Fwd: [comsoc-etc-sub-iot] Call For Papers - Towards Service Centric Internet of Things (IoT): From Modelling to Practice on IEEE Access

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [comsoc-etc-sub-iot] Call For Papers - Towards Service Centric Internet of Things (IoT): From Modelling to Practice on IEEE Access Datum: Thu, 5 Jul 2018 07:06:18 +0000 Von: William Liu william.liu@aut.ac.nz An: comsoc-etc-sub-iot@ipv6forum.com comsoc-etc-sub-iot@ipv6forum.com
Dear Colleagues,
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*IEEE Access Special Section:*Towards Service Centric Internet of Things (IoT): From Modelling to Practice
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*Submission Deadline:*1 October 2018
*Paper submission*: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ieee-access
IEEE/Access/ invites manuscript submissions in the area of Towards Service Centric Internet of Things (IoT): From Modelling to Practice
The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to an emerging paradigm, to seamlessly and ubiquitously integrate a large number of smart things with intra/inter links to the physical and cyber worlds. The sensor enabled communication technologies are connecting billions of things, by efficiently utilizing their locations in the real world. It has brought active participation and tangible creation of benefits to the economy and ultimately the society. As the so called smart things are extremely diverse and heterogeneous in terms of computing and communication technology and resource capability, there is no stand-alone solution towards realisation of service centric provisioning in IoT. The service domain in IoT environments is also divers including energy efficiency, computing capability, coordination time, resource harvesting capacity, dimension of things, etc. The growing diversity enforces the necessity to address the most significant issue of technological complexity, for practical enhancement and evaluation of quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for service-oriented use cases in IoT environments.
The literature has vastly contributed towards architecture design for cooperative communication, computing and application centric development. However, the efforts towards realistic modelling and evaluation of QoS and QoE in IoT environments have not witnessed enough attentions in academia and industrial research labs. Although the realistic implementations of IoT environments have been realized in various domains including product engineering, marketing, health, sports, and security yet, the scalability of these implementations is not guaranteed due to the lack of QoS and QoE evaluation in IoT environments. The R&D towards service centric technologies in IoT environments will support the mass realization of realistic IoT implementations resulting in effective economic and social benefit. Driven by the enhancement of QoS and QoE for diverse use cases in IoT, new technologies are keen to the rise of spanning different service centric aspects in IoT environments.
The aim of this special issue is to provide opportunities for researchers and practitioners to publish their latest and innovative contributions with new methodologies and modelling techniques towards service centric IoT framework. Theoretical investigation and prototype implementation based studies are particularly welcomed, as IEEE Access journal attracts practical articles discussing new experiments or measurement techniques, interesting solutions to engineering, including negative results. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- Standardization progresses in service centric IoT
- Business model driven network services management in service centric IoT
- Resource management and scheduling for service centric IoT
- Energy and resource efficiency in service centric IoT
- Location accuracy enhancements for service centric IoT
- Cloud and edge computing for massive service centric IoT applications
- New waveforms and frame structures for massive IoT connection
- High-reliability-low-latency tactile communications for IoT
- Coverage extension with resource constrained sensors
- Enhancing privacy, security and trust for service centric IoT
We also highly recommend the submission of multimedia with each article as it significantly increases the visibility, downloads, and citations of articles.
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*Associate Editor*: <Yue Cao, Northumbria University, UK>
*Guest Editors*:
- Omprakash Kaiwartya, Northumbria University, UK
- Xiaodong Xu, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China
- William Liu, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand
- Jaime Lloret, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
- Yuanwei Liu, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Yuan Zhuang, Bluvision Inc., USA
*Relevant IEEE Access Special Sections: *
1) Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things
2) Multimedia Analysis for Internet-of-Things
3) Cyber-Physical-Social Computing and Networking
For inquiries regarding this Special Section, please contact the Associate Editor: yue.cao@northumbria.ac.uk mailto:yue.cao@northumbria.ac.uk
participants (1)
Lars Wolf