[Fwd: Call for EUROCON 2005 IEEE Conference]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Call for EUROCON 2005 IEEE Conference Datum: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 14:21:03 -0400 Von: ieee-enotice@ieee.org Antwort an: office@eurocon2005.org.yu An: jaap@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de Referenzen: A11180820645603550021.jaap@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
Dear friends and colleagues,
Please join us and participate in
EUROCON 2005 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON "COMPUTER AS A TOOL" November 21-24, 2005 Sava Center, BELGRADE, Serbia & Montenegro
GENERAL THEME OF THE CONFERENCE: "COMPUTER AS A TOOL" is related to the following topics:
Computer-Aided Design, Simulation, Modeling, Signal Processing, Information and Communication Technologies, Knowledge-Based Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Automatic Control, Biomedical Engineering, Computer science, Computer Engineering, Computer Networks, Education, Electronics, Electron Devices, Electromagnetics, Measurements, Pattern Recognition, Image Processing, Multimedia Systems, Power Engineering, Communication Theory, Communication Systems, Wireless Communications, Telecommunication Networks, Optical Communications, ...
The above listed topics do not exclude submission and presentation of papers from other specific fields close to or related to the general idea of using the computer in various areas of engineering, technology and science.
Paper submission: July 1, 2005 (Please send papers as soon as possible !) Paper acceptance notification: September 1, 2005 Submission of the paper final version: October 1, 2005 Registration until: October 15, 2005 (Please register as soon as possible !) Final program: October 2005 Late registration: At the Conference Tutorials: November 21, 2005 (Please register !) Conference dates: November 22-24th 2005
In advance, regular fee ... Euro 180 At Conference, regular fee ... Euro 210 In advance, IEEE members ... Euro 150 At Conference, IEEE members ... Euro 180 In advance, reduced rate ... Euro 75 At Conference, reduced rate ... Euro 90 The reduced rate is mainly applicable to student participants and to some special cases. Applications should be sent in advance to office@eurocon2005.org.yu.
56: Intermediary DRESDEFF Dresdner Bank AG,Frankfurt Am Main, Germany 57: Account with institution: DBDBCSBG Delta Banka AD Beograd, Milentija Popovica 7b, Belgrade, Serbia&Montenegro 59: Beneficiary: /00-508-0000790.6 Drustvo za telekomunikacije, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, PF 3554, 11120 Belgrade, Serbia&Montenegro
Please attach name of the sender, address, phone, email - VERY IMPORTANT! Please indicate: "Registration fee for the Eurocon 2005 Conference".
IEEE Region 8, YU IEEE Section Telecommunications Society, Belgrade School of EE, University of Belgrade
EUROCON 2005 Internet site: http://www.eurocon2005.org.yu EUROCON 2005 Email contact: office@eurocon2005.org.yu Belgrade Tourist Organization: http://www.belgradetourism.org.yu Smart Travel Agency: http://www.smart4.co.yu
Beside the rich technical program, EUROCON 2005 Conference will include a great variety of additional educational, professional and social activities, including practical use of IEEE services, and making chances for professionals in the area to meet and to establish better contacts.
International conference EUROCON 2005 will be organized in parallel with the national 13th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2005. Events will be in the same conference center, with the joint on site management, joint opening ceremony, joint social events and exhibition. Everything else will be separate (committees, technical programs, sessions, conference proceedings, financial managements).
Serbia & Montenegro is the part of the Central and Eastern Europe region, it has a good air and land connections with all European and Mediterranean countries.
BELGRADE is especially known for its historical background, one of the most beautiful European positions on the confluence of the Sava and the Danube rivers, 24 hours intensive life and spicy foods and drinks.
Papers electronically submitted for EUROCON 2005 could include both expert and scientific articles containing original applicable or theoretical results of researches, of interest for a broad group of experts engaged in the field the article deals with. The authors are welcome to submit the articles comprising the applications of theoretical methods in solving specific engineering problems, presentations of new equipment and systems, results of experimental research, new realizations of familiar solutions, etc. The authors are requested to submit only those papers whose contents have not been notified, published or in any other way presented at any time prior to the Conference. The papers should contain original scientific, expert or applied results of the authors themselves. The results included should in no way violate the rights of other authors or organizations. Although all papers will be reviewed, the authors themselves are responsible for the publishing rights, originality and quality of their papers.
Papers should be written and presented in English language. Each participant can be represented three times at the most either as author or as co-author of an original paper.
The papers will be accepted for reviewing if they are: (a) received on time, and, (b) strictly prepared in accordance with the instructions for authors.
The papers sent for EUROCON 2005 will be subject to reviewing. The anonymous reviewers are appointed by the Program Committee. The authors will be informed whether their papers are accepted or rejected. The accepted papers will be presented in regular or special sessions. Only the papers with a favorable review will be accepted to be presented at the Conference and published in the EUROCON Proceedings, provided that the registration fee is settled.
All papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore database.
An accepted paper should be obligatory presented in authors sections by its author or the co-author; otherwise, it cannot be referenced as the paper published at the EUROCON 2005. By submitting the paper, the authors are accepting all the rules listed in the invitation. Papers for the review process are submitted electronically on-line with the web-server interface. Please follow the link Paper submission on the Conference home page http://www.eurocon2005.org.yu
Need our Word template? Download the TemplateWord.doc author's template for Microsoft Word. This file contains a template for you to use in creating your paper. You may also download the TemplateWord.pdf file if you just want the instructions and not the template. In the submission process, you are required to fill the form with contact person information, paper title, and names of all authors. Finally, the paper is uploaded in the PDF format. You will receive an e-mail notification after the successful uploading of the paper.
Paul Cristea, "Genomic Signal Analysis of HIV-1 Clade F RT Gene Variability" Sanjit K. Mitra, "Structural Subband Decomposition: A New Concept in Digital Signal Processing" George Moschytz, "Designing On-Chip Active RC Filters for the Analog Front End" Tamas Roska, "Cellular Wave Computing for Topographic Sensory Technologies" Tapio Saramäki, "Efficient Techniques for Image Re-Sampling"
Special Sessions are intended to present important topics with the objective of providing Conference participants with information on their current state of the art. Particular Special Session consists of several oral presentations and should not last longer than 2 hours. Papers for Special Sessions should be prepared according to the Instructions for the Authors for EUROCON 2005, available at http://www.eurocon2005.org.yu Paper length should not exceed four pages.
The organizers of the Special Sessions are responsible for the selection of the speakers and for the entire reviewing process. Special Sessions - Preliminary Program (Names of organizers)/(Titles of sessions topics)
1. Janko Calic, Ebroul Izquierdo: COST 292, New Trends in Semantic Analysis of Digital Multimedia
2. Charalambos Christou: E-Learning, Distance Learning: Bridging the Digital Gap
3. Heinz Göckler: Filter Banks -Novel Concepts and Applications
4. Simona Halunga, Octavian Fratu, Zorica Nikolic: Synergy Versus Convergence in the Wireless and Hybrid Mobile Broadband Communications beyond 3G
5. Dejan Popovic: Modeling and control for movement neural prostheses
6. Milica Stojanovic, Zoran Zvonar: Signal Processing for Communications
7. Branka Vucetic, Andrej Stefanov: Cooperative Diversity and Coding
8. Srdjan Krco, Srdjan Kostic: Mobile Applications: Opportunities and Challenges
9. Michael Ansorge: COST 276
Tutorials will be held on Monday, November 21, immediately preceding the main EUROCON 2005 conference. A series of tutorials will be presented in parallel sessions. Please register to the tutorial, when you make conference registration. The right to register for one or more tutorials is included in the conference registration fee. All Tutorials participants are strongly encouraged to register in advance for the tutorials because these tutorials have very limited places. Places will be allocated on a ‘first-come-first-served’ basis. Please choose preferred tutorials from the list below and also reserve tutorials using the on-line Conference registration page.
1. Datamining for E-Business on the Internet Nemanja Jovanovic, Valentina Milenkovic, and Veljko Milutinovic
2. Semantic Web Ivana Vujovic, Erich Neuhold, and Veljko Milutinovic
3. Digital and Analog Signal Processing using MATLAB and Mathematica Miroslav Lutovac, Ljiljana Milic, Dejan Tosic, Jelena Certic
General Chairman: Djordje Paunovic ( g.paunovic@ieee.org ) Vice-Chairmen: Ljiljana Milic ( milic@kondor.imp.bg.ac.yu ), Aleksandar Neskovic, Dejan Tosic IEEE Region 8 representative: Tariq Durrani IEEE Yugoslavia Section representative: Ninoslav Stojadinovic ETRAN Society representative: Branimir Reljin Telecommunications Society Belgrade representative: Sinisa Davitkov University of Belgrade, Faculty of EE Dean: Branko Kovacevic Conference Treasurer: Natasa Neskovic
__________________________________________________________ Manage your subscription at: http://ewh.ieee.org/enotice/options.php?ID=80149420&SN=JAAP&LN=REGION
participants (1)
Sven Jaap