Fwd: [InternetTC] [CFP] IEEE IoT World Forum 2024 (Ottawa, November 9 to13) - Deadline Approaching: May 15, 2024

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [InternetTC] [CFP] IEEE IoT World Forum 2024 (Ottawa, November 9 to13) - Deadline Approaching: May 15, 2024 Datum: Fri, 3 May 2024 17:57:03 +0100 Von: Lina Mohjazi l.mohjazi@IEEE.ORG An: itc@COMSOC.ORG
* Please accept our apologies if you have received multiple copies.*
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The 10th anniversary of the World Forum on the Internet of Things (WF-IoT2024) marks a significant milestone for this distinguished IEEE IoT conference and gathering. Recognized as a premier event in the IoT landscape, WF-IoT serves as a vital platform for both academic and industry professionals passionate about Internet of Things (IoT) advancements. WF-IoT seeks submissions and proposals for original technical papers and presentations that address the Internet of Things (IoT), its theoretical and technological building blocks, the applications that drive the growth and evolution of IoT, operational considerations, experimentation, experiences from deployments, and the impacts of IoT on consumers, the research community, the public sector, as well as commercial and industrial sectors. This anniversary edition promises to uphold the tradition of fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and exploration of the latest trends and innovations within the dynamic realm of the Internet of Things. The theme for WF-IoT2024 is “Unleashing the power of IoT with AI”, encouraging the submissions of content focused on aspects of IoT that cover most of our planet and the near-space environment. The World Forum will be held in-person.
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All accepted Peer-Reviewed Technical Papers will be included in the proceedings (in IEEE Xplore). A complete list of topics and____
directions can be found on the IEEE World Forum on the Internet of Things *Website*: https://wfiot2024.iot.ieee.org/ https://wfiot2024.iot.ieee.org/ ____
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**** IMPORTANT DATES ***____*
* Full Paper Submission Date: *15 May 2024 (firm deadline)____*
* Notification of Acceptance Date: *15 July 2024*____
* Final Paper Submission Date: *1 August 2024*____
* Submission Link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=31878 https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=31878 ____
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**** TECHNICAL TRACKS ***____*
* Sensors and Components____
* Connectivity____
* Security and Privacy____
* Applications and Use Cases____
* AI/ML and IoT____
* Autonomous Technologies and Cyber-Physical Systems____
* Digital Twins____
As part of the Technical Program, the World Forum is also seeking proposals for (1) Special Sessions consisting of peer-reviewed____
papers focused on research topics of importance to IoT; (2) Workshops, consisting of peer-reviewed papers, discussions,____
keynotes and summary results about advanced topics relevant to IoT. Workshop summary results will be edited and published____
as part of the WF-IoT2024 Proceedings; and (3) Industry Forums consisting of presentations, executive forums and panel____
discussions aimed at research topics important to industrial IoT issues. The proposals are due by 20 April 2024.Once accepted,____
proposers for Special Sessions and Workshops will issue an individual call for papers for selected topics.____
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* *Paper submissions for Special Sessions and Workshops are due *20 July 2024____
WF-IoT2024 will also feature the following:____
* Plenary sessions____
* Tutorials on Research and Industrial Hot Topics____
* Women in Engineering (WIE) Forum____
* Young and Professionals (YP) Forum____
* Masters/PhD Forum and Student Paper Contest (MP)____
* Entrepreneurial Forum____
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*The deadline for Tutorial proposals is* 15 May 2024 ____
*The deadline for speaker nominations and content for the WIE, YP, and Entrepreneurial Program is* 1 June 2024____
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Best regards,
/*Lina Mohjazi, PhD in Electrical & Electronic Engineering, SMIEEE*/ /*Lecturer (Assistant Professor), University of Glasgow, UK*/ /*Associate Editor, IEEE Communications Letters*/ /Check our new new book "*Intelligent Reconfigurable Surfaces (IRS) for Prospective 6G Wireless Networks* https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Intelligent+Reconfigurable+Surfaces+%28IRS%29+for+Prospective+6G+Wireless+Networks-p-9781119875253" Wiley-IEEE Press/ /LinkedIn: Lina Mohjazi https://www.linkedin.com/in/lina-mohjazi-03317437// /Google Scholar: Lina Mohjazi https://scholar.google.ae/citations?user=sv8FNxgAAAAJ&hl=en/ /Homepage: Lina Mohjazi https://sites.google.com/view/homepage-of-dr-lina-mohjazi/home?authuser=0 /
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Lars Wolf