[Fwd: [tcgn] UbiComp 2003 deadline (July 11): Posters, Demos, and Doctoral Colloquium]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [tcgn] UbiComp 2003 deadline (July 11): Posters, Demos, and Doctoral Colloquium Date: Tue, 10 Jun 2003 18:38:26 +0100 From: Mike Hazas - UbiComp 2003 info-2003@ubicomp.org Reply-To: tcgn@majordomo.ieee.org To: tcgn@ieee.org
This is a reminder that the deadline for submitting Interactive Poster abstracts, Demonstration proposals, Doctoral Colloquium papers, and student volunteer applications to the Fifth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp 2003, www.ubicomp.org) is 17:00 Pacific time, Friday, July 11, 2003.
[Note: the Preliminary Call for Participation originally listed other dates for these categories. The current, one-page version of the CfP can be found at http://ubicomp.org/ubicomp2003/cfp-onepage.pdf.]
UbiComp 2003 is only accepting electronic submissions in all categories. Authors of Poster abstracts should submit using the following web page:
Authors of Demo and Doctoral Colloquium submissions should send their proposals (via email) directly to the [co-]chair of those respective categories:
Demonstrations: woodruff@parc.com Doctoral Colloquium: tar@cs.nott.ac.uk
Students interested in volunteering their time, in return for free registration, should fill out the student volunteer application form:
More information concerning all these submission categories can be found on our web site (www.ubicomp.org). The UbiComp web site also offers a link to sign up for future announcements. Feel free to email info-2003@ubicomp.org if you have any questions.
Mike Hazas UbiComp 2003 Publicity Chair info-2003@ubicomp.org
participants (1)
Lars Wolf