[Tccc] CfP: ACM SIGMOBILE MobilityModels'08 at MobiHoc'08

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First ACM SIGMOBILE International Workshop on Mobility Models for Networking Research
Colocated with ACM SIGMOBILE MobiHoc'08
Hong Kong 26 or 30 May 2008 http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/srg/netos/mobilitymodels08/
*Scope of the Workshop*
One of the key issues in the evaluation of algorithms, protocols and systems for mobile networks is modeling node mobility. Different types of models have been proposed in the last decade, from those founded on purely synthetic movements, such as the ones based on purely random movements of the nodes to the ones based aiming at reproducing the mobility patterns inside specific places like campuses or cities. In addition, efforts to collect real traces of people movement have been made and traces have been made available and used in simulators. Despite these efforts, the problem of understanding and modeling mobility, and, more specifically, human mobility remains of great interest for the mobile ad hoc networks community, as many questions are still unanswered and evaluation methodologies still unsatisfactory. New insights and more refined and realistic models are still needed, bringing together real world measurements and mathematical characterization of node mobility. These problems are of interest to anyone working on mobile networking, as these models are often at the basis of the performance evaluation, comparison, and validation of new approaches and solutions. We solicit the papers on mobility models for various wireless networks including MANETs, DTNs and vehicular networks. Papers on mobility characterizations based on real traces are also welcomed.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers working or interested in mobility modeling and characterizations. We wish to build a lively forum to propose and discuss recent advances in mobility modeling both from theoretical and practical point of views. The workshop will be opened to contributions from researchers tackling the research problems in this area from different perspectives, with the aim of discussing the many open issues in movement modeling trying to identify novel solutions to be investigated also by means of collaborations among the participants of the workshop. We will welcome especially highly innovative and/or controversial contributions, debunking existing results or confirming existing models by means of new experimental results. Papers providing key mathematical insights on open mobility modeling issues will also be highly appreciated. We invite to submit papers in the following areas:
* Design, implementation and evaluation of synthetic and trace-based mobility models * Validation of synthetic models using real world traces * Mathematical characterization of human mobility * Analysis and characterization of dynamic network topologies * Mobility and connectivity modeling * Influence of mobility on radio characterization * Complex networks models for mobility modeling * Human mobility and social networks * Impact of mobility modeling on algorithms, protocols and systems performance * Network measurements and mobility characterization * Simulation tools and testbed for mobility simulation * Systems testing based on real world mobility traces * Mobility traces collection and data archive, including privacy issues * Mobility characterizations of real traces
*Submission Format*
Paper submissions is limited to 8 pages (10pt ACM format). Submission instructions will be available soon on the workshop Website (http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/research/srg/netos/mobilitymodels08/). The proceedings will be published by ACM and will be available in the ACM Digital Library.
*Important dates*
Submission deadline: 18 February 2008 Notification to the authors: 18 March 2008 Camera ready version deadline: 28 March 2008 Workshop date: 26 or 30 May 2008
Workshop Program Chairs
Minkyong Kim (IBM Watson, USA) Cecilia Mascolo (University of Cambridge, UK) Mirco Musolesi (Dartmouth College, USA)
Workshop Program Committee
Marcelo Dias de Amorim (LIP6/University Pierre et Marie Curie, France) Elizabeth M. Belding (University of California Santa Barbara, USA) Rainer Baumann (ETHZ, Switzerland) Augustin Chaintreau (Thomson Research Paris, France) Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge, UK) Nathan Eagle (MIT, USA) Mario Gerla (University of California Los Angeles, USA) Tristan Henderson (University of St. Andrews, UK) David Kotz (Dartmouth College, USA) Mehul Motani (National University of Singapore, Singapore) Brian Noble (University of Michigan, USA) Paolo Santi (IIT CNR, Italy) Giovanni Resta (IIT CNR, Italy) Thrasyvoulos Spyropoulos (ETHZ, Switzerland) Milan Vojnovic (Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK)
participants (1)
Mirco Musolesi