CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS - 4th GI/ITG KuVS Workshop on The Future Internet and 2nd Workshop on Economic Traffic Management (ETM)

Dear Colleagues,
please be reminded of the approaching deadline for these two interactive collocated workshops!
Note a 2 pages (maximum) statement paper is fully sufficient!
Furthermore, we will see a EU Commission representative being on board with a keynote presentation as well.
Kind regards, Burkhard and Thomas
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS 4th GI/ITG KuVS Workshop on The Future Internet and 2nd Workshop on Economic Traffic Management (ETM)
November 9-10, Zurich, Switzerland hosted by CSG@IFI, University of Zurich
The topics "Future Internet" and "Economic Traffic Management" have seen a wide attention of networkers and economists. Triggered by FIND/GENI activities of the NSF both the EU in the 7th Framework as well as the German BMBF in its IT strategy for 2020 have addressed this topic. Although many discussions took place in such a research environment, the application of new ideas into test-beds and possibly industry shows an emerging demand today. These two combined workshops and their topics do cover the areas of technology, infrastructure, economic theory, and operations. Furthermore, methodological and architectural topics range from the incremental improvement of today's Internet to a complete new start (clean slate approach).
The two main goals of the 4th GI/ITG Kommunikation und Verteilte Systeme (KuVS) Workshop on Future Internet and the 2nd Workshop on Economic Traffic Management (supported by the FP6 NoE EMANICS and the FP7 STREP SmoothIT) are to give scientists, researchers, and operators the opportunity to present and discuss their ideas in these areas as well as strengthening the cooperation in the field of an economic-technology interplay.
The set of topics of these two combined workshops are focused but not limited to: • Cloud and grid computing infrastructures • SLA and service management • Energy efficiency and green ICT • Service-oriented networks and infrastructures • Content-based routing • Routing mediation (pub/sub) • Economic traffic management mechanisms • Separating of identity and address (locator/ID split) • Infrastructure/ Platform as a Service • Cross-layer design, cross-layer optimization • Predictable QoS and Quality-of-Experience • Next generation transport, e.g., carrier grade Ethernet • Network management and control plane • Sensors networks and applications • Distributed control and management approaches • Network virtualization and segmentation • Future network and services business models • Regulatory effects on networks and infrastructure • Future mobile network • Clean-slate architectures
These two workshops will take place at the University of Zurich (UZH), CSG@IFI, in Zurich, Switzerland. They are organized jointly by the Communication Systems Group CSG of UZH and SAP Research, Zurich, Switzerland.
Burkhard Stiller (co-chair), University of Zurich, Switzerland Thomas M. Bohnert (co-chair), SAP Research Zurich, Switzerland
Torsten Braun, Universität Bern, Switzerland Jörg Eberspächer, TU München, Germany Georg Carle, TU München, Germany Olivier Festor, INRIA, France Markus Fidler, Uni Hannover, Germany Ben Greene, SAP Research, Ireland Stephan Haller, SAP Research, Switzerland Holger Karl, Uni Paderborn, Germany Wolfgang Kellerer, DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany Burkhard Neidecker-Lutz, SAP Research, Germany Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal Paul Müller, TU Kaiserslautern, Germany Aiko Pras, University of Twente, The Netherlands Jürgen Quittek, NEC Heidelberg, Germany Helmut Reiser, Leibniz Rechenzentrum München/Garching, Germany Maria Angeles Callejo Rodriguez, Telefonica, Spain Spiros Spirou, Intracom, Greece George Stamoulis, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece Ralf Steinmetz, TU Darmstadt, Germany Heiner Stüttgen, NEC Heidelberg, Germany Phuoc Tran-Gia, Universität Würzburg, Germany Jörg Widmer, DOCOMO Euro-Labs, Germany Lars Wolf, TU Braunschweig, Germany Martina Zitterbart, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany
Submission: October 1, 2009 Notification: October 19, 2009 Final Abstract Submission and Registration: October 26, 2009 Workshop: November 9-10, 2009
Presentations are planned to include a 20 min talk maximum and a 10 min discussion. For a submission send an extended abstract about your work of 2 pages maximum (complying to the IEEE standard two-column format) to the following e-mail address: Note: Presentations can be based on already published material, however, new material is highly encouraged. Furthermore, the final abstract submission is planned for including all abstracts into a hand-out available at the time of these workshops.
CSG@IFI, University of Zurich Binzmühlestrasse 14 CH-8050 Zurich, Switzerland
Burkhard Stiller, Thomas M. Bohnert,
participants (1)
Burkhard Stiller