Fwd: CfP: 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2013)

-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CfP: 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2013) Datum: Tue, 9 Jul 2013 10:29:36 +0200 (CEST) Von: MUM2013 noreply@vmi.ei.tum.de Antwort an: noreply@vmi.ei.tum.de An: wolf@ibr.cs.tu-bs.de
------------------------------------------------------------------------ *Call for Papers*
/Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia/ (MUM 2013)
www.mum2013.org http://www.mum2013.org
December 2-5, 2013 in Luleå, Sweden
Organized by Luleå University of Technology in-cooperation with ACM SIGCHI
The 12th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2013) will be held in Luleå, Sweden, December 2–5, 2013. It is organized by the Pervasive and Mobile Computing Group, of the Department of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering of Luleå University of Technology, in cooperation with ACM SIGCHI.
*Important Dates:* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Paper registration deadline: *Aug 10, 2013 (23:59 PDT*).* Paper submission deadline (if registered before): *Aug 17, 2013 (23:59 PDT*).* Notification of review decisions: *Oct 7, 2013.* Conference dates: *Dec 2-5, 2013.*
*PDT = Pacific Daylight Time, e.g. San Francisco time
*About MUM:* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
MUM is a distinguished forum for advances in research and technologies that drive innovation in mobile and multimedia systems, applications, and services. At MUM academics and practitioners gather to discuss challenges and achievements from diverse perspectives, in a single-track conference format.
This year’s conference aims to continue the tradition of innovation and excellence in research established by previous MUM conferences. In addition to the peer-reviewed accepted papers, the conference program will include keynote presentations, posters, demos, an industry track, pre-conference workshops and a doctoral consortium.
Accepted full and short papers, industry track papers, demos and posters will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
*Full and Short Papers:* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
We welcome high quality full and short paper submissions that offer an original contribution relevant to the field of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Successful full paper submissions typically represent a significant advance for the field. Short papers offer a focused contribution to the research program. Short papers are not work in progress reports but offer completed, rigorously researched/developed work that makes a significant contribution to the field of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Short papers are likely to have a smaller scope of contribution than full papers, but they are expected to make a solid contribution to the field. Paper topics could include, but are not limited to the following:
* Mobile and ubiquitous multimedia applications and systems * Mobile user interfaces, interaction design and techniques * Mobile games, entertainment and advertising * Mobile social network and multimedia services * Context-aware and location-based mobile and ubiquitous services * Mobile Augmented Reality systems and applications * Architectures, systems and algorithms tackling technical challenges of mobile systems * Middleware and distributed computing support for mobile and ubiquitous multimedia * Tools and development systems for building mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems * Case studies, field trials and user experience evaluations of new applications and services * Social and privacy implications of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia systems
We welcome submission of high quality papers, either in full paper format (max 10 pages ACM format) or short paper format (max 4 pages ACM format), that describe original and unpublished research advancing the state of the art in mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Papers should be grounded in existing mobile and ubiquitous multimedia literature and knowledge, and should be written for an interdisciplinary mobile and ubiquitous multimedia audience.
Submissions should not have been previously published or be concurrently under submission elsewhere. Papers must be anonymized (remove author and institutional identities, acknowledgement) and must contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the paper's contribution to the field. Submitted PDFs must be no larger than 10 megabytes. Authors are encouraged to submit an illustrative video (max 20 megabytes) to accompany their paper and to demonstrate their system at the conference. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair (will be linked well in advance of the deadlines).
Submitted papers will undergo a rigorous review process, managed by the Technical Program Chairs. The final camera-ready versions of accepted papers must be accompanied by a signed copyright form. Accepted full and short papers will be included in the conference proceedings.
*Industry Track Papers:* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The Industry Track is targeted towards practitioners and professionals working in the field of mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. Industry Track papers should show the application, commercial aspects and practical challenges in the areas listed in the call for papers for full and short papers. Of special interest are also real-world examples that illustrate, e.g.: experiences in deploying and running such systems, lessons learnt in developing such systems and differences between research and practice.
The difference to the full and short papers in the scientific track is in the practical, rather than strictly scientific, nature of the submissions. We welcome submission of high quality papers, either in full paper format (max 10 pages ACM format) or short paper format (max 4 pages ACM format). Papers should be written for an interdisciplinary mobile and ubiquitous multimedia audience.
Papers must be anonymized (remove author and institutional identities, acknowledgement) and must contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly states the paper's contribution. Submitted PDFs must be no larger than 10 megabytes. Authors are encouraged to submit an illustrative video (max 20 megabytes) to accompany their paper and to demonstrate their system at the conference. Papers must be submitted via EasyChair (will be linked well in advance of the deadlines).
Accepted industry track papers will be included in the conference proceedings. Accepted contributions for Industry Track will have a presentation slot in the main conference.
*We welcome you to submit to MUM 2013!*
Sebastian Boring and Kristof van Laerhoven Technical Program Chairs of MUM 2013
Questions about this call can be directed to pcchair@mum2013.org mailto:pcchair@mum2013.org
*Committee:* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Conference Chairs:
* Matthias Kranz, Universität Passau, Germany * Kåre Synnes, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Technical Program Chairs:
* Sebastian Boring, University of Copenhagen, Denmark * Kristof van Laerhoven, University of Technology Darmstadt, Germany
Industry Track Chairs:
* Karl Andersson, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden * Matthias Kranz, Universität Passau, Germany
Demonstration & Poster Chairs:
* Nicolai Marquardt, University of Calgary, Canada * Jonna Häkkilä, University of Oulu, Finland * Andreas Möller, Technische Universität München, Germany
Publicity Chairs:
* Florian Alt, University of Stuttgart, Germany * Ulf Blanke, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Local Arrangement Chairs:
* Karl Andersson, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden * Kåre Synnes, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Web Chairs:
* Sebastian Boring, University of Copenhagen, Denmark * Kåre Synnes, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
participants (1)
Lars Wolf