[Fwd: [Tccc] SECON 2007: 3 days to paper registration deadline!]

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [Tccc] SECON 2007: 3 days to paper registration deadline! Datum: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 13:57:29 -0500 (EST) Von: Vijay Raghunathan vr@ecn.purdue.edu An: tccc@cs.columbia.edu
**************** 3 DAYS TO PAPER REGISTRATION DEADLINE!! ***************
======================================================================== CALL FOR PAPERS
The Fourth IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks
Merged with IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc & Sensor Networks (IWWAN)
San Diego, California, USA June 18-21, 2007 ========================================================================
The fourth annual IEEE SECON conference will provide a unique forum to exchange ideas, techniques, and applications, discuss best practices, raise awareness, and share experiences among researchers, practitioners, standard developers and policy makers in the field of sensor, ad-hoc, and mesh networks and systems. IEEE SECON grew out of IEEE INFOCOM in 2004, in order to create an event that focused on the important and exciting topics of sensor, mesh and ad-hoc communications and networks. This year, SECON has been merged with the IEEE International Workshop on Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks (IWWAN).
Original technical papers that address the communications, networking, applications, systems and algorithmic aspects of mesh and sensor networks, as well as those that describe practical deployment and implementation experiences are solicited for presentation at the conference and publication in the conference proceedings. Papers presenting novel contributions in such disciplines as communications, networking protocols and architectures, algorithms, embedded systems, middleware and information management, and novel applications are solicited.
Full papers describing original, previously unpublished research work, experimental efforts, practical experiences, and industrial and commercial developments in sensor, ad-hoc, and mesh communications and networks are solicited. Authors are particularly encouraged to submit papers that have a deep focus on a specific discipline, are stimulated by the synergistic interaction of diverse disciplines, or describe practical application of technology to real-world problems. Submitted papers should not be concurrently under review at any another workshop, symposium, conference, or journal.
Specific topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Architectures and protocols to support wireless communication, localization, time synchronization, routing, data dissemination, and other distributed services in heterogeneous, large-scale, distributed mesh and sensor networks.
* Algorithms and theories for management, supervisory control, and monitoring of distributed ad-hoc networks, and techniques for the interpretation and use of sensor data in decision-making processes.
* Theories and models on fundamental information and communication aspects of wireless mesh and sensor networks.
* Mechanisms for authenticated, secure communication and data dissemination in sensor and mesh networks.
* Algorithms and protocols to support quality of service in mesh and sensor networks, including admission control, resource allocation and fairness, and capacity planning.
* Performance measurement and modeling techniques for large-scale distributed ad-hoc and sensor networks and their evaluation.
* Integration of sensors into engineered systems, including techniques for exploiting on-sensor renewable power sources, mechanisms for online self-calibration and self-testing, and schemes to maximize accuracy and minimize false alarms.
* Hardware platforms and testbeds incorporating multiple sensors, embedded processors, actuators, and wireless interfaces.
* Software architectures, middleware, and tools for mesh and sensor network applications development, deployment, and management.
* Practical implementations, case-studies, and real-world experiences in designing and deploying large scale ad-hoc, mesh, and sensor network applications.
SECON will also include poster/demo sessions that provide an interactive forum to present work in progress, showcase real system implementations, highlight industrial/commercial developments, and discuss key research challenges in the fields of sensor, mesh, and ad-hoc networks. Details about the poster and demo submission procedure will soon be available on the conference web site.
Paper submissions will be handled electronically through the EDAS web based system. Details about the submission process including formatting instructions and templates are available at the conference website located at http://www.ieee-secon.org/2007/.
Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be archived on IEEE Xplore. IEEE Communications Society policy mandates that all accepted SECON 2007 papers must have at least one associated registration at the regular rate. For authors co-authoring multiple papers, one regular registration is valid for up to three papers.
Paper registration: November 30, 2006 (by 11:59pm PST) Full paper submission: December 7, 2006 (by 11:59pm PST) Decision notification: February 26, 2007 Camera ready paper due: March 22, 2007
GENERAL CHAIR: Rene Cruz, UC San Diego (cruz@ece.ucsd.edu)
VICE-CHAIR: Wendi Heinzelman, University of Rochester (wheinzel@ece.rochester.edu)
TECHNICAL PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS: Kevin Almeroth, UC Santa Barbara (almeroth@cs.ucsb.edu) Robin Kravets, UIUC (rhk@cs.uiuc.edu)
PANELS CO-CHAIRS: Wenye Wang, NC State University Al Harris, University of Padova
POSTERS/DEMOs CO-CHAIRS: Mingyan Liu, University of Michigan Jie Liu, Microsoft Research
WORKSHOP CHAIR: Rajeev Shorey, GM Research
PUBLICITY CHAIR: Vijay Raghunathan, Purdue University
EXHIBITS CHAIR: Cedric Westphal, Nokia
TRAVEL AWARDS CHAIR: Srinivasan Ramasubramanian, University of Arizona
WEB CHAIR: Navid Ehsan, UC San Diego
STANDING COMMITTEE: Fred Bauer, PacketHop (fred@fredbauer.com) - Chair Hamid Aghvami, King's College London Mischa Dohler, France Telecom Harvey Freeman, Booz Allen Hamilton Sung-Ju Lee, HP Labs Prasant Mohapatra, University of California, Davis Krishna Sivalingam, University of Maryland, Baltimore County
TECHNICAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Available on the conference webpage
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participants (1)
Lars Wolf