[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2006)]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2006) Datum: Sun, 5 Mar 2006 17:19:26 -0500 Von: Tristan Henderson tristan@cs.dartmouth.edu An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
*************************************************************** ******************** CALL FOR PAPERS ************************* ***************************************************************
Wireless Internet Conference (WICON 2006)
Submission deadline: March 31, 2006 (5 PM PDT) Conference dates: August 2-5, 2006 Location: Boston, USA http://www.wicon.org
Sponsored by ICST and Create-Net, IEEE Computer Society sponsorship pending
Built on this year's successful conference inaugural, the Wireless Internet Conference (WICON) will continue to provide a premier international forum to discuss novel research results related to the emerging Wireless Internet. The conference addresses technologies aimed at providing seamless connectivity, richer services, and better quality for wireless data users while supporting heterogeneity in communication technologies, network architectures, and applications.
The focus of the conference is on architectural, networking, security, performance and management aspects of cellular, WiFi, WiMax and other Wireless Internet technologies. Preference will be given to papers describing implementations, deployment, measurements, empirical performance evaluation and experiments. The conference will also put a special emphasis on integration and convergence issues of various wireless technologies and architectures, as well as cross-layer aspects, such as QoS, billing, and security. Given the existence of other conferences on mobile ad hoc networks, sensor networks, and the like, papers that are oriented to ad hoc and sensor networks are discouraged unless they directly focus on the conference theme of the Wireless Internet.
WICON is soliciting both research track and industry track papers. All papers should describe original work that has been neither previously published nor is under review by another conference or journal. The page limit is 10 pages in IEEE double column format. Industry track papers must have at least one author from industry, and should describe interesting technical aspects of industrial applications, prototypes, experiences, and standards; performance and design details are encouraged, whereas papers focused on marketing or product information will not be accepted. For easy identification, all industry track papers should have as their title "Industry Track: rest of title." Papers will be submitted by electronic submission through COCUS system: http://cocus.create-net.it. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Implementation, deployment and measurements o performance of 2G, 3G, WiFi and WiMax systems o wireless network design, dimensioning and analysis o implementation, experimental systems and measurements o user behavior, traffic measurements and forecasting
- Mobile network architectures o mobile networks beyond the 3rd generation o IP Multimedia Subsystem architecture and protocols o hybrid wireless architectures, fixed mobile convergence o service network architectures
- Applications and services for mobile users o application platforms and middleware o application performance, performance enhancement o VoIP over wireless and cellular networks o vertical wireless application design (e.g. health care) o design and performance of wireless Internet applications (e.g., mobile gaming)
- Wireless management, security and systems issues o wireless network management and diagnosis o security, malware, viruses and spam in wireless Internet o pricing and billing o reliability of wireless networks and services
Organizing Committee:
General Chairs: Ravi Jain, Google Ram Ramjee, Bell Labs
Technical Program Co-Chairs: Lili Qiu, University of Texas at Austin Andras Valko, Ericsson
Steering Committee Chair: Imrich Chlamtac, Create-Net Research Consortium
Conference coordination and registration: Kitti H. Kovacs, ICST
Finance Chair: Farooq Anjum, Telcordia
Workshop Co-Chairs: Chiara Petrioli, Universit di Roma Suman Banerjee, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Industry Track and Sponsorship Co-Chairs: Sujata Banerjee, Hewlett-Packard Milind Buddhikot, Bell Labs
Publicity Co-Chairs: Tristan Henderson, Dartmouth College Mun Choon Chan, National University, Singapore Carla-Fabiana Chiasserini, Politecnico di Torino
Local Arrangements Chair: Guevara Noubir, Northeastern University
Panel Chair: Sneha Kasera, University of Utah
Poster Co-Chairs: Christian Bettstetter, University of Klagenfurt, Austria. Rajeev Shorey, National University, Singapore
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf