Fwd: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE Communications Magazine - Consumer Communications Series CFP
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [TCCC-ANNOUNCE] IEEE Communications Magazine - Consumer Communications Series CFP Datum: Wed, 9 Jul 2014 14:13:52 +0100 Von: Dr Mario Kolberg mko@CS.STIR.AC.UK Antwort an: Dr Mario Kolberg mko@CS.STIR.AC.UK An: tccc-announce@COMSOC.ORG
IEEE Communications Magazine Consumer Communications and Networking Series Call for Papers for the December 2014 Issue Submission Deadline: 31 July 2014 http://www.comsoc.org/files/Publications/Magazines/ci/cfp/cfpcommagccnseries...
Perhaps, one of the biggest drivers for the many technological advances we see today is the need for faster and more reliable communications. Emerging applications of such faster and more reliable communications technologies include home entertainment, high-quality visual communication applications, massive multi-player gaming, and personal, body-area and sensor networking. Some of these applications will become key enablers where we are already seeing ubiquitous content generation, manipulation and distribution. For example, TV content (including both non-premium and premium) can now be viewed wherever we are and on any connected device - a concept called TV Everywhere. Another example is high-definition video telephony/conferencing and collaboration over smart connected TV sets. These are all made possible by networking, software and middleware that provide ease of use, security and stunning interactivity to the consumers.
We have also seen the technological reach of existing solutions being applied in unconventional ways where all aspects of our digital lives are being consumed to provide novel platforms where interoperation between disparate technologies is now possible. For example, the automotive industry is now producing cars that include ad hoc networks designed to provide multimedia solutions as well as links to wide-area communications via cellular or satellite networks. Using these networking capabilities and interfaces, we see automobile functionality being extended, blurring the boundaries between the car and conventional consumer devices.
With this in mind the IEEE Communications Magazine is seeking articles that emphasize consumer networking in whatever physical environment it finds itself. Particular topics of interest include:
* Emerging wireless technologies for consumer networking * Pervasive computing and contextual systems in consumer communications * Architecture, platforms and protocols for consumer communications, networked games and virtual worlds * Middleware for networked consumer devices * Media and device adaptation * Social networking and its impact on consumer communications * Home and networked entertainment * Home networking and automation
Submission Articles should be tutorial in nature, with the intended audience being all members of the communication technologies community. They should be written in a style comprehensible to readers outside the specialty of the article. Articles should not exceed 4500 words. Figures and tables should be limited to a combined total of six. Complete guidelines for prospective authors can be found at: http://www.comsoc.org/commag/paper-submission-guidelines. Please submit your article in the PDF format by the submission deadline via the Manuscript Central (http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/commag-ieee). Register or log in, go to the Author Center and select the topic "Consumer Communications and Networking Series."
Schedule for Submissions The next edition of the series will be published in the December 2014 issue of IEEE Communications Magazine. In order to be considered for this issue, papers need to be submitted by 31 July 2014.
Series Editors Ali C. Begen Cisco acbegen@ieee.org
Mario Kolberg Stirling University mko@cs.stir.ac.uk
Madjid Merabti Liverpool John Moores University M.Merabti@ljmu.ac.uk
participants (1)
Lars Wolf