[Fwd: E-NEXT.members: CFP IPS-MoMe 2006]

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: E-NEXT.members: CFP IPS-MoMe 2006 Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2005 16:27:12 +0100 From: Edmundo Monteiro edmundo@dei.uc.pt To: members@ist-e-next.net
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4th International Workshop on INTERNET PERFORMANCE, SIMULATION, MONITORING AND MEASUREMENTS http://www.ips2006.org
Salzburg, Austria, February 27-28, 2006
Organised by Salzburg Research and Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
- Paper Submission: November 27, 2005 - Author Notification: January 15, 2006 - Camera Ready: January 29, 2006
The IPS-MoMe 2006 (Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurements) is a successor of the IPS-2003, IPS-2004 and IPS-MoMe 2005 workshops organised within the scope of the European projects IST-INTERMON (FP5) and IST-MOME (FP6). The motivation for the IPS-MoMe is to serve as an integration forum for researchers from academia, standardisation, industry and research labs for presenting recent research results and practical experience in the different aspects of Internet performance and control.
The workshop is addressed to discuss the Internet issues corresponding to the performance aspects, simulation tools and results as well as to the monitoring and measurements systems. The workshop topics to be addressed include, but are not limited to the following:
Performance models
- QoS architectures - Traffic control - Internet multicast - Perceptual QoS models - Internet traffic modelling - Traffic engineering - Signalling in the Internet - QoS routing - Resource management - QoS aware applications - Network planning - QoS in convergent networks
- Scalable models for the Internet - Discrete and continuous models - Measurement-based modelling - Geographical and topological mapping - Simulation tools
Monitoring and Measurements
- Passive and active measurements methods - QoS metrics - Measurement architectures and systems - Inter- and intra-domain measurements - SLA/SLS monitoring - Measurement-based admission control - QoS monitoring and sampling - Measurement-based network security - Traffic pattern recognition - Measurement tools
Contributions to other, but related, topics can be discussed with the technical programme committee.
After being held in Budapest in 2004 and in Warsaw in 2005, the workshop returns to Salzburg in 2006. In this year, the so-called "Mozart Year", the 250th anniversary of the birth of the most famous Austrian of all times is celebrated with many cultural events offered. The workshop will be held at the new campus of the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (http://www.fh-salzburg.ac.at).
Papers are requested in the length of 6-10 pages. Electronic submission is required. Details will be published at http://www.ips2006.org
All accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. Further it is planned to publish a post-workshop book. Paper publication is conditioned by paper presentation at the workshop.
Chair: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hofmann Salzburg Research, Austria
Members (status 07/2005): Antal Bulanza, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Attila Vidacs, Budapest University of Technology, Hungary Bernhard Hechenleitner, Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria Carsten Schmoll, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany Davide Adami, Consorzio Pisa Ricerche, Italy Dimitri Papadimitriou, Alcatel, Belgium Dmitri Moltchanov, Tampere University of Technology, Finland Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal Felix Strohmeier, Salzburg Research, Austria Gabor Vattay, Collegium Budapest Egyesulet (COLBUD), Hungary Gianluca Iannaccone, Intel Corporation, United Kingdom Giorgio Corazza, University of Bologna, Italy Giuseppe Di Battista, University of Rome 3, Italy Gregor v. Bochmann, University of Ottawa, Canada Ilka Miloucheva, Fachhochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Germany Luyuan Fang, AT&T Laboratories, United States Manuel Villen-Altamirano, Telefónica I+D, Spain Marek Dabrowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Markus Fiedler, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden Masayuki Murata, Osaka University, Japan Nail Akar, Bilkent University, Turkey Nevil Brownlee, CAIDA, Univ. of California, San Diego, United States Panos Trimintzios, FORTH, Greece Paul Van Binst, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium Pedro A. Aranda Gutiérrez, Telefónica I+D, Spain Salvatore D'Antonio, CINI, Italy Sándor Molnár, Budapest University of Technology, Hungary Sandra Tartarelli, NEC Europe, Germany Stefano Salsano, University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy Steven Van den Berghe, Ghent University, Belgium Stuart Parham, Cisco Systems, United Kingdom Tanja Zseby, Fraunhofer FOKUS, Germany Torsten Braun, University of Bern, Switzerland Udo Krieger, Otto-Friedrich Universität Bamberg, Germany Willie Donnelly, Waterford Institute of Technology, Ireland Wojciech Burakowski, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Felix Strohmeier Advanced Networking Center Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 5 5020 Salzburg Phone: +43 662 2288 443 Fax: +43 662 2288 222 E-mail: fstrohmeier@salzburgresearch.at Web: http://www.salzburgresearch.at
+++ Posted to members-istenext by "Edmundo Monteiro" edmundo@dei.uc.pt +++
participants (1)
Lars Wolf