[Fwd: E-NEXT.members: ISADS2007 CFP text]
-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: E-NEXT.members: ISADS2007 CFP text Datum: Tue, 6 Jun 2006 18:18:19 +0200 (MEST) Von: Mikhail Smirnov Mikhail.Smirnov@fokus.fraunhofer.de An: members@ist-e-next.net
Dear colleagues,
please pay attention to the attached Call for papers: the IEEE ISADS is a well established forum for autonomous systems, the next year it is even more AC-friendly,
kind regards Michael PS. sorry if replicated
-- Apologies if receiving multiple copies of this announcement --
Sedona, Arizona, USA; Wednesday March 21 - Friday March 23, 2007
Scope and Topics
Driven by the continuous growth in the power, sophistication, intelligence, adaptiveness, and openness of technologies applied in computing, communication, and control systems, opportunities and challenges for realizing highly complex, efficient, and dependable business and control systems have been steadily increasing. Dynamically changing social and economic situations demand the next-generation of systems to be based on adaptive and reusable technologies and applications. Autonomous Decentralized Systems (ADS) concepts and technologies are well researched in the past sixteen years to address these challenges. The past seven success symposia on ADS were held in 1993 (Japan), in 1995 ( USA), in 1997 ( Germany), in 1999 (Japan), in 2001 ( USA), in 2003 ( Italy), and in 2005 ( China).
While ISADS 2007 will primarily focus on advancements and innovations in ADS concept, technologies, and applications related to software-intensive adaptive systems and their enginering, other themes listed below are also encouraged. The ISADS 2007 program committee invites papers, workshop proposals, and panel proposals on the topics of the Symposium that will foster interactions among researchers and practitioners in computer, communication, management, control as applied to complex software-intensive adaptive systems and other related fields from academia, industry, and government. The topics in ISADS 2007 shall include, but not be limited to:
- Adhoc networks and sensor networks; - Advanced network infrastructures and internetworking ; - Assurance, fault tolerance and on-line expansion; - Autonomic computing systems; - Computer and communication architectures; - Autonomous and decentralized services, including service architecture, protocols, and collaboration; - Distributed and collaborative development, test, and maintenance, and development infrastructure of high-quality software systems; - Emergent control and robotic systems; - Heterogeneous distributed information / control systems; - Mobile agent /computer-supported cooperative works; - Model driven development; - Modeling and simulation of autonomous services and service-oriented application composition - Object management architecture, design patterns, application frameworks; - Service-oriented architecture, design patterns, and application frameworks; - Web services and Web-based application composition - Novel applications, including e-business, e-commerce and e-government; telecommunications; information service systems; manufacturing systems; real-time event management; office automation; traffic and transportation control; supply chains; environmental/emergency protection; networked health and medical systems; intelligent home control; wireless ad hoc systems; embedded systems for automotive and avionics applications
June 30, 2006: Workshop proposal due July 15, 2006: Acceptance notification of workshop proposals Aug. 15, 2006: Symposium papers and panel proposals due (Workshop paper's due dates will be announced in the individual workshop's CFPs) Oct. 30, 2006: Authors and panel organizers notified of acceptance Dec. 15, 2006: Camera-ready copies of all accepted papers, including symposium papers, workshop papers, and panelists' position papers.
General Chair
Kane Kim, University of California at Irvine, USA
Program Co-Chairs
Yoshiaki Kakuda, Hiroshima City University, Japan Eckhard Moeller, FOKUS - Fraunhofer Institute, Germany W. T. Tsai, Arizona State University, USA
Program Committee
Hafiz Farooq Ahmad, National University of Sciences and Technology, Rawalpindi, Pakistan Takeiki Aizono, Hitachi, Japan Stephane Amarger, Hitachi Europe SAS, France Xiaoying Bai, Tsinghua University, China Ramesh Bharadwaj, Naval Research Laboratory, USA Thomas Chehire, Thales ATM, France Valentin Cristea, Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania Simon Dobson, University College Dublin, Ireland Chun Fan, Microsoft Seattle, USA Xiaohong Guan, Tsinghua University, China Bernhard Hohlfeld DaimlerChrysler, Germany Hiroki Horiuchi, KDDI R&D Labs., Japan Hai Huang, Intel Corporation, USA Koji Ito, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Isao Kaji, Miyagi University, Japan Helen Karatza, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Roger Kilian-Kehr, SAP, Germany Jin-Hyung Kim, KAIST Moon H. Kim, KonKuk Univ. Sunggu Lee, Postech Carlos Perez Leguizamo, Mexico Bank Xiaodong Lu, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan Masayuki Matsumoto, JR East, Japan Takaaki Matsumoto, NTT Data, Japan Christoph Meinel, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Germany Yukikazu Nakamoto, University of Hyogo, Japan Depei Qian, Sino-German Joint Software Institute, P. R. China Ina Schieferdecker, TU Berlin, Germany Arnor Solberg, SINTEF ICT, Norway Yongdong Tan, Southwest Jiaotong University, China Tang Tao, Northern Jiaotong University, China Tatsuhiro Tsuchiya, Osaka University, Japan Akira Yamaguchi, ATR, Japan Franco Zambonelli, Univ. di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy
Steering Committee
Chair: Kinji Mori, Tokyo Inst. of Technology, Japan Kane Kim, Univ. of California at Irvine, USA Hiroshi Kuwahara, Hitachi Mawell, Japan Radu Popescu-Zeletin, FOKUS - Fraunhofer Institute, Germany Stephen S. Yau, Arizona State University, USA
Operations Committee
Yinong Chen , Arizona State University (Chair), isads07@asu.edu Xinyu Zhou , Arizona State University (Webmaster)
participants (1)
Lars Wolf