MobileHCI 2008: Workshop Proposals deadline 21 January 5pm CET
** In-Cooperation with SIGMOBILE event
REMINDER - the first deadlines for submission to MobileHCI 2008 are approac hing quickly
* Workshop proposals deadline: 21 January
* Full papers: 4 February
Our apologies in case of multiple copies.
MobileHCI 2008
The 10th International Conference on
Human-Computer Interaction with
Mobile Devices and Services
Royal Tropical Institute Conference Center
Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2 - 5 September 2008
MobileHCI is the leading conference in the field of Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. The 10th conference in the MobileHCI series provides a forum for academics and practitioners to discuss the challenges and potential solutions for effective interaction with mobile systems and services. It covers the design, evaluation and application of techniques and approaches for all mobile and wearable computing devices and services.
Categories for submissions
Full Papers / Short Papers / Posters / Demonstrations / Panels / Workshops / Industrial Case Studies / Doctoral Consortium / Student Design Competition / Mobile Experiences
Important Dates
21 January 2008: Workshop Proposal due
4 February 2008: Full Papers due
3 March 2008: Short Papers, Posters, Demonstrations, Panels,
Industrial Case Studies, Doctoral Consortium,
Student Design Competition due
7 April 2008: Notification of acceptance
28 April 2008: Mobile Experience proposals due
9 May 2008: Final camera-ready versions due
Suggested topics
* Audio and speech interaction
* Context-dependent systems
* Designing (interactive services for) Web sites for mobile devices
* Ethnographical and field studies with mobile technology
* Evaluation of mobile devices and services/Usability of mobile devices and services
* Group interaction and mobility
* Intelligent environments
* Location-aware interaction
* Methods to evaluate mobile usability/User experience research for & with mobile devices
* Model-based design of interactive mobile systems
* Mobile phenomena
* Mobility and work environments
* Multimodal interaction
* Novel user interfaces and interaction techniques
* Perception and modeling of the environment
* Safety issues (e.g., in-car user interfaces, payments)
* Specific classes of handheld devices (PDA, Pocket PC, WAP phone, etc.)
* 3D graphics on mobile devices
* 3G/4G devices and services
* Visualization techniques for the mobile context
* Interdisciplinary perspectives towards mobile interaction (e.g. Social aspects)
* User centered design tools and methods for mobile systems
* Wearable computing
* Mobile Entertainment
* Urban and Location based gaming
* Smart clothes
* Mobile social networks
* Mobile persuasion
* Personal monitoring & coaching with mobile devices
* Trust, privacy, content protection, legal aspects & issues in mobile applications & services
* Implicit interaction styles for mobile devices
* Studies on the use of mobile devices for special target groups (e.g. seniors)
Conference attendance by at least one author is mandatory.
MobileHCI 2008 is organized by Telematica Instituut and Philips Research Europe, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI and ACM SIGMOBILE.
For more information, please browse to or e-mail
We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!
Program Committee
Boris de Ruyter, Philips Research Europe, the Netherlands
Maddy Janse, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Kris Mihalic, Yahoo! Mobile, USA
Fabio Patern�, CNR/ISTI, Italy
Henk de Poot, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Panos Markopoulos, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg & CURE, Austria
Marc Smith, Microsoft Research, USA
Elly Pelgrim, Philips Research Europe, the Netherlands
Elisabeth Dykstra-Erickson, ACCESS Systems America, USA
Pieter Jan Stappers, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen & Fraunhofer IAIS, Germany
Organizing Committee
Henri ter Hofte, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Ingrid Mulder, Telematica Instituut & Rotterdam University, the Netherlands
Esmeralda Wouters, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Gea Costeris, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Olga Steen, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Joke Kort, TNO Information and Communication Technology, the Netherlands
Thiemo Burger, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Martijn Kriens, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Daan Velthausz, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Jozien Ensing, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Elize Harmelink, Philips Research Europe, the Netherlands Margot Franken-Richelle, Philips Research Europe, the Netherlands
Pieter Jan Stappers, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands
Rob Kottink, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
Johan Koolwaaij, Telematica Instituut, the Netherlands
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participants (1)
Robert James Steele