[Fwd: [Iscc2005] IEEE PerCom'06 cfp]
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [Iscc2005] IEEE PerCom'06 cfp Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 20:54:23 +0200 From: Paolo Bellavista pbellavista@deis.unibo.it To: ISCC2005@mail.ing.unibo.it
Preliminary Call for Papers [] []
Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on *Pervasive Computing and Communications *Pisa, March 13-17, 2006 *_ http://www.percom.org/
_** Sponsors: IEEE Computer Society, IEEE and The University of Texas at Arlington, IIT-CNR Pisa [] []
*IEEE PerCom 2006 will be the fourth annual conference on the emerging area of pervasive computing and communications aimed at providing an exciting platform and paradigm for /all the time/, /everywhere/ services. This emergence is a natural outcome of the tremendous advances in wireless networks, mobile computing, sensor networks, distributed computing, and agent technologies. PerCom 2006 will provide a high profile, leading edge forum for researchers and engineers alike to present their latest research in the field of pervasive computing and communications.
*Topics: *Contributions are solicited in all areas of pervasive computing research and applications. Topics include, but not limited to: · Pervasive computing and communication architectures · Intelligent environments · Wearable computers · Smart devices and smart spaces · Middleware services and Agent technologies · Wireless Sensor networks and RFID technologies · Positioning and tracking technologies · Virtual immersive communications · Enabling technologies (e.g. wireless BAN, PAN) · Mobile/Wireless computing systems and services · Context aware computing · Autonomic computing and communications · Programming paradigms for pervasive systems · User interfaces and interaction models · Wireless/mobile service management and delivery · Ad hoc networking protocols · Resource management in pervasive computing · Trust, security and privacy issues
*Important Deadlines: *Paper Submission:* September 5, 2005* Workshop Proposals: May 1, 2005 Demonstration Proposal: October 31, 2005 Acceptance Notification: November 22, 2005 Camera Ready Manuscripts: December 19, 2006 Conference Dates: *March 13-17, 2006 *
*Submission Guidelines: *Submitted papers must be unpublished and not considered elsewhere for publication. Only electronic submissions (PS or PDF) will be considered. Page limit is 12 pages (single column, 11 pt fonts and 1.5 line spaced, excluding references, figures and tables). Detailed procedure is available at *_ http://www.percom.org_* . All submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process managed by the technical program committee. IEEE Press will publish the conference proceedings. Papers of particular merit will be considered for a special issue of /Pervasive and Mobile Computing Journal/.
* Organizing Committee:
**General Chair: *Enrico Gregori - Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, Pisa, Italy* General Vice Chair: *Ali Hurson, Pennsylvania State University, USA *Steering Committee Chair: *Behrooz Shirazi - University of Texas at Arlington, USA *Program Chair: *Marco Conti - Istituto di Informatica e Telematica,* *Pisa, Italy
Ing. Paolo Bellavista, Ph. D. Research Associate in Computer Science Engineering DEIS-LIA - Università degli Studi di Bologna Viale Risorgimento, 2 - 40136 Bologna (ITALY) Tel# +39-051-2093866; Fax# +39-051-2093073 Email: pbellavista@deis.unibo.it Web: http://lia.deis.unibo.it/Staff/PaoloBellavista/
_______________________________________________ Iscc2005 mailing list Iscc2005@mail.ing.unibo.it http://calvin.ing.unibo.it/mailman/listinfo/iscc2005
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Lars Wolf