Layer Design, Interactions and Optimization * Seamless Roaming * Frequency and Channel Allocation * Modulation, Coding and Diversity * Energy Efficiency and optimization * Emerging Standards * Network QoS
Smart Spaces and Wireless Networks
* Context- and situation-awareness for smart spaces * Real systems and testbeds for smart spaces * Smart grid energy infrastructure cyber protection * Smart grid anti-tamper devices and architecture * Ad hoc, sensor, and vehicular networks * Delay-tolerant and underwater networks * Mobile and ubiquitous networking * Information-centric and opportunistic networking
Multimedia & Entertainment Networking and Services
* Multimedia Communication and Streaming * Multimedia QoS and Protocols * Distributed Network Protocols for Multimedia * Image/Video Multimedia Networks * Streaming Protocols * High-Definition Audio, Image and Video Processing * Distributed Coding and Network Coding * Entertainment Networks * Multimedia Services * Field Trials and Measurements * Networking for Multi-player Gaming
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Cloud-based Content Distribution
* P2P Platforms, Algorithms and Architectures * Overlay and Application Layer Multicast * Peer-to-Peer VoIP and video conferencing * Consumer Applications Enabled by P2P * Resource and Data Sharing * Incentive Mechanisms in P2P Networks * Reputation and Trust Mechanisms * Overlay Networks * Cloud Computing for Content Distribution * Portability and Mobility of Content in Intermittent Consumer Networks
Emerging and Innovative Consumer Technologies and Applications
* Advances in interaction with visual displays * HCI and Design Considerations * Consumer Device Design and Innovation * eHealth and Mobile Health Technologies * Emerging Markets and Challenged Economies * Personalization Techniques * Multimodal input and Data * Smart Devices, Ambient & Intelligent Apps
Security, Privacy and Content Protection
* Consumer Electronics (CE) Security * Portable Device Security * Security for Spontaneous Networking * Security for Home Networks, PANs & BANs * Firewalls and Intrusion Detection * Worm and Malware Detection and Defense * Phishing and Spam Detection and Defense * Consumer-friendly Security Models & Tools * Control of Personal Data & Privacy Protection * Reputation and Trust Mechanisms * Authentication, Authority and Auditing for CE * Digital Rights Management & Copyright Protection
Mobile Device, Platform and Communication
* Mobile platforms, applications and frameworks * Software development platforms * Mobile cloud computing * Test bed design, implementation, results * Mobile OS and middleware * Information interaction technique for mobile * Mobile user experience and usability * Security, privacy, and trustworthiness * Emerging mobile platform, e.g., robotic swarms, 60 GHz networking * Novel applications * Application market places * Mobile machine-to-machine (M2M) * Mobile context-awareness and sensing * Wearable computing, technologies, challenges * Social signal processing * Marketing and mobile ads
Social Networking
* Social network data (reality mining) * Performance and Scalability of Social Network * Benchmarking for Social Network * Discovery, Collection, and Extraction of Social Network Data * Curation and Provenance in Social Networks * Uncertainty and dynamic in Social Network * Visualization of Social Networks * Parallel, Distributed or Cloud Computation on Social Network Data * Distributed Architectures for Social Networks * Social Search, Retrieval, and Ranking * Collaborative Platforms and Social Recommendation * Access Control in Online Social Networks * Private Analysis and Policy of Social Networks * Identity, Reputation and Trust in Online Social Networks
Networked Games
* Gamification and serious networked games * Social and web-based games * Pervasive / location-based games * Games in the Internet of Things * Networked mobile / augmented reality gaming * Peer to Peer, client/server, cloud-based and hybrid game architectures * Data models and ontologies for games * Interoperability in multi client / operator systems, linked open data for games * Delay tolerant networked games * Massively multiuser systems and scalability * Networking and protocol optimization for games * Distribution management for games * Consistency concepts and replication * Update protocols for networked games * Game content streaming protocols * Middleware, frameworks for networked games * Distributed content generation * Distributed AI
Green Computing and Communications
* Energy efficient hardware, software, devices and design * Low energy consumption, low GHG emission * Power/energy and spectrum efficient mobile communications, networks and computations * Standards, policy, and regulation * Data Analytics and Optimization in Computing, Communications, and Smart Grids * Green Building Technologies * Sustainable Computing Security of green communications and computations * Experimental test-beds and results * Pricing and billing for green communications and computations
Please visit the website www.ieee-ccnc.orghttp://www.ieee-ccnc.org for more information on Research Paper, Industry Paper, Tutorial, Special Sessions, Keynote, Plenary Lecture, Panel, Demonstrations, Workshops and Paper Submission Guidelines.
_______________________________________________ ISCC mailing list ISCC@mama.ing.unibo.it https://mama.ing.unibo.it/listinfo/iscc
participants (1)
Lars Wolf