Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP IEEE PERCOM 2016 Workshop on Security Privacy and Trust in the IoT (SPT-IoT)

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] CFP IEEE PERCOM 2016 Workshop on Security Privacy and Trust in the IoT (SPT-IoT) Datum: Tue, 3 Nov 2015 12:17:09 +0000 Von: Robin Ram Mohan Doss robin.doss@DEAKIN.EDU.AU Antwort an: Robin Ram Mohan Doss robin.doss@DEAKIN.EDU.AU An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
The 1st IEEE PERCOM WORKSHOP ON SECURITY PRIVACY AND TRUST IN THE INTERNET OF THINGS (SPT-IOT) 2016 In conjunction with IEEE PERCOM 2016 March 14-18, 2016 Sydney, Australia
EDAS link: http://edas.info/N21137
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel design paradigm, envisioned as a network of billions or trillions of machines communicating with one another and rapidly gaining global attention from academia, industry, and government. Pervasive computing is at the heart of IoT and forms a fundamental building block necessary to realize the IoT. Equipped with pervasive technologies such as RFID and smart dust in addition to sensors, actuators and machine-to-machine (M2M) devices, IoT has the potential to offer innovative solutions to global challenges faced by ageing populations, climate change, growing cost of healthcare as well as how we manage our environment and natural resources.. The heterogeneous nature of the IoT as well as the computational constraints of many of the building blocks of the IoT make security, privacy and trust a challenging problem to solve on the one hand, while security, privacy and trust play a critical role for most if not all applications of IoT in doma ins such as surveillance, healthcare, security, transport, food safety, manufacturing, logistics and supply chain management. Without effective solutions for security, privacy and trust reliable data fusion and mining, qualified services with context-aware intelligence and enhanced user acceptance and experience cannot be achieved.
The proposed IEEE Percom workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust for IoT aims to provide a forum that brings together researchers from academia as well as practitioners from industry, standardization bodies, and government to meet and exchange ideas on recent research and future directions for the IoT with a specific focus on IoT security, privacy and trust. The technical discussion will be focused on the communications and network security aspects of IoT and the key enabling technologies for IoT, especially M2M communications and networking, RFID technology and Near Field Communications (NFC), the challenges to security, privacy and trust presented and novel approaches to solving these challenges. The technical topics of interest to the workshop include, but are not limited to:
- IoT secure access network technologies and capillary networks; - secure channel and traffic models; - secure spectrum management for M2M/IoT radio communications; - security of RFID, sensors, actuator technologies; - IoT secure network infrastructure; - IoT security protocols; - privacy in applications of the IoT; - IoT networking and communication security; - circuit and system design for secure smart objects in the IoT; - security, trust, and privacy issues for devices and services; - naming, address management and end-to-end addressability; - methods for secure by design IoT; - methods for IoT security analysis and audit; - privacy and anonymization techniques in IoT; - secure cloud of things; - trust management architectures; - lightweight security solutions; - authentication and access control in IoT; - identification and biometrics in IoT; - liability and policy enforcement in IoT; - security of Big data in IoT; - cyber physical systems security; - cyber attacks detection and prevention; - embedded platforms for cryptography (implementations for performance-optimized, resource constrained, energy-efficient platforms); - hardware security primitives; - secure pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing Software and Systems; - new Privacy and Security Techniques for Embedded Software and Systems; and - ethics and legal considerations in IoT.
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers (up to 6 pages in length) electronically through the EDAS system using the standard IEEE template for conference papers. Papers must be original material not currently under review by another conference or journal. All submitted papers will be subjected to multiple independent peer reviews. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register for the IEEE PERCOM 2016 conference and present the paper.
During the initial paper submission process via EDAS, it is the authors' responsibility to ensure that the author list and the paper title of the submitted .pdf file is an exact match to the author list and paper title on the EDAS registration page. In particular, the EDAS registration page must include all co-authors, not just the submitting author. Failure to comply with this rule might result in your paper being withdrawn from the review process.
All submissions should be written in English with a maximum paper length of six (6) printed pages (minimum 10-point font) including figures. Only PDF files will be accepted for the review process and all submissions must be done through EDAS(http://edas.info/N21137)
Manuscripts must be formatted in accordance with the IEEE Computer Society author guidelines. The IEEE LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as well as related information, can be found at the IEEE Computer Society website (http://www.computer.org/web/cs-cps/authors).
All papers included in the PerCom 2016 Workshops will appear in the conference proceedings published by IEEE.
IMPORTANT DATES Workshop papers submission: November 27, 2015 Workshop papers notification of acceptance: January 2, 2016 Workshop papers camera ready: January 15, 2016 Author registration: January 15, 2016
WORKSHOP CHAIRS Robin Doss, Deakin University, Australia Tanveer Zia, Charles Sturt University, Australia Damith Ranasinghe, University of Adelaide, Australia
MORE INFORMATION Please visit Workshop webpage: https://sites.google.com/site/sptiot2016/home PERCOM webpage: http://www.percom.org. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf