[Fwd: [Tccc] CFP: the Intenational Workshop on QoS enabled Sensor Networks (QoS2N 2010): Submission deadline: 14 Feb 2010]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] CFP: the Intenational Workshop on QoS enabled Sensor Networks (QoS2N 2010): Submission deadline: 14 Feb 2010 Datum: Tue, 1 Dec 2009 01:36:27 -0800 (PST) Von: Stan Lin cklin_1999@yahoo.com An: tccc@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Apologies for multiple postings
*************************************************************************** Call for Papers
The First International Workshop on QoS enabled Sensor Networks (QoS2N) in conjunction with the 11th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM's 2010)
May 23-26, 2010, Kansas City, USA http://q2s.ntnu.no/events/qos2n/start Submission deadline: February 14, 2010 ***************************************************************************
Data management in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) is challenging, especially with mobile sensor nodes joining or leaving the network at will. Recently it has become increasingly popular to utilize sensor networks for providing various services, e.g., audio/video surveillance, real-time monitoring, etc. Such WSN functionality demands the Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees in terms of delay, jitter, loss, or throughput using intelligent resource reservation schemes, policy-based service provision, etc. Enabling QoS guarantees in large-scale WSNs, while utilizing the network resources in the most efficient way, is critical for the success and life-time of the service-oriented WSNs.
Providing QoS in WSNs involves addressing various technological issues, e.g., inherent limitations of sensors, varying network loads, network congestion, multi-path routing, changing channel capacity as a function of environment, time, and interference from neighbors, mobility and cross-layer design, etc. In addition, the trade-off between predictable network behavior and network lifetime, as well as between policy-based route selection and load distribution need further investigation. Privacy of sensor information is also a concern since multiple sensors share/access a common media. QoS2N workshop aims at providing a platform for discussing the above issues, recent challenges and solutions, and directions for future research on enabling QoS in WSNs. Researchers, professionals and application developers from industry and academia are welcome to exchange ideas, discuss results, and share experience in a broad range of topics related to QoS and sensor networking. Both theoretical and practical experience papers are solicited. Work-in-progress and position papers are welcome.
The topics of interest in the setting of wireless sensor networks include but are not limited to • Algorithms and protocol to support QoS in wireless sensor networks • QoS metrics • QoS routing • User perceived quality • Game theoretical model and communication • QoS schemes at the data link layer and the network layer • Cross-layer architecture • Policy-based routing • Class adaptation schemes • Admission control, resource allocation and fairness • Real-time scheduling and planning • Power management and energy-efficient design • Networking protocols and architectures • Image quality in video-surveillance sensor networks • Provisioning of QoS (bandwidth and delay) in multimedia sensor systems • Performance modeling and simulation techniques • Delay tolerant networks and opportunistic networking • Data Management of RFID system • Privacy and security
We solicit original unpublished work written in English that is not currently under review at another venue. The submitted long papers should be no more than 6 pages and the short and position papers should be no more than 3 pages. All papers follow IEEE two-column style format and are subject to peer review by at least two experts in the same field. Papers must be saved as PDF files and submitted via https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/QOSN2010/ . All accepted long papers as well as all short/position papers will be in the IEEE proceedings. At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop for presentation.
Important Dates (Tentative): Submission deadline: February 14, 2010 Notification of acceptance: TBA Camera-ready: March 15, 2010
Organization: Co-chairs: Chih-Kuang Lin, Q2S, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway Øivind Kure, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway Vladimir Zadorozhny, University of Pittsburgh, USA
TPC members: Knut Øvsthus, Bergen University college, Norway Pål Orten, University of Oslo, Norway Svein Johan Knapskog, Q2S, NTNU, Norway Prashant Krishnamurthy, University of Pittsburgh, USA Jiun-Long Huang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan Kuang-Chiu Huang,National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan Lei Pan, St. Cloud State University, USA David Lowe, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia Yuming Jiang, Q2S, NTNU, Norway Yan-Ling Chen, Q2S & TU Kaiserslautern, Germany Vladimir A. Oleshchuk, University of Agder, Norway Wen-Chih Peng, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (More TPC members will be announced.)
Contact: Please send your inquiry via email to Chih-kuang Lin {chih AT q2s dot ntnu dot no}. If it is urgent, please at +47-73592706
Best Regards, Chih-kuang Lin (Stan) Email: {chih AT q2s dot ntnu dot no} Q2S, NTNU QoS2N 2010 Organization Committee
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf